Failed Attempt
We begin with Padmé's ship from Phantom Menace landing on a landing platform on a cloudy Coruscant, similar to the actual Attack of the Clones. Although, it's the ship Padmé had in Phantom Menace and not the one in the actual Attack of the Clones. There's also two Alderaan starfighters landing next to the ship, same starfighters as the Naboo starfighters in the actual Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.
We see Padmé stepping out of the ship with her guards when suddenly a sniper fires a shot at her from a nearby building. The guards aimed their blasters and fired at the sniper, but the sniper disappeared before they could get a lock on her. We see the sniper is Zam Wessel as we see her escaping in a speeder.
As some of Padmé's guards went after the sniper, one of the pilots got out of their starfighter and removed their helmet, revealing themself to be the real Padmé.
She ran to her decoy's side and comforted her in her final moments.
"Corde." she said in tears.
Corde - Padmé's decoy - looked up at her weakly and smiled.
"You're safe, Senator. That's all that matters." she said with her last breath.
Captain Tarpals got out of his starfighter and ran over to Padmé.
"Milady, you're still in danger." Tarpals said.
"I shouldn't have come back." said Padmé.
"The senate needs your voice. This vote is very important. You did your duty. Corde did hers. Now, come." Tarpals said.
Padmé continued to stand there.
"Senator Amidala, please." said Tarpals.
Padmé nodded, and they both left.
We cut to Chancellor Palpatine's office in the senate building, where he was having a meeting with Yoda, Mace Windu, and several other Jedi. Yoda is once again a puppet and not CGI like in the actual Attack of the Clones.
"I understand your concerns, my friends. But I highly doubt this negotiation is going to work." said Palpatine.
"It has to. This war is getting more and more out of hand. It's only a matter of time before the entire galaxy is drawn into this conflict. We need to come to a peaceful resolution before that happens." said Mace.
"I am aware of that. But there have already been several assassination attempts on Republic senators who wish to vote on the act for a negotiation. Why, just this morning Senator Amidala was nearly killed by an assassin. I believe there are Separatist sympathizer spies in the senate who want her and other senators dead." said Palpatine.
"Investigate this the Jedi shall. Expose this corruption we must." said Yoda.
Then, a hologram of an alien the same species as Greedo appeared on Palpatine's desk. He spoke something in hutteese to the Chancellor.
"Good." Palpatine responded.
The alien said something else in hutteese.
"Send them in." Palpatine said.
The hologram disappeared, and Padmé entered the room in a dress with some other senators.
"We will discuss this matter later." Palpatine told the Jedi.
Yoda got out of his seat and walked over to Padmé without the use of a cane.
"Senator Amidala, deeply sorry for your tragedy on the landing platform we are. Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart." Yoda said with a smile.
"Do you have any idea who was behind this attack, Master Yoda?" Padmé asked him.
"We believe it was Count Dooku. Ever since he left the Jedi Order and replaced Nute Gunray as leader of the Separatists, he's been trying to plunge the whole galaxy into war." said Mace as he got out of his seat.
"That would make a lot of sense. I heard he was angry with the Jedi Council when Qui-Gon Jinn died, which is why he left. I just hope the other Separatists may be willing to listen to reason and outvote Dooku on the peace negotiation." said Padmé.
"But for certain, Senator, in grave danger you and other senators are." said Yoda.
"Master Jedi, may I suggest you assign some Jedi to protect Senator Amidala and the senators from these assassins?" Palpatine asked.
Padmé's eyebrows furrowed.
"Chancellor, if I may comment, I do not believe-"
"The situation is that serious? I'm afraid it is, Senator. I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps we assign someone you're familiar with? Say... your old friends, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawan - Anakin Skywalker?" Palpatine suggested.
Padmé's eyes widened. She hadn't seen Anakin and Obi-Wan since the start of the Clone Wars five years ago.
"Obi-Wan is well trained and is now a Jedi Master, but Skywalker still has much to learn." said Mace.
"Yes, but he has proven himself again and again in his training. Plus, he and Senator Amidala share a strong bond. I know he will protect her with his life." said Palpatine.
Padmé blushed slightly from these words.
"Do it for me, milady. Please?" said Palpatine.
"I suppose I wouldn't mind to see Obi-Wan and Ani- I mean Anakin, again." Padmé said.
We cut to the cloning facilities on the planet of Kamino where we see Anakin Lars, now known as Anakin Skywalker, fighting alongside some clone troopers in a training room:
Anakin pulled out his lightsaber and deflected several blaster bolts from the turrets, while the clones fired their blasters and threw grenades at the turrets.
"With me, men! Let's go!" said Anakin.
"Sir, yes, sir!" the clones shouted.
