Anakin Skywalker- Duel Training: Part 2 (a)
"I'll be there in just a moment Master Kenobi." Obi-Wan nodded and let the heavy door close behind him, leaving Anakin poised above you, with the ability to execute you with only a single thrust. "I'm sorry." The blade descended into the handle and Anakin extended a friendly arm to hoist you from the padded floor.
"What... what happened to you?" Anakin tossed your lightsaber into your hands and brushed off his dark robes.
"What do you mean? Nothing, I'm fine. Are you okay?" He tried to leave but you grabbed harshly onto his shoulder and pulled him back. "What?!"
"I thought you were going to kill me Anakin. If Master Kenobi didn't interrupt, I fear you would have."
"Don't be ridiculous. We were duelling, just practicing some combat manoeuvres that is all. I am soon to be a Jedi Knight at the least, I would never harm when I wouldn't need to, especially a fellow Jedi." He stood with still a furrowed brow as you cautiously inspected him and attempted to tap into his link with the force.
"You have been through a considerable amount Anakin, heartbreak, pain, trauma. I know that the dark side of the force is going to be clawing away at you, but please resist it. You will one day be a master, and strong enough to rival Master Yoda himself."
"I have no desire to fall to the dark side y/n, you should stop worrying about other people so much. You should focus on yourself, especially on your combat form, you were far too easy to defeat. If I wanted to turn you into nothing more than a pile of robes and dust, there would have been nothing stopping me." Anakin let his mouth slip into that impish, confident grin again as he turned, unhindered to leave.
"Anakin, please. Listen to what Obi-Wan sais, it is a very slippery slope when dealing with the dark side of the force and enough has happened in your life that only a small push could send you into dismay." Anakin turned back with a stern, stonelike face.
"How about you listen, and you mind your own business. I am the chosen one, the person destined to bring balance to the force. I will do that, and nobody will be able to stand in my way. Not Obi-Wan, not Master Yoda."
"You are angry Anakin, angry and scared, I am not the only person able to see that." Anakin smirked and turned, briskly leaving the training room and leaving you fearful of events to come.
Written by Aaron.
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