Part one : The weird menace
The door exploded into huge flames of dust. The people who came in was the Imperial Forces, lead by White veder . troopers were coming from every exit , leaving no way to get in or out. we were surrounded by stormtroopers . the last thing i wanted a stupid guy to do is to start firing a random firework or a blaster. annnnnnnnnddddddd the guy did . ( i hate him ) . everyone ran in chaos to their fighter jets to get out but the stupid oil guy did not do it ! ( damn you mr oil man !!!!!!) .
white veder: leave no one behind !
troopers : yes sarge !
i was the only person smart enough to get out cause the rest of the freaking crew is so dumb ! like i said i went into a shuttle pod and i crash landed on a land called Hoth . i met mr Leie and mr jane walker . they took me into a small like cabin in the middle of nowwhere to keep me from the blazing winds on the planet surface of this HOTH thing . i knew the imperial army is still out looking for me and still searching but i will defeat them ...... in 500 years time .
On a special day i was called on a mission to go to the Jedi clan hall meeting to gat a job to do and guess what ? i did ! it was a job to take out the laudry ! little at first, dont judge meh. day after day i got more jobs to do and more things to worry about . Until one day it arrived . My mission . I had to go to the plante tatoonie to kill some Tusken raiders or what i like to call it weird freaks of nature . i got there and they already knew .
Tusken leader : krrga kragg krgagg
me : I DONT KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then i stared randomly pulling the trigger and that's when shit happened. they satrted opening fire , i started opening fire and laser were everywhere !!! i only just shot and shot and shot till i realized i was shooting a tree....... dont judge. i took out my t-9876 or what i like to call it big gun and shot at th freaks. they all fell onto the thick solid ground dead . i went to them and took out my golden knife and started cutting out their hearts . i drank the blood for juice and ate the rest for protein . is till had to continue my job . and so i checked my notes.
kill tusken . check
eat heart . check
steal info. going to check soon
i went into their control room and stole more stuff that i can remember ! like ipad and iphone and shit like that .
suddnely a big storm approached and i knew what was going to happen. THE CLONE HUGS .......
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