They fought their way across the room until they eventually reached the flag, but it was guarded by some reprogrammed battle droids that were used for training sessions. Anakin slashed through several of the droids with his lightsaber, but one super battle droid swung his arm at Anakin and launched him back a few feet. But then, Anakin pulled out a second lightsaber from his belt:
He switched on the blue blade and sliced the super battle droid's arms off using both his sabers, then sliced the droid's legs off with his primary lightsaber. After that, he and the clones captured the flag and they cheered.
Meanwhile, we see Obi-Wan Kenobi standing in the control room with some other kaminoians, watching Anakin and the clones' triumph. Obi-Wan smiled.
"Your apprentice makes a great leader, Master Kenobi. You must be very proud." said one kaminoian.
"I am." Obi-Wan said.
We cut back to Anakin and the clones, now catching their breath. The clones each removed their helmets, revealing themselves to all be identical and played by Temuera Morrison, although some of them had different hairstyles and hair colors.
"You did good, men. I'm proud of you all." said Anakin.
"Thank you, sir. We hope to fight alongside you more in the future." said one clone who had blonde hair and a shaved head.
Anakin left the room and went out into a hallway where Obi-Wan was there waiting for him.
"You and the clones beat your personal record. Impressive, Anakin." said Obi-Wan as they walked down the hallway.
"Thank you, Master. I just wish I could perfect my dual lightsaber wielding technique better." said Anakin.
"Oh, nonsense, Anakin! You're already more skilled with both one lightsaber or two than most of the students in the order. Besides, lightsabers aren't what makes a Jedi who they are. Just look at Master Yoda, he's one of the best of our order and he doesn't use a lightsaber. Give it a few years, and you'll be the best dualist in the order." said Obi-Wan.
The two friends smiled at each other. We can tell that by now, Obi-Wan actually cares about Anakin and no longer resents him, nor does he blame him for Qui-Gon's death.
"Thank you, master. I wouldn't have made it without your training. I'm looking forward to finally getting my own clone battalion and fighting in the war." said Anakin.
"Yes, indeed. These clones are exceptionally skilled. I'm amazed the kaminoians were able to create so many copies of a single human being and were able to train them in the span of ten years." said Obi-Wan.
"That's because they age and develop twice as fast as normal humans. But I hear the kaminoians are also training the earlier batch of clones that age normally. They're still 17, so they won't be joining the war for at least three years. Although, I hope the war won't still be going on by then." said Anakin.
"That reminds me, Anakin. I've received word from the Jedi Council that we're needed back on Coruscant." said Obi-Wan.
"Coruscant? Why?" Anakin asked.
"The senate has been trying to negotiate with the Separatists to end this war peacefully." said Obi-Wan.
"Peacefully? The Separatists have slaughtered thousands of innocents. I still remember the number of bodies I saw on Alderaan all those years ago. I know I just said that I don't want this war to continue on for years, but the Separatists don't deserve peace. Especially their traitorous leader Dooku." said Anakin.
"Calm yourself, my young padawan. Dooku may be leader of the Separatists, but there are some other members of the Separatists who want this war to end. If they and the Republic work together, they might be able to stop Dooku and end this war. But there are believed to be some Separatists sympathizers in the Republic senate who are hiring bounty hunters to kill the senators who plan to vote for peaceful negotiations. We've been assigned to protect Padmé." said Obi-Wan.
Anakin's eyes widened and the two stopped walking.
"Padmé?! Is she ok?!" Anakin asked worriedly.
"She's fine, Anakin. Don't worry. There was an attempt on her life earlier today, but it failed. Chancellor Palpatine has asked us to be her personal bodyguards on Coruscant until the situation is dealt with." said Obi-Wan.
We cut back to Coruscant where we see Palpatine in his Darth Sidious robes talking to a hologram of Count Dooku.
"The assassination attempt on Senator Amidala's life failed. The bounty hunter killed a decoy. Shall I have her try a different approach instead, Lord Sidious?" Dooku asked.
"Yes, Count Dooku. Have the assassin wait near Senator Amidala's home, but make sure she doesn't kill the senator." said Palpatine.
"My lord?" Dooku said, confused.
"I'm assigning my apprentice, Darth Maul, to help you prepare the droid army on Geonosis. I want you to tell the assassin to lead the Jedi there. Senator Amidala will go with them, being the rebel that she is. I want you and Maul to kill Amidala and Obi-Wan Kenobi once they arrive." said Palpatine.
"But what about Skywalker? Shouldn't we kill him as well?" Dooku asked.
"No. Leave him alive." said Palpatine.
"But, sir! He is the most powerful and dangerous out of three of them!" said Dooku.
"Which is exactly why I want him alive. I have... other plans for him." said Palpatine with an evil grin.
Thx for reading. Also, Anakin and Obi-Wan look the same way they do in the actual Attack of the Clone in this chapter. Although Obi-Wan has the lightsaber he had in Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and Anakin's main lightsaber is the one he had in Revenge of the Sith and the one Luke had in A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.
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