24 (Epilogue)
The crowd of students & faculty alike were shocked to hear the news. Headmistress Kwon was seen as a traitor among her own magical kind & Professor Cho was to be mourned as she died protecting the five stood before them.
The shards blasted out a blinding light as five crowns were now in full view of all those in attendance. The crowns were an otherworldly purple & sparkled. The shard pieces rooting themselves in their new crowns. Chungho bowed as he began crowning the five of them in turn. Their titles were as follows:
High King Yeonjun, The Chivalrous, Lord of Stars
High King Soobin, The True, Lord of Stars
King Beomgyu, The Gallant, Lord of Stars
King Taehyun, The Wicked, Lord of the Void Stars
King Kai, The Kind, Lord of Stars
The sky was now a starlit blue as someone descended. Specifically, a woman. She resembled a goddess as her height was nearly towering over everyone else. Her hair as dark as the void, eyes as yellowish orange as the sun, & massive purple wings that gently flapped as she landed before everyone. Her name was Jiwoo, Queen of Stars, Mother of Magic.
Her voice boomed as it commanded the attention of all, "예고된 예언이 마침내 약속대로 진실이 되었습니다. 별에서 태어난 5명의 젊은 워락들이 그들의 통치하에 마법의 영역을 하나로 묶습니다. 이 예언이 그 말에 충실했던 것이 무엇보다 기쁩니다." (The prophecy foretold has finally become truth as promised. 5 young warlocks born from stars unite the magical realm under their reign. I am most happy this prophecy was true to its words.)
Chungho bowed to Jiwoo before being told to rise. The shard pieces in the boys crown shot out beams of colored light creating a kaleidoscope of shades across the starry blue sky. Yellow for Kai, blue for Yeonjun, green for Beomgyu, purple for Taehyun, & red for Soobin. Those who looked on where in awe as Jiwoo smiled warmly at the boys before gifting each of them scepters.
"왕들이여! 반역자들은 고통 받을 것입니다! 마법의 세계는 영원한 평화를 알게 될 것입니다!"(Hail the Kings ! The traitors will suffer ! The magical realm will know eternal peace !) This was chanted as our five boys joined hands before bowing.
The magical realm was now open for all under the reign of the five kings.. Mortals can enter & go as they please as well. The branches of magic were removed as magic shouldn't have strict restraints on those who have magic.
Stars were a constant sighting in the magical realm. The Star People were still more reclusive, but opened up with other magical beings under the reign of their kings.
Chungho rose from where he kneeled with a ominous statement that seemed to be believed. A statement that has spread regardless of the peace the five kings brought everyone. "뭐라고 했어요? 충호 씨, 제대로 들으셨나요?" (What did you say ? Did we hear that right, Chungho ?), Soobin questioned as the second High King rose from his throne. The others remaining seated, but just as worried.
Chungho apologized quickly before restating what he had said previously. "This has spread, Your Majesties... The belief in it is astounding... It is said that the power of the stars within you will reset everything. That things as we know it will no longer be..."
Times seemed to slow as Beomgyu was the quickest to notice the shards in their crowns were growing. "Is it happening now ?", Kai asked clinging to Yeonjun as they all awaited with bated breath. A clear voice gently could be heard as things around them began to slowly disappear.
"Have no fear... This is the Star Power... All must end in order to begin... Are you ready ?" A bright flash erupted the dissipating room before things settled once more...
The END.
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