14. Frustrations
Sunday went by in a blur. Piper stayed for dinner before going home. Emu was already in bed asleep. Thankfully, there were no mishaps or fainting spells all weekend.
"She seems well enough to go to school." Victor commented.
"Mm-hm." Darcy responded.
"Darcy?" Victor asked.
"Mm-hm." Darcy responded.
Victor frowned.
"You doing ok?"
Victor snapped his fingers a few times.
Darcy looked at him.
Victor lifted his hands as if to say 'what?'
"I'm fine. Tired, distracted, but fine." Darcy assured.
Victor nodded.
They were changing the bedding on their bed. One of the last chores on their list for Sunday.
"Do you think she should go to school?" Victor tried again.
"Yeah. She can go. She's been fine most of the weekend. Fevers been gone. She has energy."
"She even seems a bit brighter." Victor added.
"Still pale, though. And she still isn't eating much. She looks like she lost a pound or two."
"Pfff. What do you expect? She hasn't been feeling well....She'll gain it back."
Darcy finished fucking her side of the blankets under the mattress. She stood up and looked at Victor. "Yeah, you're right. Too early to judge her weight." Darcy turned around and went off the the bathroom.
Victor finished fucking the blankets and went down the hall to Emily's room. It was 10 o'clock. Emily should be sleeping. He figured he would check on her one last time before school.
He walked into her room. Emily was asleep. Her breathing was slow and deep. Victor checked her forehead. She was cool. Neck. Cool. Back. A little warm but she had her blanket on her. Victor concluded that she's fine for school and went back to his room.
Darcy came back in. She sat on the side of the bed. "You check on Emily?"
"Yeah, she's fine. Sleeping. No fever." Victor answered.
Darcy nodded. "She finished her homework too. Her and Piper worked hard at it all day."
"Oh, good for her."
"Yeah, I thought she would've caught up, that's all. But she caught up AND completed her homework." Darcy's tone raised. She was impressed.
Victor hopped into bed and turned the tv on.
Darcy rolled her eyes and laid down. She tries to go to sleep to the sounds of sports on the tv.
"Good morning, mom." Darcy said. She rushed into the kitchen while trying to put her earring in her ear.
"Éy látelh." Sísele said. She smiled. She noticed that Darcy was wearing the necklace she gave her the other night.
"You want breakfast?" Darcy offered. "I'm a little late this morning. So I'll be coming something more simple. Like mush or eggs and toast."
"Shure." Sísele answered.
Darcy nodded and turned to the stove. She wanted mush this morning. So she pulled out a pot and filled it with water. She added salt and turned the element on.
"What you need?" Sísele asked.
"What you mean, mom?"
"Your furrowed." Sísele mimicked Darcy's frown and chuckled. "What you need"
"Oh." Darcy stopped and thought. "I need to get our lunches together." She went to the fridge. Usually she gets their lunches done the night before. This time, she hadn't.
Sísele moved to the fridge. "I'll help you." She grabbed a few oranges and apples from the fridge.
Darcy grabbed the lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes.
They, each, grabbed a knife and went to the counter. Darcy grabbed a few containers from the container drawer. Darcy had chopped up the lettuce and washed them days earlier. She kept them in a specific contained in the fridge. So all Darcy had to do was slice up the cucumbers and add the grape tomatoes, their salads were done.
Sísele worked on chopping up the oranges and apples. She found a few containers and grabbed the yogurt from the fridge. She scooped yogurt into the containers and tossed the chopped fruit on top. Sísele looked at them and frowned. Seemed a little bare, still. She went to the fridge again and looked around. Nothing she was interested in. She went to the baking cupboard and found chopped nuts, sunflower seeds and coconut shavings. Sísele took out the sunflower seeds and chopped nuts. She found some bakers chocolate and took that as well.
Darcy finished adding the cucumbers and tomatoes and went for some smaller containers for dressing. She dug around in the fridge. Raspberry vinaigrette for herself, thousand Island for Victor and Greek dressing for Emily.
Sísele sprinkled the nuts and seeds on top of the yogurt and fruit and she grated some sprinkles of chocolate on top. She snapped the lid shut and added spoons.
Darcy closed the containers for the dressing and stuck them inside with the salads. She snapped the lids shut on those and placed forks on top.
Sísele turned and went to the pantry. She found some Graham crackers. She went to the fridge and pulled out some miracle whip. She went back to the counter and started make mini cookie sandwiches.
