A World Between Worlds
Ahsoka POV
I pushed Vader away from me using the force. This gave me just enough room to plunge my two white sabers into the floor of the temple, causing it to begin to crack. I bowed my head, I knew this was it for me. My journey was going to end just as it had begun– by Anakin's side. Even if he wasn't all there, I had seen his eyes flash blue for that split second, I knew he was still there, somewhere, and I also knew that one day we would be reunited.
Vader raised his saber to cut me down, but to both of our surprise a hand came out of nowhere and pulled me away from him just before he could strike me. He stood there dumfounded and fell down a chasm created by the collapsing temple.
Meanwhile I was flung backwards and hit the ground hard, but when I opened my eyes, I wasn't on Malachor anymore. I looked around and saw darkness, but also light. There were white lines that looked like pathways that led to doors maybe? I still wasn't sure where I was nor how I got there.
Suddenly I heard movement behind me, and a voice speak. "Ahsoka...?"
I turned around and looked at the source in disbelief. "Ezra?" I studied him, he looked a lot older than he was on Malachor. "You look... wait. What happened? Where am I?"
"You were fighting Vader," he paused, "I saw you in there," he said motioning towards the portal I assumed I had just come from. "He was going to... so I-I-I grabbed you, and I pulled you out of there.
I thought for a moment, not sure what was going on still. Suddenly I heard a voice "You don't know the power of the dark side."
"Anakin..." I gasped. Suddenly I heard a hoot and looked up to see Morai. "Morai? You're here?" The convor hooted again and flew over to me, landing on my out stretched arm.
"Morai?" Ezra quesioned.
"I am Daughter," we both heard echo through the space.
"She's an old friend... I owe her my life, and now I owe you that as well." I paused for a moment, still taking in the surroundings. "How did you get here? And where's Kanan?" I asked Ezra.
Ezra looked saddened at the man's name. He looked down and away from me. "You've missed a lot," was all he said. It took me a moment to understand what he was saying, but when I got it, my eyes went wide. Kanan was dead. I decided not to press further, so I turned around and began to walk down one of the paths. I wanted to explore a bit.
"This place is ancient... Like a- a world between worlds."
"Yea," Ezra replied. "It feels like that dream where I met Dume."
"The creature named Dume... It appeared after Kanan died? That has to be more than a coincidence."
"I know. Caleb Dume... a wolf named Dume... What does it mean?"
"Perhaps Kanan's will is still at work through the wolf," I replied.
"How could that be?" Ezra questioned.
"Well, Kanan is part of the cosmic Force now. There are ways those who have passed on may still guide or influence the living. It's not impossible."
"Than if it was Kanan who sent me here..." Ezra trailed off.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I thought I was sent here to stop the Empire, but then I found you. Don't you see?"
"You think that Kanan sent you here to help me?"
"Not just you!"
"Want a ride?" A voice called out that was clearly Kanan's
We both just looked in disbelief, searching out surroundings for the source. Ezra started walking away from me.
"I... I can do it!" He said turning back to face me. "I can save Kanan just like I saved you!"
"Ezra..." I started before being cut off by Kanan's voice again.
"You can learn what it truly means to be a Jedi..."
Suddenly Ezra took off. "Ezra, wait!" i said trying to stop the young boy, but he wouldn't stop. I paused for a second before hearing Morai hoot and fly off towards Ezra, I took this as a sign to follow and began to run after Ezra.
"Kid, I'm about to let everyone in on the secret."
"I survived one war. I'm not ready for another one."
Ezra kept running, and I kept chasing him. He paused every once in a while to figure out where the voices were coming from.
"Battles leave scars... Some you can't see."
"This way!" Ezra suddenly shouted veering to his right, and I followed. He slowly stopped and looked around. "One of these portals must lead to Kanan."
"Ezra, think about what you're doing," I said trying to warn him, but he wouldn't listen.
"I know what I'm doing! Here, in this place, I can change things... I-I can stop Kanan from dying."
"You don't know that," I said again, trying to stop Ezra from making a mistake.
"Yes, I do," he said even more adamantly. "If I can change your fate, I can change his."
Suddenly there was a whooshing sound from the portal behind Ezra, and the sound of blaster fire could be heard. A picture began to materialize, and suddenly we could see him. There was Kanan, holding back the explosion from the fuel tower.
"I can reach him," Ezra said confidently.
"Ezra," I started, "Kanan gave his life so that you could live. If he's taken out of this moment, you all die." I was trying to reason with Ezra. What I was saying was most likely true. If Kanan didn't hold that blast back, they all would've died in the explosion.
"You don't understand what you're asking me to do."
"Yes, I do," I said sadly. It was true, I knew the feeling all too well. "You can't save your master, and..." I paused, "I can't save mine," I finished as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm asking you to let go."
Ezra just watched the scene unfold in front of him. I could see the conflict in his eyes. He reached up a hand, but stopped, and watched as Kanan sacrificed his life to save theirs. The portal closed and Ezra turned around and began to walk away.
It pained me to watch the scene, and I knew it must've hurt him worse. I knew what it was like to watch helplessly as those around you were killed.
"I'm sorry, Ezra, but you must see. Kanan found the moment when he was needed most, and he did what he had to do, for everyone."
"That's the lesson. I didn't see it, but now..." he trailed off and let out a sigh. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes I wish my life were different. I-I wish I could see my mom and dad. Why can't things be like they were?"
