Father's Day
Anakin was sleeping peacefully, it was a Sunday morning after all, and Sundays were his day off. The war had ended almost four years earlier, and with no war to fight, he was needed less around the Temple and Order.
Speaking of the Temple, he was no longer living there, but he was living with Padme and his kids, Luke and Leia, in their apartment. The Order had found out about his marriage with Padme, and her subsequent pregnancy. Initially they were outraged, but after Anakin had found out the true identity of Palpatine, they relented and allowed the marriage. This sparked an Order wide change, attachment became allowed, and many Jedi, young and old, were now pursuing relationships. To the surprise of many, even the grouchy, strict code abiding man, Mace Windu, had a girlfriend. It was a prosperous time for the Order, everyone was happier and they were now back to being the peace keepers they were supposed to be.
Anakin was awoken by a set of loud giggles.
"Shhhhh!" A voice hushed. "You're gonna wake him up!"
"Sowwy," came the response from a little child, but the giggles didn't stop, they just got quieter. Anakin heard a loud sigh, and had to stifle a laugh.
Suddenly his door burst open. He acted like he was still asleep until two small bodies pounced on top of him.
"Ahhhhh!" He faked surprise, which was bought by the two giggling children.
"Happy Father's Day!" The two shouted in unison, still laughing.
"Thanks kiddos!" Anakin said ruffling their hair. Padme stood in the doorway smiling, but then walked over to the trio and leaned down to plant a kiss on Anakin's lips.
"EWWWWW! Mommy kissed daddy!" Came the response from Luke and Leia.
"Yes, little ones, that's what two people do when they love each other very much," Anakin said before giving Padme a kiss. The reaction from the kids was the same again, causing Anakin and Padme to laugh.
"Come on daddy! We helped mommy make breakfast for you!" Leia said grabbing her father's hand and attempting to pull him out of the bed.
"Alright, alright. I'm coming." Anakin rolled out of bed, Leia never letting go of his hand. As soon as he stood, Luke latched onto his free hand, and the two children practically dragged Anakin into the dining room.
They passed the kitchen on the way there and Anakin chuckled. The entire thing was a mess. Pots and pans everywhere, flour all over the floor and counters. It looked like a tornado had swept through it. He gave a regretful look to Padme and she just rolled her eyes. She knew that was going to be the result when she allowed the twins to help her.
Soon they made it to the dining room, and Anakin saw an amazing breakfast set out for him. It was all of his favorites from when he was a boy: bantha bacon, flatcakes loaded up with various toppings, and logra eggs.
"Wow... this looks amazing, thank you guys," Anakin said. He turned to face Padme. "How did you manage all of this? it's really hard to get this stuff all the way out here from Tatooine."
"Oh I have my ways," she replied with a wink and kissed Anakin on the cheek. Anakin just smiled at her and made his way over to his chair. Once he got there, he found a neatly folded piece of paper under the plate. He pulled it out. On the front it read, "HAPPY FATHERS DAY!" in big block letters. Anakin smiled and opened the card, on the inside was a drawing that made his eyes water.
When Luke saw that his dad had opened the card, he spoke. "Auntie 'Soka drew that. She's a really good artist!"
Anakin looked up and smiled at his son, and turned back to look at the card. Each person had written something inside.
I luv you daddie! Happy Fathers Day! It was in big sloppy letters. Anakin laughed as he knew that it was obviously Luke's writing.
Happy Father's Day daddy! I love you more than Luke does! Anakin laughed again. Leia and Luke were always trying to one up each other.
Happy Father's Day my former padawan. I'll never know how Padme is able to take care of the kids AND you. Anakin rolled his eyes. Even when he wasn't here his former master was still ripping on him.
Happy Father's Day Skyguy! Who would've thought it? You... a father? Like seriously, I always thought you hated younglings. (P.S. Sorry I couldn't be there, but I had other matters to attend to). Anakin smiled. He was glad that Ahsoka had decided to stay in the Order. Without her, he wasn't sure he would've been able to stave off the Dark Side.
He came to the last writing on there. Anakin, these last seven years have been the best years of my life. I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father for my kids. I love you Ani.
Anakin smiled and his eyes watered. He couldn't have asked for better friends or a better family.
Plo Koon was sitting in his quarters in the Jedi Temple meditating, something he did much more frequently now with the end of the door, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," Plo said, getting up and turning to face the door. The door opened, and he saw Ahsoka Tano standing there. "Koh-to-yah Knight Ahsoka. What brings you here?" Ahsoka smiled, she still wasn't used to being a Knight. She walked into the room and sat on one of the chairs Plo had there.
"Greetings Master Plo," Ahsoka paused, she didn't know why, but she was nervous. She took a deep breath and spoke. "I... I just wanted to thank you."
Plo was taken aback. "What for little 'Soka?"
"For everything. For coming to find me on Shili and brining me to the Temple, for being the father figure in my life and helping raise me since I was a little girl. You always made sure I was okay and keeping up with my studies when I was a youngling, and making sure I was progressing well as a padawan."
"There's no need to thank me Ahsoka. I was just doing my duty."
"No, Master Plo. You helped me immensely, whether you know it or not." Ahsoka reached into her pocket and pulled something out. It was a framed picture. She handed it to Plo. She wasn't sure, as she couldn't see his mouth, but she was pretty sure he was doing the Kel Dor equivalent of smiling.
"Thank you Ahsoka... I love it." It was a picture of the two of them from years ago, right around the time Plo had found her on Shili.
"Happy Father's Day," Ahsoka said with a smile, and then she hugged the Kel Dor.
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