Darcy turned to the stove and poured oatmeal from a canister into the pot. She stirred it into the water and placed the lid on the pot.
Victor came into the kitchen and oogled at the lunches. "Ooh. Thank you Sísele." He sat down. "Darcy, we need to get Sísele to make our lunches everyday she's here."
Darcy came back to the counter and looked over Sísele's shoulder. She sighed. "Mom. I try to make healthy lunches for everyone."
"It ish healthy." Sísele argued.
"You put chocolate in the yogurt. That's not healthy. And spoons of miracle whip isn't healthy either."
"Ahh." Sísele waved Darcy off. "You worry too much. Have shum shweetsh. It'sh ok."
Darcy sighed harder, this time. She went back to the stove.
The kitchen became quiet. If it weren't for the mush cooking on the stove, it would've been completely still.
"You remember I'm going to Vancouver today, right Darcy?" Victor asked.
Darcy stiffened. She was nervous for Victor. "Yes. I remember. You want to mark this as a sick day? Vacation day?"
"No. I need a note for a sick day and my vacation days are precious to me."
Darcy stared at her husband. She was worried, excited, scared, nervous and stunned at the same time. And all for Victor. "You get organized? You know where you're going?"
Victor nodded. "Yeah. I google mapped it yesterday. I have an idea of where I'm going. I know there turns. I'll use the GPS on my phone anyway."
Darcy nodded. "Yeah, do that. Have you thought about what you would say? How about calling the office first to make sure he's there?"
Victor took a deep breath. "I thought about it. But I think I'm just going to go there and look at him."
Sísele finished the mini cookie sandwiches and bagged them. Another eerie silence fell over the kitchen.
"Where's Emily?" Darcy asked. "Is she up and getting ready?" She turned and shut the element off and moved the pot over to a cold element. She had forgotten about it because of the conversation.
"Yeah. She's in her room now. She's up." Victor answered. "She kicked me out of the bathroom."
Emily came trotting down the stairs. She spied the lunches on the counter. "Ooh. Thank you Sísele. You should make our lunches more often."
Darcy rolled her eyes.
Sísele smiled and nodded.
Victor beamed. He looked at Darcy and chuckled.
"Mom always makes us eat healthy gunk." Emily complained.
Darcy sighed. "There's nothing wrong with the lunch I make you."
"Well, sure, they're good. If we're on some type of crazy diet. But we're not health freaks, mom." Emily sat on a stool.
"I make healthy breakfasts and lunches so we can eat whatever we want for dinner." Darcy explained.
Emily raised her eyebrows. "Hm. Didn't think about that. I guess I can't complain TOO much then." She smiled at her mom.
Darcy shook her head. She smiled back at Emily.
Victor looked at the time, 7:06. It's a two hour trip to Adams office in Vancouver. According to his phone GPS, anyway. He had to leave soon. "Where's that necklace come from?" He asked Darcy.
"What? Mine?" Darcy asked while grabbing at the charms.
Victor nodded.
"Mom gave it to me the other night." She looked at it. "She said dad made it while I was little."
Victor raised his eyebrows at Sísele. "Really?"
Sísele didn't answer.
"Yeah. I'll tell you about later." Darcy turned and started to serve the mush for her mom and herself. "You're going to eat mush this morning Em."
Emily sighed. "I'm really not hungry mom. I wish you wouldn't force breakfast on me."
Darcy served Emily a small bowl of mush. She placed the bowls on the counter at the stools and grabbed the brown sugar.
Sísele grabbed her bowl and sat down beside Emily.
Emily took her bowl, reluctantly, and stretched for the sugar.
Victor stood up and served himself.
Darcy went and sat down beside Victor's stool. "When's your mom coming? Today?"
Victor sighed. There was a lot going on for him right now. Emily's fainting spells, her fever, bruises, paleness. His mom coming out. Finding out he had a half brother he didn't know about his entire life. He forgot about his mom for the moment. He had a big day today. "I'm not sure." He said. He went to his stool. "I should think it's today but it might be tomorrow. I'll call her when I get on the road."
Darcy nodded. "We'll set up your Bluetooth. You're leaving the reserve."
"Yeah. I'll call you after." Victor added.
Darcy nodded.
When it was time to leave, Darcy was driving Emily to school. "Make sure you have all your homework, Em. And I'll call the doctor when they open to make an appointment for you."