"I know Ezra... I think the same thing everyday. What if things were different, if we could go back to our normal lives, before the Empire. But we must move on, all good things must come to an end."
"You're right," Ezra said with another sigh.
"Come on, let's get you back to your world, then I'll head back to mine." Ezra nodded and we walked in silence back towards where he belonged.
"Well... I guess this is it," Ezra said sadly.
"I guess so."
"Promise me, when you get back, you'll come and find me."
"I will. I promise." And that was it. Ezra stepped through the portal, and I was left alone in this weird world.
I looked around, trying to remember where I had come from. Suddenly I heard a voice, a voice I couldn't ever mistake, a voice I thought I'd never hear again. "You thinking what I'm thinking Snips?" It was undoubtedly Anakin's voice, not the mechanical half-Vader, half-Anakin, no it was Anakin's voice.
"Don't get snippy with me little one!"
"I would never let anyone hurt Ahsoka, never."
"You're reckless little one. You never would've made it as Obi-Wan's padawan... but you might just make it as mine."
My eyes began to water as memories of the times Anakin and I had spent together came flooding back to me. What if I had stayed? I was selfish, I left him, and now I see what he's become. I could've stopped this!
Then I paused. Could I still? I mean Ezra had pulled me out and saved me, could I go back and save Anakin? Sure I had just told Ezra not to, but that was because they all would've died if he pulled Kanan out. If I did this, not only could I save my master, but I could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
I shook my head. No, I can't, that wouldn't be right. I continued the walk back towards my portal. Suddenly though, I heard Anakin's voice again.
"Ahsoka wait!" I felt tears form in my eyes as I remembered exactly when he said those words. "Ahsoka I need to talk to you!"
I stopped walking and heard a whooshing sound, as a visual began to form in the portal next to me. When the picture became clear, I saw it. I was standing there, looking at Anakin. This was the day my life changed. The day Anakin's life changed. It was the day Ieft the Order.
"Why are you doing this?"
"The council didn't trust me, so how can I trust myself?" I heard my younger self say as I turned away from Anakin.
"What about me, I believed in you, I stood by you!" I coudl hear the hurt in Anakin's words as he said them. When this had originally happened to me, I was facing away from him so I couldn't see his face, but from where I was standing this time I could see it clear as day. I could see the pain, the sadness, the anger written all over his face, and it made my heart break.
"I know you believe in my Anakin, and I'm grateful for that, but this isn't about you. I can't stay here any longer, not now." I was starting to cry again myself as I was reliving the worst day of my life over again, a day that I tried so hard to forget. It was the day when everythign changed, and not for the better.
"The Jedi Order is your life! You can't just throw it away like this! Ahsoka you are making a mistake." I wanted to jump through the portal right then and there and agree with Anakin, tell my younger self to stay with the Order, to stay with Anakin, but I knew I couldn't.
"Maybe, but I have to sort this out on my own. Without the Council, and without you." I realized now how selfish I was being. If I had stayed, I'd still have Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex, Jesse, the whole 501st, all my friends. The Empire would not have come to pass, I know I could've prevented Anakin's fall.
"I understand, more than you realize, I understand wanting to walk away from the Order."
I saw my younger self give one last glance back at Anakin. "I know," she said as I watched her walk off away from Anakin, away from the Order. I watched myself descend the stairs, and from here I could see the look on Anakin's face, his pain, suffering, sorrow. He looked like he wanted to run after me, but he couldn't. I wasn't sure if it was because he was so shocked that it was actually happening, that he couldn't move, or if it was the fact that he believed what I had said, that I needed to figure things out without him.
Suddenly, I saw the picture begin to fade, and I knew what I had to do. Taking one last look around my surroundings, I jumped through the portal.
I landed not-so-gracefully with loud thud. "Owwww..." I moaned grabbing my head.
I could hear Anakin turn around in surprise and ignite his lightsaber. "Who are you? How did you get here?"
I got up and turned to face him. A smile spread across my face as I saw him again. It was really him, in the flesh. No tricks, no bullshit, nothing. He was really there.
"That's no way to talk to a friend," I said pouting.
He looked at me quizzically, but suddenly gasped. "A-Ahsoka? Is that... is that really you?"
"No it's Obi-Wan," I said rolling my eyes. Suddenly I was tackled into a big hug.
"Calm down Skyguy, I haven't even been away from you for five minutes yet and you're already acting like this?"
"I-I'm sorry Snips. I just thought I lost you." He pulled out of the hug and gave me a closer look. "You look... older."
"Well duh. I'm not the Ahsoka that just left you, I'm from the future, fifteen years in the future to be exact."
"So that would make you..." Anakin paused as he tried to do the math in his head. He never really was very good at it.
"32," I said cutting him off. "which makes me older than you," I said with a wink.
"B-but how? You can't just travel back in time. You came out of like nowhere."
"It's a long story Master."
"But why did you come back? I mean I suppose you probably missed me just as much as I missed you, but that can't be the only reason you came back?"
I sighed. "As much as I missed you master, seeing you again is not why I came. I came to save you, to save the galaxy." Anakin gave me a quizzical look. "It's a long story, and not one that I can entirely share with you. Just know that I will won't leave you this time," I said smiling at him, an action which he returned.
I hope y'all enjoyed my first one shot! This was an idea I had been toying with for a while and I wanted to make it into a full story; however, couldn't really think of a way to do it with a whole plot and everything, but I still wanted to make this one shot.
If you REALLY want me to try to make it a whole story lmk and I can try, but no promises.
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