Song: "Miracle of Life" - Nick Murray and Roger Shah
General Leia feared for Rey. Four hours later, she had yet to return with Shudu. She also felt a great disturbance in the Force. A familiar presence haunted her when she was Rey's age. She remembered Luke's pain when he called her from Cloud City, and the pain Emperor Palpatine unleashed on him from the Force lightning. Now, instead of Luke's, she felt Rey's pain. Something had happened.
Leia cringed on her chair and nervously chewed her nails. Akinli, Akon, Beatrice, and Temiri played on the academy's playground behind her. They took turns driving a toy spaceship and pretended they were the Big Four themselves: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewbacca.
Just watching them, Leia remembered her own childhood on Alderaan. That was when life was much simpler. Now, there she was, a general trying to keep the Resistance from going extinct. Leia was growing older. Eventually, she would have to turn her position over to a robust youth. She did not know how much more of this she could take. If Leia lost Rey, what would become of her? Who else, aside from the young woman, could be an exceptionally decent Resistance leader?
Shudu still waited on the beach for Rey. It had been a good four hours. However, he smiled when he saw the familiar figure of a water speeder coming back from Dark Side Island.
At the sight of Shudu waiting for her, Rey was so surprised that she screeched the vehicle to a halt before him. She stopped so abruptly that wham! She flew over the speeder's handlebars.
Shudu watched wide-eyed as she whizzed through the air and crash-landed at his feet. "Oomph!" she yelled.
Shudu burst out laughing. He slapped his hands to his mouth. Between giggles, he asked, "Are you okay?"
"Shudu! Why are you still here?" Rey pulled her aching body off the ground. She brushed the sand off her pants, blushing so hard that her cheeks hurt.
Shudu crossed his arms. "Isn't it obvious? I wanted to make sure you got back safely."
"That's very considerate of you, but I told you to return to General Leia! I'm sure she's worried sick!"
"Then why don't we go back together? Rey, please, I just want to protect you."
"Protect me?" Rey shuffled uncomfortably from where she stood. "You know I'm eleven years older than you, right?"
"I do, but still. So, are we going to return to base or not?"
Leia sighed with relief when two familiar forms emerged from the top of the hill before her and stepped onto the playground.
"Master Rey!" shouted Temiri, Beatrice, Akon, and Akinli. Instantly, they put their game on hold and ran to meet her.
Shudu hid behind Rey. He shivered with fear when they reached her.
"Are you in one piece?" Akinli wanted to know.
"You were gone for so long!" sobbed Beatrice.
"Can I touch your lightsaber?" asked Akon.
"Pay them no attention, Master Rey," Temiri said with a goofy smile. "Instead, you should listen to me."
Rey pushed the children off her. She started toward Leia.
Except, the children weren't going to let her off that easily.
Temiri dove onto his front and grabbed her ankle. When Rey tried to shake him off, he refused to let go. Therefore, she dragged him to Leia with her.
"Well, the children are happy to see you," Leia chuckled. With the help of her cane, she pushed herself to her feet.
"Maybe a little too happy?" asked Rey. She lifted the foot Temiri clung to.
"Oh, Rey, you must learn to have a sense of humor. They were just worried about you. As was I." Leia's eyes rolled over to Shudu, who continued to hide behind her. "Shudu! There you are! Thank goodness!" She pulled the shy nine-year-old away from Rey and embraced him. "Where were you?"
"On the beach," he answered. "I refused to leave until Rey returned."
"Shudu!" Rey blurted out, but it was too late.
Leia gave her a funny look and said, "I see. Well, let's get you kids some dinner and show Temiri here his quarters. As for you, Rey, your friends are looking for you."
"They are?" A shiver ran down Rey's spine. "What do they want?"
"Oh, come on, dear!" laughed Leia. "They haven't seen you in three days. They want to know how your mission went."
"It went fine. I brought Temiri back. Isn't it obvious?" Once again, Rey lifted the foot Temiri clung to. "I apologize, General, but I just want to be left alone. Excuse me." She dipped her head to Leia and pulled Temiri off her foot like duct tape. She set him down beside her and silently headed toward the Resistance base.