Emily nodded.
There was silence.
"Are you okay, Em?" Darcy asked.
Emily sighed. She grabbed her backpack and walked out the door.
Darcy, Victor and Sísele stared after her, stunned.
"Maybe she's still too sick for school." Victor said.
"Yeah. It's not like her to not complain about something." Darcy said.
"Sísele? Are you ok to watch Emily today?" Victor asked.
Sísele laughed. "You worry to much. Be happy she'sh not complaining." She started to seat at the both of them. "Go. Go. Get out of here. You'll all be late."
Darcy and Victor scrunched into their shoulders and looked at Sísele. They ran out the door.
It was now 8:05. Darcy had to drop Emily off at school and get to work by 8:30. She'll make it.
Darcy climbed into the car. Emily was already sitting in the passenger seat with her buckle on.
"You that anxious to get to school?" Darcy asked.
"No. That anxious to get out of the house."
"Wow. You must still be sick. You're not anxious to go to school."
"Mom!" Emily whined.
Darcy smiled. "Really though. How you feeling?"
"Good." Darcy nodded. She started the car and backed out of her driveway.
"What was dad talking about?" Emily asked.
"About what?"
"Is he really going to Vancouver?"
Darcy stiffened. "Yes."
"Why? Who does he want to look at?"
"Your dad has some business to take care of. When he's ready to talk about it with you, we will both be there." Darcy said.
Emily frowned. "Did I hear that gramma's coming?"
"Well, whatever sick you had didn't affect your hearing."
Emily looked at Darcy.
"Yes. Gramma is coming. Dad's going to find out if she's coming today or tomorrow."
"Why?" Emily asked.
Darcy flicked her eyes at Emily then back to the road. She didn't know how to read the question.
"I mean....I'm glad she's coming. I hadn't seen her in, like, two years. So I'm excited. I just didn't want her to come because you two freaked out and told her I was sick with the flu." Emily grumbled.
"Well, I think your Gramma thought it was time to come and see you. Regardless of what information she may or may not have acquired."
Emily scoffed. "You guys made something out of nothing, didn't you. Got her all worries for nothing. Why do you do that?"
"There's nothing wrong with worrying about you." Darcy defended.
"Yes there is! Mom! You don't get it. I'm getting sick of you guys! You don't know when to back off and leave me alone! I'm not a child anymore!! And for once, I want to be left alone to think my own thoughts and do what I want to do!" Emily flopped her body into her seat. She crossed her arms and looked down at the floor.
Darcy sighed. This is Victor's area. He was always able to negotiate with Emily. And quietly too. What was she going to do?
"We're your parents, Emily. And what we say, goes. You can think for yourself and do what you want when you're an adult and move out."
Emily glared at her mother. "You never get it! Dad understands me! Why can't you?" She screamed.
Darcy was blown aback by this outburst. She blinked a few times at the road.
"Do not speak to me in that tone, kid! Just because your dad put that tv in your room, doesn't mean I care less for you. And when you have children of your own, you'll understand why we worry so much." Darcy said assertively. She pulled up to the school and shifted the car into park.
Emily sighed and crossed her arms again. She threw open the door, grabbed her bag and stomped out of the car. She bent over and gave her mother a dirty look. "You're too stupid to understand me!!" She slammed the car door and marched toward the school.
Darcy gaped in shock at Emily. She unbuckled herself and climbed out of the car as quickly as possible. "You watch your mouth!" Darcy hollered after Emily. "And you make sure you have a GOOD day today too, dammit!"
Emily looked back at her mom and frowned. She continued to walk into the school.
Some students who were standing by looked at Emily and Darcy. Nobody said a thing. Just watched Emily walk into the school and watched Darcy standing by her car.
Darcy looked around. She realized what happened. She felt like an idiot. She climbed back into her car and shut the door. She took a few minutes to breathe.
Darcy picked up her cell phone and dialled Emily's school.
"Hello. This is Darcy Conners calling.......I wanted to let you know that me and Emily just had a fight. She may be upset and distracted today. Maybe get the school guidance counselor to check on her?........Ok. that's great.....Thank you so much...And.....I'm sorry. But she is feeling better....Thank you...Bye." she hung up. Darcy sighed and dropped her phone in a compartment in the dash. She took another deep breath before driving to work. She couldn't believe she just had a fight with Emily. She just started feeling better and she went and ruined her day. Darcy shook her head at herself.
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