Anakin Skywalker- Duel Training: Part 1 (a)
"I just don't understand... how could they possibly offer me a seat on the council without granting me the rank of master. It clearly doesn't make any sense. Obi-Wan constantly reminds me how great my potential is, yet never seems to act accordingly." Anakin ran his hands across the black nodules of his lightsaber hilt in a deep contemplation. "How do they expect me to bring balance to the force when they wont even recognise my power."
"Promotion to master has more to it than having great power and skill. You are only young and have much yet to learn, of the force and of life. Remember Master Yoda's words, don't let your hunger for power corrupt you, Anakin." The blue blade slowly fell from the handle and cast shadows across his face.
"Are you going to stand there and spew faux-wise nonsense at me, or are we going to practice duelling as instructed?" Anakin held his hands high, let the blade defensively cross over his form and waited eagerly for an attack to swiftly counter.
"Do not think I will go easy on you just because I have been a padawan for longer." He planted his feet firmly into the ground, strengthened his position and furrowed his eyes deeply under his brow.
"I wouldn't expect you too." Before you could draw your saber Anakin brought his blade behind his head and hurtled you across the room with a formidable force push, you heard the clashing of your blades hilt as it bounced across the floor and away from you. Anakin lunged forward and brought his blade quickly down, you commanded your saber back into your hand and sparks flew as your plasma clashed, giving you a small gap to kick him from you and to push yourself back up to your feet. It was only a short second before Anakin again charged, you parried his blow as he slashed across your chest and swept his leg, bringing him to the ground. You held out your hand, Anakin instead wrapped his legs around yours, twisted and tightly held onto your fallen blade. He stood over you, you felt the heat from his blade as yours wriggled helplessly in a tightly clenched fist.
"Okay, you win!" You tried to stand but he kicked you back down. "Anakin, I said you win, it's over." Again he pushed you down to the floor and proceeded forward with a pointed blade as you slowly pushed yourself backwards. "Anakin!" A devilish grin spread on his face as he seemed to have only a harmful intent on his mind.
"Anakin come on. We need to go, there is news regarding the Chancellor and Senator Amidala." Obi-Wan pushed aside the doors to the training room and Anakin snapped back into reality.
Written by Aaron.
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