Kalc sat up with a gasp, he was drentched in sweat. He shut his eyes and let himself fall back into the bed. Another nightmare, another sleepless night coming up. He looked over at the bed his new 'friend' was supposed to be in but as normal he was not. He stood up and walked out of the room and seated himself on the couch. He leaned his head agaist the wall of the ship and listend to the gental hum of the engin.
"Can't sleep?" Nas asked from the doorway of the room. Kalc replied with a small nod and Nas gave him a gental smile. "I did learn a trick growing up that helped when I could not sleep." He said as he walked over.
"What?" Kalc asked looking up at him.
"Scootch over and I'll show you," Nas replied. Kalc moved over and moved his feet off the coutch. Nas sat down next to him and turned on the computer in front of them and started serching the holonet for something.
"What are you looking for?" Kalc asked titling his head to the side.
"Strange videos and movies. The best cure for not being able to sleep, watching randomness with junk food." Nas replied as he started to play something that had nexu kitten chasing a mouse droid. Kalc just sat back and watched while Nas brought over some junk food that they got along with some drinks. Nas sat back down and kicked his feet up.
They spent the rest of the night laughing and serching through strange holovideo's and old holonet movies. They somehow got to one of a jedi hitting himself in the head with his own lightsaber. As they were watching Kalc fell asleep and Nas smiled and laid a blanket over him.
"Strang video's and junk food. Always works." Nas said as he leaned back to contiue watching the strange video's coming up.
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