Behind, the children and Leia watched.
After a moment of silence, Shudu peered up to Leia. "Was it something I said?"
Rey entered the busy Resistance base and headed toward her room.
She got no more than fifty steps in when she suddenly heard, "Rey! There you are!" It was Finn, her first friend who she had met on Jakku.
He jumped up from a game of Dejarik with Chewbacca and hurried to her.
"Finn," Rey spoke in a low voice, but she said no more because Finn hugged her tightly.
"How the devil are you?" he asked with a huge smile. "It feels like it's been forever since we last saw each other."
"Finn, I was gone for just three days."
"Three days? More like a century!" Finn dragged the young woman into a second hug and then a third.
Another familiar voice spoke up from off to the side. "Master Rey! So good to see you again!" It was See-Threepio (C-3PO). He, too, came within reach of Rey, with Artoo-Deetoo (R2-D2) close on his heels. "I estimated that the odds of you returning safely were—"
"Tikki, tikki, tikki," said another voice. "We don't need to hear that again, Threepio. You've been telling us a hundred times a day." Poe Dameron pushed 3PO off to the side and stopped before Rey. "Nice to see you again, Rey."
"And you, too, Poe." Even though Rey told Leia she wanted to be left alone, the thought of being surrounded by her friends again comforted her. Maybe it wasn't so bad they came to welcome her home after all.
After Poe came Rose Tico, Finn's girlfriend. She took his shoulder and rested her head on it. "I was wondering what all the commotion was about, and look who it is."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment or a complaint?" Rey wanted to know. There was a touch of jealousy in her voice.
"Whoa! Easy there, tiger!" Rose lifted her hands and stepped away from her. "You need to learn to take a joke."
"She's happy to see you, too," Finn told Rey.
As he said that, a furry bundle came between him and his friend. Two strong arms wrapped Rey in what looked like a blanket.
"What's all this, Chewie?" she asked the Wookie. "You went with me to Canto Bight."
"True, but you know how huggable Wookies are," chuckled Finn.
The last one to greet Rey home was Bee-Bee-Ate (BB-8). He rolled to her after Chewie let her go. He squealed excitedly as he circled her.
"Bee-Bee-Ate!" Grinning, Rey kneeled to the droid. She hugged him. "It's so good to see you again!"
BB-8 repeated the message through a confusing number of beeps and clicks.
"Tell us everything that happened!" Finn said ten minutes later. He, Rey, Poe, Chewbacca, and Rose sat at a circular table in the base's lounge. They shared a platter of snacks and had some drinks to accompany them.
Rey's answer was simple because she wasn't in the mood to talk right now. "All I did was walk into the casino, and I asked where I could find Temiri. The man pointed me to the stables, and there he was."
"A man, huh?" Finn asked. "Was he cute?"
"What? I want to know everything that happened."
"I'm not interested in boys, thank you very much," Rey said. "Right now, I have more pressing priorities. We may be living large here on Supher, but outside our protective borders, the First Order reigns. So, instead of asking me if the man I met was cute, why don't you tell me our plan to take them out?"
"You're the one who found the next Jedi Academy," Finn sternly said. "I think that is a question you must ask yourself."
"What is there to ask?" Rey pushed her chair out and stood up. "Finn, you, Poe, and Rose know your place in this galaxy, but me... I'm still searching."
"And that's nothing to be ashamed of," Poe said. He took a sip from his drink. "Rey, we've talked to General Leia about this, and she agrees that we think you've taken this whole recruiting Force-sensitive people and aliens for a Resistance army a little too far."
"At the end of the day, this is your fight," Rose said. "It's not ours. You're the only one who knows Kylo Ren best. Maybe you should reason with him."
"Reason with him? You've got to be joking." Scoffing, Rey turned her back to her friends. She crossed her arms. "I never want to see that monster again!" With her following sentence, she lowered her voice. "Excuse me, I need some air." Rey left her friends and headed back outside to Supher's warm atmosphere.
Behind, Poe took a deep breath. He exchanged glances with Finn and Rose. "Well, that went well."
"Oh dear, oh dear," 3PO said.
