Chapter 6
"What about, Glossy?" She plopped on the bed. He levitated with the book to get out of the way.
"About Marco. And where he gained that power. I did some digging, and I found some things out,"
"What is it?" She asked. Maybe she could gain that power. And use it... to bring him back.
"He was venturing into unmarked territory. In a completely different set of dimensional plains. And there are only two known ways to get there."
He explained.
"So what was it he did exactly?" She questioned.
"That's not important, what is important is that we make sure that he sewed the rifts shut behind him. There are beings far more powerful than even me out there," his demeanor was dark. No humorous glint was in his eyes. Only genuine concern.
"So where exactly did he go?" She asked. She kicked her legs up in the air as she laid on her stomach.
He started to hum, his eyes closing and his levitation becoming shakey. Her vision blurred slightly. What the- She didn't finish her thought as a purple beam shot from Glossaryck's Chakra and hit her directly in the forehead.
A flash of pain spiked through her entire body as her mind raced with thoughts. The thoughts of someone else. Or maybe visions. Or possibly glimpses into the future.
Her head throbbed and she felt sweat pour down her body as she struggled to remain concious. But it was a losing battle. And all was dark...
"Is that all you got?" A Male voice whined slightly. Marco was collapsed onto his hands and knees; his breath rampant as he gasped for breath.
There was no response. Marco's hair was in a ponytail that went to his shoulders. He wore a grey shirt and his usual Jean's, but no shoes.
"I-I can't keep up," Marco croaked out. His voice sounded weak. As if his vocal cords had been used relentlessly.
"Come on dudeeeeee. You gotta try. I'm barely even warmed up," The voice spoke.
He looked up. A tall man looked down at him with a smile. His black hair was spiked in every direction, it had obviously never been combed. His clothes consisted of an orange looking jumpsuit with a blue belt that tied off and hung to mid thigh.
"You're just so powerful," Marco hoarsely croaked. "You barely even used a small percentage of your base power," Marco felt his eyes well with tears. How would he protect Star?
"Alright, kid. I'd say you've earned yourself a treat." The spikey haired man offered.
"What kind of treat?" Marco seemed a little wary.
"A technique. So that if you ever run into a dude like me, you stand a chance." He had a thumb pointed at himself.
"So let's get this going. Get up and stand tall,"
"Alright," Marco grunted as he stood to attention.
The spikey haired man squatted down. Marco saw the glint in his eyes change, a look of pure concentration flooded his face.
It started with a small grunt, then the ground slightly shaking. Then small rocks and objects floating. And finally, a crimson aura and a power that had doubled in size.
"KAIOKEN!" The spikey haired man roared.
Marco merely collapsed to his knees in awe. Tears of shock and amazement poured out. And his mouth parted slightly as his arms fell limp to his sides. His hair billowed in the air that his apparent trainer blew off of his body.
It died down after a moment. Marco still looked at him, shocked. No words could describe what Marco felt. It wasn't fear. Maybe... Traumatized?
"That is what this technique can do. So do you want to learn it?" His trainer asked.
Marco couldn't even speak.
"Hellooooo?" He waved his hand in front of the Hispanic boy's face.
Marco snapped out of it. "I do," he shakily stood up and wiped away the sweat and tears.
"Okay, so you start off with..."
Star awoke with a jolt and a gasp. Her head felt as if it were splitting open as she sat up from her bed.
"What the hell was that?" She cried out.
"Ahah! I pin pointed it all! Marco visited Zenos realm!" Glossaryck announced triumphantly.
"What happened?!'' Tears streamed down her face as she tried to comprehend what was happening.
"Progress, my dear, progress." He hummed out as he dove back into his book, it closed behind him.
"Holy shit," she sighed out as she held her aching head.
Night time approached. What was happening to her? That whole scene was burned into her mind. Every single detail. She felt the emotions of the moments.
Marco was training with that man. Whatever the hell kind of freak of nature he was. Marco didn't display even a fraction of the power that the trainer did.
But he trained Marco. That was for certain. And it paid off in the long run. Considering it saved her life.
I'll ask him when he comes back, she thought to herself. The Mewman brushed her teeth and laid in bed. This was the beginning of something. And she knew it.
Something huge. So she stared at the canopy. The sun went down. And it came up. All with her just sitting there thinking. Not a wink of sleep.
Be ready, Star, She told herself. A feeling at the pit of her stomach was beginning to knot up. And so the story began. The story, of Star's Revelation.
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