A Night To Remember
"But Master, do we have to?" Ahsoka complained.
"Yes we do Snips. The council assigned us as security for the Senatorial Ball, so we have to do it," Anakin replied.
"More like you begged them so you could spend more time with Senator Amidala," Ahsoka whispered under here breath so Anakin couldn't hear.
"What was that?" Anakin asked. He stopped walking and gave her a look.
Ahsoka panicked. "I was... just saying how much I hate dancing."
Anakin nodded, buying the lie. "Trust me Snips, it'll be fun. You'll be able to just relax and act like a normal teenager for once. Make new friends, catch up with old ones."
Ahsoka rolled her eyes and sighed. She supposed it would be fun getting to catch up with Senators Chuchi and Amidala and some of her other friends in the senate, but she just hated formal balls.
"Now come on," Anakin said starting to walk again, "Senator Amidala agreed to take you dress shopping."
Ahsoka's eyes widened in horror. "WHAT? No way am I wearing a dress!"
"Well you can't just wear that," Anakin said motioning to her normal combat uniform.
"Well why not?"
"Because we need to blend in, and if everyone is all dressed up and you're wearing that, you'll stick out like a sore thumb."
"Yes because a seventeen year old togruta won't stand out anyways," she replied rolling her eyes.
"Well you have two options Snips. You can either, a) go to the ball with me, or b) stay here and meditate with Master Windu." Ahsoka shuddered at the mention of the Jedi Master. Neither her nor Anakin enjoyed the company of him, and they were sure he felt the same way.
"I'll go to the ball," Ahsoka replied with a sigh.
Anakin smiled. "That's what I thought."
Ahsoka walked back into the changing room and changed into the next dress. She had already tried on six others and was extremely bored at this point, but Padme insisted on her trying on multiple dresses. Sometimes Ahsoka would walk out and Padme would shoot it down right away and other times she'd say it looked okay, but wasn't perfect– the young woman insisted that Ahsoka's dress be perfect.
Ahsoka grumbled as she put on the next dress and walked out. "Please tell me this is going to be the last one," she moaned, but received no response from Padme. She looked up to see the young woman sitting there, mouth agape.
"Th-that... that's perfect," she said.
"Really? You think so?" Ahsoka asked spinning around.
"Yes, definitely. You look amazing." Ahsoka smiled, relieved, and walked back into the changing room to get out of the dress.
When she emerged, her and Padme walked to the register to pay. Ahsoka put the dress on the counter and reached for her credit pouch, but Padme stopped her.
"I got it Ahsoka," Padme said with a smile.
"Oh no, I can't ask you to do that."
"Nonsense Ahsoka. You're like a daughter to me, and seeing you in this dress tonight will be well worth it." Ahsoka beemed at Padme and hugged her. The senator returned the gesture and proceeded to pay for the dress.
The pair walked out of the store, dress in hand. "How come you didn't get one?" Ahsoka asked Padme.
Padme giggled. "I already have plenty, I don't need another one."
"Why'd you come then? I could've done this on my own, you didn't have to waste part of your day coming."
"Like I told you Ahsoka, you're like my daughter. I didn't want to miss your first time actually shopping! Besides, I love dress shopping even if it's not for me." Ahsoka smiled. "Now, let's get back to my place and get ready. I'll help you with your makeup and jewelry.
The two walked back to Padme's apartment in relative silence. Ahsoka was just thinking about the coming night. Maybe Anakin is right. Maybe this could be fun, she thought.
Once they entered Padme's apartment, the young woman entered the bathroom to get ready. She told Ahsoka so use the guest room to change into her dress, and when she was done Padme would help her get the rest of her outfit ready.
After putting on the dress, Ahsoka looked at herself in the mirror. It felt weird to be wearing something like this, something that wasn't practical like her combat suit. What if someone attacked the ball? How would she be able to fight like this? Giving into her worried, she placed her usual belt under the dress and clipped her lightsabers to it. Sure it was still impractical, but at least she had her weapons.
After giving herself one more look in the mirror, she walked to the bathroom to see if Padme was done. Upon opening the door, Ahsoka saw that she was almost done, and she looked amazing.
"Wow Senator Amidala... you look great."
"Ahsoka, it's Padme, please," she corrected. "And thank you. Now it's time to make you look even better."
