Anakin Skywalker- Speeder (a)
Of all the planets in all the galaxies of course Anakin's speeder had to fail on this one. The murky, devilishly humid air clung heavily to your sweat ridden skin and sat in your dry throat. Anakin held up the last of your water supply, little more than a fingertips worth of water sloshed around the bottom of the shined leather canteen, the rest had been used by Anakin in a vain attempt to restart his speeder with little regard to a plan if his mechanical attempts did not work.
"Please tell me that we're not stuck out here with your piece of shit speeder?" Anakin harshly kicked the dormant engine and tossed the canteen into the dirt beside it. "I knew it wouldn't last long enough to reach the temple."
"Believe it or not I didn't expect to run into so much trouble, be grateful that we got this far." He perched on the speeder's seat and finished off what remained of the precious water. "Don't worry, we'll get there eventually though, luckily we're not on too tight a schedule."
"Fantastic." With your hand resting in preparation against the straight-edged hilt of your lightsaber you peered through the dense vegetation that surrounded you for what was possibly hundreds upon hundreds of miles. "I can't wait to walk. Why don't you try and contact Master Yoda, tell him we'll reach the temple in... I don't know, three months or so." Anakin glared at you with his burning eyes under a deep, furrowing brow.
"Don't act like it's my fault we're stranded here. I'm not the one that suggested coming here by land speeder." He tried again and again to ignite the engine, with each press of the lightly scratched button he became less and less hopeful that it would splutter to life.
"You're going too fast I told you. Did you listen though?" Anakin shot from his seat and began furiously rummaging through your joint belongings.
"Here!" He lurched over an empty sack, quickly filling it up with your spare clothes and whatever you would need for basic survival. "If you think you're more capable than me than please carry on. You can inform the temple of my incompetence and I'll wait here like the damsel in distress that I am."
"You're such a child Anakin, it really is no wonder that the council is so reluctant to grant you the rank of master."
"Excuse me?" He scolded.
Written by Aaron.
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