The Competition
"Dean West, get up you have to be ready to travel by four," My manger yelled.
"Give me five more minutes," I yelled back.
"No, now!" She yelled, pulling the blankets off of me. I moan and dragged myself out of bed.
"Happy now," I growled, walking into the shower room.
"No because we are almost behind schedule," She hissed. I step out of my shower and got dress.
"So, where are we heading?" I asked, not facing her.
"To a medium size city not far from here," She sighed.
"How long?" I asked, putting in my ear ring.
"For about three days but that where all the pop stars are going to met before the competition kicks off," She said, looking at her watch.
"Okay, let's go then," I sighed getting ready for the long ride around the nation.
"Yes, lets," She said, as we walked out of my apartment and into the tour bus.
~Time skip~
We arrived to the city of Mich. I stepped out and hear whole lot of screaming of girls. I sighed and walked into the meeting building for the competition.
"Welcome Pop Stars of all ages. This would be your chance to become bigger than you already are. So without further a due. The King or Queen of pop shall being. Good luck to all contenders," The host said and left. I got up and started to walk out of the room.
"Dean West, it's been awhile," said a high squeal girl.
"Yeah, it has," I said, noticing that it was Marry.
"I'm going to beat you. After I have my fun of you," She smirk, placing her hands on my back pocket of my jeans. I lightly push her off.
"Sorry but you're not my type," I said, walking away from her and to my tour bus. I could hear her yelling after me.
"Can we going now?" I asked. My manger nodded.
"So, you didn't want to stay for the party," She asked.
"I don't like to party for two days," I said slightly annoyed.
"Of course," She said, started to plot our next course. I laid on the couch wondering if I can ever find someone who will just like me for me. I close my eyes and hope that can find someone.
I was watching T.V. when my show turn over to Pop Star Competition.
"This crap again!" I yelled in frustration.
"What's the matter Ken?" my mother asked.
"The Pop Star Competition just started and you know what that means," I said, getting off the couch.
"Oh I see," she said, walking back into the kitchen.
"Yeah, we get it they are super famous. Everyone should worship them. God for sakes, I wish for one single minute I wish there was no pop stars," I said, walking outside slamming the door behind me. I walked outside looking at the build boards seeing pop stars who are going to be in it this year, "Dean West. Wow, he's joining the competition, probably to boost his career. I hate this," I said, walking to the gas station. I walked in and saw Mark.
"Well, it isn't Kenny Matthew. The pop star hater," Mark said, smirking evilly at me.
"So, what?" I said grabbing something to drink. I walked up to the cashier and paid for my drink and headed out. I started to walk home and when I almost got by a bus. I dodge the bus but landed on the ground in front of it, "Ouch, that hurt," I said, trying to get up but fell back down.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" a guy asked.
"Yeah, just almost got killed by a bus," I said angrily, I looked up and saw it was Dean West.
"Here let me help,"
"Don't touch me," I said, getting of the ground and started to walk away but I almost fell. I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my wrists.
"Take it easy, kid. I just want to help," He said.
"No, you just want money and fame," I said with venom.
"You don't even know me," Dean stated.
"Really? An A 'list pop star, joined a competition to boost his career and probably wants the title of King of pop. Am I wrong," I asked.
"Yeah, I didn't want to do it, My manger does," He said, "So, what's your problem with pop stars?"
"That is my business," I spit out.
"Well it doesn't matter? I'm taking you to the hospital," Dean said, throwing me over his shoulder.
"No, put me down!" I screamed. I looked over to see Mark with his camera, "My life is over," I whispered.
"And why is that?" he asked.
"Like is I say my problems are my problems," I said. We got on the bus that almost killed me.
"Dean how many times did I tell you not to bring fans on the bus?" a women shouted.
"We need to get to the hospital," Dean said, placing me in a chair.
"Why?" She asked.
"Um... because we almost killed him," he stated. She looked at me and then to Dean.
"I'm not a fan of his anyway," I said, glaring at both of them. She looked shock but nodded. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, "Damn," I said, looking at my broken phone.
"What the matter?" Dean asked.
"My phone is busted and my mom is going to kill me," I sighed, putting my phone back into my pocket.
"Here," he said, handing me his phone.
"What is this for?" I asked, taking the phone into my hands.
"So, you can call your parents,"
"Thank you," I said. I started to dial my mom's number. I told her what happened. Once I hung up Dean picked my up and carried me inside, "You know I can walk," I stated.
"Yeah, but I need a work out," Dean said, walking over to the nurse's station. A whole bunch of squealing fan girls swarm around him. I rolled my eyes.
I can't believe this kid doesn't like pop stars. I kind of don't blame him but still. This kid must have a good reason to not to like pop stars. I walked back over to him.
"Hey are you sure you're alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, just wish that this day was over with," He said.
"May I asked for your name?" I asked. He looked at me confused.
"Why?" He asked.
"I just want to know," I sighed.
"Fine, it's Kenny Matthew," Kenny sighed.
"Well nice to met you," I said. I looked out the window and saw news vans, "Damn," I whispered under my breath.
"What?" He asked, looking at me confused.
"News vans," I said. Kenny nodded. All of a saddened We were surrounded by them.
"Why are you with a common kid?" A lady asked. I didn't answer.
"Why are you at the hospital?" another girl asked.
"What's your name kid?" A guy asked Kenny. Kenny just cross his arms. The host of Pop Star Competition came walking up to me.
"You just gave me a good idea a twist for the show," He said, walking over to Kenny.
"What do you mean Derek?" I asked, shooting up from my chair.
"You'll see,"
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