Chewie whined. R2 and BB-8 pressed against his fur for comfort.
Rey walked under the setting tropical sun to one of her favorite beaches, Palm Tree Beach. It was her go-to place after a stressful day at the academy. She had to admit that the stress and fear she felt were killing her. Like any other beach on Supher, Palm Tree Beach had fluffy, white sand and turquoise water. It got its name from the forest of palm trees that inhabited it.
Under the rays of the evening sun, the conflicted Jedi pulled her hair out of its three buns and let it flop down over her shoulders. She sat down on a hanging palm tree, which overlooked the No'Ela Lagoon, and stared at the orange water.
She thought about what her friends told her in the base.
"You've taken this whole recruiting Force-sensitive people and aliens for a Resistance army a little too far. At the end of the day, this is your fight. It's not ours."
"I don't belong here," Rey mumbled. A tear ran down her cheek. "I don't belong anywhere." She peered down to a pool of water under the palm tree she sat on and let the warm water wash over the toes of her boots.
It wasn't long until somebody appeared behind her. Leia plopped a blanket down on the young woman's shoulders.
Rey felt her presence, but she said not a word.
Leia sat down beside her and leaned on her cane. She looked out to the orange-tinged lagoon with her. "It's beautiful."
"I hate it. I hate that it's so peaceful," Rey responded.
In a gentle voice, Leia said, "Rey, listen to me. Destiny is not a horse. You must learn to trust yourself."
Rey cringed at the words. "Did Poe tell you what happened in the common room?"
"It was Finn, actually. He told me he was worried about you and wanted me to check on you."
"I'm fine, Leia. Okay?" Lowering her head, Rey put her hands in her lap. She hoped Leia didn't see the blood stain starting to appear on the cloth she wore around the wound she got from the creature.
It didn't look like she did, but she did say, "You're not okay, Rey. I can feel it. Let me tell you a story. When I was your age, and the Rebels gave me the plans for the Death Star, I knew I could get them to Artoo safely and soundly. Vader did kidnap me after I did, but at the end of the day, I met my brother, Han, and Chewbacca. We formed a great bond that I can still feel its influence today. When I was young and impulsive, Luke felt the Light energy spewing from Vader. He was confident he could turn him back to the Light side and did not give up until he did. Sure, he had some falls along the way, but none mattered. What mattered was that he finally had his dad back. My point is, while I do agree there needs to be a new Jedi Order, I do not think we need to use our students as a shield for you to hide behind. You must come out of your shell, Rey, like Luke and I, and confront Ben again."
"But look what happened last time. I tried, Leia. I really did." Rey choked on her words. "And I failed." Tears fell from her hazel brown eyes. They splashed into the pool under her feet. Her hair curled in the warm, tropical breeze. "I'm not Luke, Leia, and I'm not you."
Leia shook her head. "Truer words were never spoken. No, you're not, but you are somebody. You're Rey, the most courageous, kindest, and beautiful girl I have ever met, who has a talent with the Force like none other. I am proud to call you my friend."
Rey cried harder. That was the kindest thing anyone ever said to her, and it didn't end there.
"My Ben needs you," Leia continued. "You are the only one who can save him. He feels a connection when he's with you. I know this because I feel it, too. He is also my son. He wants to return to the Light side but can't do it without you. Think about that. Okay, my dear?"
The general kissed Rey's cheek and hopped off the palm. On her way back to the Resistance base, she said one last thing to her. "Who knows? You may actually enjoy it."
Rey did exactly what Leia told her to do. She considered her words. Trust. Was that really all she needed to win the war? Instead of an army, was her academy just creating a shield for her to hide behind? With so many thoughts swarming around inside her head, the young Jedi hopped off the hanging palm tree and came within reach of the lagoon's edge. She hopped across a few rocks that rested in the shallow water to get closer to the ocean.
Rey's eyes landed on the line where the reef met the ocean, but she froze from where she stood. She felt something unsettling. It was reminiscent of her feeling when she went to Dark Side Island. She rested her hand on her lightsaber and continued to stare. Something moved in the lagoon—a shadow—and it came straight for the young woman.
