Hold On
"Don't listen to him Anakin!" "
"It's not the Jedi way, he must live!"
"He's too dangerously be kept alive!"
"Please no!"
"I need him!"
"Unlimited power!"
"What have I done?"
As I was hearing these voices, they were mostly muffled, but I could make one out, clear as day. A voice I had no heard in almost a year, yet I could never forget it. The immense pain I was feeling through our bond only confirmed the fact.
I grabbed my head and stumbled backwards in my little apartment on Naboo. "Anakin," I gasped. I didn't know what was happening, but knew that my master was in trouble. I immediately turned on the holovision, and what I saw horrified me. Videos of the Jedi Temple in flames, clone troopers gunning down their Jedi Generals. The dead bodies of younglings and padawans strewn around the building.
I continued watching until I felt something else, I felt pain. Not emotional pain and turmoil like before when I heard the voices, but this time physical pain. Like my body was being set on fire.
I closed my eyes tightly due to the pain, and when I opened them, I wasn't in my room anymore. Instead, I was on dirty, black rock and sand. When I looked up, Obi-Wan was standing over me.
"You were the Chosen One!" Obi-Wan said. I was confused for a second, but then realized that somehow, someway, I was looking through Anakin's eyes.
"It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them," he continued. No, it couldn't be true. Anakin would NEVER fall to the darkness.
"Bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!" Obi-Wan concluded his speech. There were tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe it, I wouldn't believe it. There was no way Anakin would do what Obi-Wan was accusing him of.
"I hate you!" A voice called out, but it wasn't mine, nor Obi-Wan's. It sounded strained and full of hate. That's when I realized it was Anakin's voice.
Obi-Wan just looked at me, or I guess Anakin, and shook his head. "You were my brother Anakin... I loved you." And that was it. Obi-Wan walked off, and the vision ended. I stumbled a bit as I came back to reality in my Nabooian apartment.
I began to frantically search my brain for the planet Anakin could be on. Obi-Wan had left him there to burn, but I wouldn't. He was my master, my best friend, my brother. He's the closets thing to family I ever had, I wasn't just going to let him burn.
I mentally noted everything I knew about the planet based on the vision: dark sandy/rocky surface, extremely hot, volcanic, and strong with the dark side. The first three ruled out Moraband, as while it is extremely strong with the dark side, it's not volcanic like this planet was. I thought for a few more seconds before it clicked. The planet was Mustafar, a place I had visited once before to rescue some younglings that had been stolen by Cad Bane.
Immediately upon figuring out where Anakin was, I ran out of my apartment and hopped into the Twilight. I quickly put the ship into the air and began setting the hyperdrive coordinates for Mustafar. As soon as I had exited the atmosphere and had the coordinates in the ship, I wasted no time and punched it.
Each minute I sat in hyperspace, I felt Anakin's presence dwindle. I guess it was a good sign that he was still alive, but if I didn't get there quickly... I pushed the thought from my mind and got up to check the medical supplies on the ship. There weren't a ton, and based on how much pain Anakin seems to be in, there may not be enough here to save him. I'd have to be quick and get him somewhere with more sophisticated medical equipment.
Luckily Naboo is close to Mustafar so the trip didn't take long, and I was exiting hyperspace within about half an hour. I could feel Anakin's force presence hanging on by a thread as I landed the ship on a landing pad.
I sprinted down the ramp of the ship, but quickly realized I had no clue where Anakin was. I forced myself to stop and focus. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing only on Anakin and his force signature. It took a moment, and I began to grow impatient, but just before I decided to stop, I felt him, he was close.
Keeping my eyes closed, I let the force be my guide. I stumbled a bit over small rocks, but I could feel Anakin's presence nearing, until it felt like I was right on top of him. I finally opened my eyes, and what I saw destroyed me. Anakin's body, was almost completely on fire, his non-robotic arm and both legs were cut clean off, and he was on the verge of death.
"Anakin?" I questioned not wanting to believe it was him.
He slowly lifted his head up to look at me. "Snips..." he said weakly. "Is that you?"
I bit my lip, fighting back tears and nodded. "Yup, it's me Skyguy," I said kneeling down next to him.
"I-I'm sorry Snips. I let the Jedi down, I let Obi/Wan down, and most importantly, I let you down. I'm sorry I couldn't be as strong as I was supposed to. I'm sorry about everything I did. I deserve to die."
"No, no don't say that Anakin!" I said no longer worried about holding the tears in. "You can't die! You just can't! I don't know why I would do without you. You're the only family I've ever had, I've lost everyone, I can't lose you too!" The tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall at this point.
Anakin smiles weakly and reached his robotic hand up to wipe the tears away. "It's okay Snips. I'm okay with this, I deserve this."
"No, no you can come back! Help rebuild the Order, atone for your mistakes, make it all better! You, me, Obi-Wan, the rest of the survivors. We can make it through this!"
Anakin shook his head weakly. "No Ahsoka. It's too late for me, what I've done cannot be atoned for, you on the other hand have a bright future ahead of you, trust me."
"But Master, I cant do it without you! I'm lost without you!"
He smiled. "Don't worry Snips. I'll always be with you."
I didn't know how to respond, so I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around him. We sat there for a few moments as I felt Anakin's breathing slow.
"Thank you, Ahsoka," he said before his breathing stopped, and his body faded away. I grabbed at his cloak and looked around behind me, frantically hoping that this was some sick joke, that Anakin would pop up from behind me, okay and unscathed. Much to my dismay, nothing of the sort happened. I sat there, on the burnt beaches of Mustafar, clutching onto Anakin's cloak and crying my eyes out.
My master, no my brother, was gone.
Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you
Okay so it's currently 2:40 am, and I just wrote this in 40 minutes, on my phone cuz I was laying in bed and heard this song and had the idea for this one shot. So if there's more grammar or spelling mistakes than usual, that's why.
Also, needless to say, I cried while writing this, so hopefully you guys like it.
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