"Oh I'm not sure that's possible..." Ahsoka said meekly.
Padme gave her a stern look. "Ahsoka, you're beautiful. I'm not the only one that sees it, you need to give yourself more credit."
Ahsoka smiled and sat down in front of the mirror as Padme went to work. Ahsoka didn't know what half of the stuff the young woman was putting on her face was, but she trusted her. After finishing the makeup, Padme brought out a box of jewelry and began to test different rings and bracelets on Ahsoka.
"And... ta da!" Padme said stepping back to admire her work. She must've tried ten different combos before finding one she liked, but she wasn't done. Padme took one last look at Ahsoka and frowned.
"What's wrong?" Ahsoka asked worriedly.
"It's... missing something. Stay here." Padme walked out of the bathroom and to her room. She returned a few minutes later carrying more jewelry, but this looked different. It wasn't rings or bracelets or a necklace. No, it looked like a headpiece.
Padme walked over to Ahsoka and placed it on her head. It fit perfectly, almost like it was made for her. "Now it's perfect," Padme said smiling. Ahsoka looked at herself in the mirror and gasped. Was that really her? She looked totally different, she almost didn't recognize herself, had it not been for her eyes and facial markings.
"Wow... thank you Padme!"
"Of course Ahsoka, now let's get going." The duo left the apartment and made their way to the Senate building where the ball was to be held.
(Here's what she looks like in her dress and jewelry. As you know by now I suck at describing clothing, so I figured I'd save all of us the pain and just show this pic lmao.)
Ahsoka walked into the ballroom and was immediately overwhelmed. She felt very out of place with all the rich, important senators. Sensing this, Padme looked at the young togruta and gave her a reassuring smile. I've battled Grievous and Ventress, escaped death multiple times, I can get through a silly dance like this, Ahsoka thought to herself. With newfound confidence, she strode further into the ballroom.
Padme introduced her to a few people, whom she talked with for a bit. She also caught up with one of her good friends, Senator Riyo Chuchi. It had been a while since they had talked so it was good to catch up with her. Ahsoka mingled with a few other people before taking leave and sitting at a table on the outskirts.
"Having fun Snips?" Anakin asked taking a seat.
"Yea I guess. It was good to catch up with Senator Chuchi, but other than her I don't know really anyone besides you and Senator Amidala."
"What about that Senator from Onderon? What was his name? Bonaroo? Bontano?"
"Bonteri?" Ahsoka asked with a giggle.
"Yea that's the one."
Ahsoka sighed. She was conflicted. She would love to see him again, but she wasn't sure he would want to see her after what had happened with Steela and Onderon, he probably hated her and never wanted to see her again. Besides, she was a Jedi... and attachments were forbidden, "purpose must come before feelings," as her Master liked to remind her.
"I don't think he's here. We've been here a while, but I haven't seen him."
"Ah that's too bad. Sorry you don't know more people Snips, but you can always make more friends. Just let loose, have fun," Anakin said with a shrug. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some matters to attend to." Ahsoka saw Anakin get up and walk over to Padme. She rolled her eyes. He wasn't necessarily trying to be discrete about it.
Ahsoka thought about what Anakin had said, and decided he was right. I need to let loose, I deserve to let loose, she thought. Ahsoka walked over to the bar to get a drink. Sure she was underage, but this is what normal teens did right? And Anakin had told her to act like a normal teen for the night, so she went through with it.
She got to the bar, but wasn't really sure what to order, as she'd never done it before. She decided to order what Anakin always did when they went to a cantina, a Fuzzy Tauntaun. Taking the drink and raising it to her lips, she took a hesitant sip. It tasted surprisingly good, and she proceeded to down the drink and order another.
Ahsoka took the second drink and walked away from the bar, so she wouldn't be tempted to order another one. She knew her alcohol tolerance wouldn't be that high, as this was her first time drinking. After finishing the second drink, she started to feel a bit tipsy. Nothing too bad, but she could definitely feel the alcohol working its magic on her.
Deciding she wanted some time to recollect herself, and just time away from the loud ballroom, Ahsoka made her way out onto the balcony. She stood at the railing overlooking the city. It truly was a beautiful sight once the sun set, though it had nothing on the natural beauty of her home world of Shili.
