2 || Time to pack
It only takes two seconds before my face breaks into a frown. "What are you talking about?"
Emily pulls herself to a sitting position, and I do the same. The excitement shines in her eyes, and I know if I hadn't heard her, her blue eyes would've gave the surprise away. "You heard me! Calimily are going on a roadtrip!"
It takes a second for a grin to push it's way though, breaking any form of disdain on my face. "What? How? When? Oh my gosh, Emily! How?"
Emily let's out a burst of laughter, her voice like honey. She waves her hand through the air like a half princess wave. "My birthday gift to you is a road trip across the country. Europe is still a 99%, but that's up to you. Like we could do it, but split it into two separate trips. Or just one, it doesn't matter."
I'm still too shocked to say anything, and Emily realizes it. Her grin only grows wider. But then her face shifts, and she turns sheepish. "But, there is one tiny, little thing I added in..."
This catches my attention. I shake away any lingering form of shock and focus on Emily. The road trip wasn't a surprise as far as going on one because we always talked about traveling the world together. But what really surprised me was how soon we were going.
Summer had only started a week ago, and she already wanted to ditch Santa Monica. I have no plans of sticking around for that long either because whenever we're here for the summer, drama seems to follow and build in our wake, so we planned to be gone most of summer if we can help it.
"What'd you do?" I ask cautiously. Loads of different scenarios pop into my mind, everything this spontaneous brunette can think of.
Strip nude and go skinny dipping in a popular tourist spot at night.
Find friends to take with us on our adventures in that certain state.
Before I can think of anything else, Emily speaks. "We go to every Star Struck concert within the state's we're going to." She's careful to sound not to excited so I don't overreact. She knows how tired I am with them. But I also now how estatic she is about it.
I raise a brow, treading cautiously. "So is this the reason you want to go on a road trip? To go to their whole Summer Tour?"
The corner of her lip quirks into a smile. "Maybe?"
Grabbing the pillow she had threw at me earlier, I launched it at her head. I laugh when it catches her off guard. "You're too obsessed, Emily."
Her fingers dance around her hair as she tries to smooth out the strands out of place. "I wouldn't call it obsession. Just being well informed."
"With everything Star Struck related," I point out.
When she's sure every hair strand is perfectly in place, she let's her hands drop back to her side. She rolls her eyes. "That's beside the point. So, are we a go?"
I look away. All we ever talked about was getting away, I should be ecstatic. But having to go to almost all, if not every single one, of Star Struck's performances is ridiculous. Emily knows I can barely handle their songs on constant repeat as it is. But add that with the defeaning screams of thousands of Star fans? Count me out.
Emily notices my mind going through the cons and gives me her best puppy face. "Come on. It'll be worth it."
"I value my ears, Em."
"You're being ridiculous. You're not going to go deaf, Cay."
I give her a really? look. "You've taken me to a concert before. Did you see how crazy the fans were?"
Emily let's out an exasperated sigh. "Okay fine. We are crazy. But we are proud crazy fans. Our boys have made it so far, the least we can do is cheer our heart out for them."
A smile begins to form. I loved hearing about people who talk about things they loved. Their eyes light up with this special kind of spark, same as Emily's now. I might not like Star Struck, but I do love Emily.
"Okay. I'm in."
She squeals so loud that I wince. Her hands cover her mouth, and I think her eyes are about to bug out. "Yes! Finally."
I hold up a hand before she can explode. "Okay, details. Are my parents okay with this? More importantly, are yours? And when are we leaving?"
She clicks her tongue. "Yours do know and they're cool with it. In fact, they agreed to help me convince you if you refused."
"Mine," her voice trails off. She bites the inside of her lip before continuing. "They don't know. But who cares? You know they wouldn't let me anyways."
The hurt is imminent in her voice. My eyes soften. "They love you. And they will," I whisper.
She rolls her eyes. "As if. But it's fine. I'll just tell mom I'm leaving. She nor dad can really argue with me since I'm 18."
I nod my head. That's the best Em's willing to bend for her parents.
"Anyways. Today's Saturday. Tuesday is the first show of their summer tour, Shameless in Seattle. So we need to leave tomorrow morning so we can go sightseeing before the show."
I wrinkle my brows together. "Wouldn't it be easier to fly there?"
"Where's all the fun in that?"
I laugh. "You're right. Well, we can my parents fly the car to Seattle, and we'll take it from there. Or better yet, we'll just fly everywhere, because again, more convenient."
Her brows furrow in thought. "I wanted to drive everywhere, but flying does make more sense."
I grin. "Perfect. I'll have my mom work it out, and we're set." I get up from the bed and head to the door. Gesturing for her to get up, I smile. "Just one stop."
She gathers her bag. "Anything."
"We're heading to the Lost Treaure."
Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter!
I was going to his skip this whole dialogue part and jump into Calia's book shopping where I'd clarify everything here, but decided I'll leave it at this.
Anyways, I hope it was still good. It was just a filler, so apologies.
I hope you all liked it! (:
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