Nervous, Rey stepped back, but she tripped on one of the rocks. She crashed into the lagoon. Her lightsaber flew from her hand. Underwater, she came face to face with the same creature she fought on Dark Side Island. Shadows covered its body, and it reached out with its claws. Rey, who stayed afloat by kicking her legs under her, also reached out. Her hand did not shake, nor did her body, for she embraced the Dark side of the Force perfectly.
Somebody yelled at her from the surface before she could let the creature take her away. "Rey!" A figure dove into the water behind her. It was Finn. He wrapped his arms around Rey's belly and pulled her out of the lagoon.
The young woman coughed water out of her lungs as he lugged her onto the beach. She fell to her side in the sand and shivered. The creature continued to call her. With Finn was Leia. She passed him on her way back to the Resistance base. Finn told her he wanted to check on Rey himself. Leia came with him since he was too shy to do it himself.
Finn knelt in the sand beside his shivering friend and lifted her into his arms. "Rey! Rey! Why did you do that? You could've drowned!"
She did not answer. Instead, she closed her eyes and slumped her head to the left.
That was when Leia noticed the blood stain on the cloth around her upper right arm. Instantly, her entire face paled. All she said was, "She has had an encounter with the Beacerika."
"The Becer—what?" Finn shouted.
"The Beacerika is a Force-sensitive life form that resides under the island of No'Ela," Rose explained in the Resistance base thirty minutes later. "It snuffs out any Force-sensitive individuals struggling between the Light and Dark sides of the Force. I read about it during my youth."
She, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, Leia, R2-D2, BB-8, C-3PO, and Rey were in a conference room. Rey sat in a chair with her friends pacing before her.
Finn immediately tried to pull the trigger. "Okay, so how do we beat it?"
"It's not that simple, Finn," Rose explained. "Ever since Rey's returned from Snoke's throne room, she's been acting really strange."
Rey forced a nervous smile. "I'm fine, guys," she told her friends. "It's just been a long day for me."
Leia piped up. She approached Rey's right arm and pointed at her exposed wound. "You have had two encounters with the Beacerika in one day. That is not a good sign, my dear. You went to Dark Side Island, didn't you? That's why you were gone for four hours."
"I went there because I heard a distressed creature," Rey explained. "With me being me, I had to ensure it was okay."
"The Beacerika tricked you!" Angry, Leia lifted her cane and smacked the floor. "And you fell right into its trap! It pains me to say this, but your temptation to the Dark side has grown a lot worse. I know what I'm saying because I feel it!"
"I promised Master Skywalker I wasn't going to fail him," Rey choked out as fresh tears ran down her cheeks. "And I intend to still follow through with my promise. Weren't you the one who just told me that 'Destiny is not a horse, and I must trust myself'?"
"Don't you dare backtalk me, young lady!" Leia snapped. "If you don't clean up your act, I must ask you to leave Supher."
"Leave Supher? But why?" In a matter of seconds, Rey was on her feet. She stared pleadingly into Leia's eyes.
She took a deep breath and lowered her voice. "You are very dangerous, Rey. So dangerous that if you turned to the Dark side, you could destroy everything. This raw strength you have... It exceeds Kylo Ren. You might be just as powerful as Darth Sidious. Now I know why Luke was so scared."
"I don't want to turn to the Dark side," Rey sobbed. "Please, Leia, don't let me turn."
"There's nothing I can do about it, Rey. What you need to do is confront Kylo Ren."
"But I don't want to. Not after what happened in Snoke's throne room."
"Then I'm afraid we've lost all hope. You leave in the morning."
"General!" Poe blurted out, but Leia went ahead and turned on her heel. She exited the room.
Heartbroken, Rey collapsed onto her chair. She felt so alone. She sobbed the hardest she had ever sobbed in her life.
Finn tried to talk to her. "Rey."
"Leave me alone. I'm a monster," she said. Still crying, she sank to the floor and grasped the chair's legs.
Finn made a move toward her, but Rose stopped him. "We need to give her space." She took his arm and pulled him out of the conference room.
The last one standing in it was Poe. He glanced at Rey one more time before stepping out and closing the door behind him.
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