She felt another presence enter the balcony, but thought nothing of it. Ahsoka assumed it was probably just another person who wanted a break from the ball. However, she grew worried when she felt the person make their way towards her. She subconsciously began to reach for her sabers, but stopped when the person spoke.
"Ahsoka, is that you?" The person asked softly.
She turned around slowly, and saw the origin of the voice. "L-Lux?"
Lux pulled Ahsoka into a tight hug, which surprised her. She wasn't complaining though as she gladly returned the hug.
He pulled out of the hug much to Ahsoka's dismay. "It's been far too long. It's really great to see you again." Lux ran a hand through his hair, and Ahsoka felt butterflies in her stomach. She loved it when he did that, she didn't know why, but she did.
"It's only been a few months," Ahsoka giggled.
"Which is far too long for me to be away from you," he replied.
Ahsoka's lekku darkened and she looked away. Is-is he trying to flirt with me? Suddenly her demeanor changed. "I-I'm sorry Lux," she said solemnly.
Lux looked at her confused. "For what Soka?"
She felt her lekku darken and the butterflies in her stomach returned again when he called her that, but she quickly regained her composure. "For not being strong enough. Had I been more attuned to the force, had I been stronger, I would've seen that ship. I could've saved Steela. I know how you felt about her, and I'm really surprised you can even stand to look at me anymore." Ahsoka was frowning and looking away from Lux. She could feel tears forming in her eyes as she replayed that moment in her mind.
Lux frowned himself, and grabbed Ahsoka's chip, bringing her to face him again. He wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Ahsoka... it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for that, she wouldn't want you to. I've moved past it, and you need to as well. Besides... there's another girl I had my eye on long before Steela."
Ahsoka broke inside when he mentioned another girl. She had never even crossed his mind in the way he had hers. She wasn't surprised though, she was ugly, and no one would ever love her, which was probably for the best due to her status as a Jedi.
Against her better judgment, Ahsoka asked the question: "Who is it?"
"Well... I can't necessarily tell you, but she's amazing. Strong, brave, fearless, kind, caring, funny, beautiful... the list goes on and on. I'm crazy about her." Every word he said made Ahsoka's heart break even more. This girl was everything she wasn't, and the way Lux looked when he talked about her, it looked like he was hopelessly in love with her. "But... I'm not sure she feels the same way about me as I do her," Lux finished.
"I'm sure she'd say yes if you asked her. You're amazing Lux, and any girl would be lucky to have you. Besides, the worst thing she can do is say no." Even though she was heartbroken, Lux was still her friend and she wanted to support him all the way.
"You're right Ahsoka. I think I'm just gonna go for it." Ahsoka smiled at him, if he was happy, she was happy.
Suddenly, Lux kissed her. She was so surprised she didn't even kiss back. It didn't last long, but when they parted Lux blushed and looked away from her.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"Well yea. What would this mystery girl of yours think if she saw you kissing someone like me?"
Lux sighed and looked back at her. "Ahsoka... you still don't get it do you?"
Ahsoka cocked her head to the side. "Get what?"
"That mystery girl, she's... you."
Ahsoka was so surprised she didn't know what to say. Part of her was elated, and wanted to jump at Lux and kiss him, but the other part told her that he was just drunk and trying to get in her pants.
"Lux that's very flattering, but I'm none of that stuff you said, especially not beautiful."
"Ahsoka! Don't you ever say that. You are the most amazing girl in the galaxy, and I meant every word I said, especially the part where I said you're beautiful . I am crazy in love with you Ahsoka Tano, I just hope that those feelings are reciprocated."
Ahsoka looked at him stunned. Never in a million years would she ever think that Lux Bonteri would tell her he loved her. She knew she shouldn't, because of the Jedi and everything, but she pushed those thoughts away. She was sure that this was her destiny, that he was her destiny.
She finally threw herself at Lux, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. He placed his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. After a little while, they parted from the kiss, resting their foreheads on each others, looking deep into each others eyes.
"I love you too Lux Bonteri," Ahsoka whispered before bringing him in for another kiss. This was the best night of her life.
Wow took me a while to update something haha. Sorry bout that, but I've just had a lot going on the last four or five days between work and grad parties. I'll try to get some more updates out in the next few days!
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