Stage IV
Everyone averted their eyes from the empty seats at the table as they sat down the next morning. There was a complete void of chatter, everyone visibly uneasy. Clover could feel the cold silence hanging above them, suspended by the lack of Silvius' optimistic remarks. It was so... unfriendly. He had still been thinking over the best course of action to take regarding the incident. It was clear now that anyone who found out was a target.
"Is Raven here?" Clover asked, finding their voice still hoarse from just waking up.
"I thought they were the one who told us to meet here," Lavender said, leaning on Jaune's shoulder and staring up at the ceiling of the cafeteria.
"They were," Jaune frowned.
"Where did they go?" Valentine asked Lavender.
"I'm not sure," She replied.
Rouge stood up. "You don't think they're..." he paused, his eyes darting between the crew members suspiciously. " you?"
"No," Clover interrupted, also getting to his feet. "I-" he swallowed. "I'll find them," Rouge glanced at him suspiciously.
"How do we know you didn't kill Silvius?" Rouge retorted, his eyes growing wide. "What, we're just going to let you run off to slaughter our leader alone? No way!" Clover inhaled, remembering his plan. It's for their own good.
Valentine looked taken aback. "Rouge, that's so mean! It was an accident, and Clover would never do that!" Jaune glanced at her, then down at Lavender before nodding.
"No, I hate to admit it, but he has a point," Jaune was watching the two who stood staring each other down, gently nudging Lavender off his shoulder. "We're still not one hundred percent sure what happened, but we need to be careful. Clover, I'll come with you. Plus, we'll find them quicker if there are two of us. Is that alright?"
Slowly, Clover nodded. He was a little uneasy about being alone with Jaune, but if they found Raven before anything happened, he doubted that either of them would be in danger. It seemed whatever was taking control of him didn't want to be discovered, so it would be unreasonable for him to lose control in front of two people.
"Great," They replied, then turned to Lavender. "I'll be right back, babe. Don't worry about me," Kissing her on the cheek, they turned and nodded to Clover, walking with them towards the front of the ship.
"For the record, I don't think you did it," Jaune mentioned as they stepped out of sight. "I don't think it was even a murder. We've come too far for that, and Rouge... well, he doesn't always make the best decisions."
Clover only nodded, and the two walked silently through the ship. Clover stood back as Jaune ducked into Navigation but found nothing, only shrugging and continuing to search the ship. After searching the oxygen, shields, and comms rooms, Jaune started walking faster, glancing nervously at Clover. The storage door was shut. Clover carefully reached to handle and slid it aside, light from the hall spilling over the pile of crates in the center of the room. No sign of Raven. With another glance over his shoulder, he stepped inside and walked around the back of the largest crate.
A figure lay against the wood, helmet folded under its arm. The black suit material was almost invisible in the dark. Clover stepped back, almost tripping over a leg that was stretched out in his path.
"Raven?" He asked softly. "Are you...?" There was no response.
Jaune strode over to them, kneeling over the figure and speaking sternly but clearly. "Raven, can you hear me? Are you alright?" Still nothing. Jaune stood up again, slowly shaking their head.
Clove took a step back. "That's impossible, how did they-"
He suddenly heard the material rustle, and a low voice reply, "No," he looked down. Raven had opened their eyes, sighing. "No, I'm...fine. What do you need?"
"Oh, thank god," Jaune clutched their chest. "Um, you told us to meet in the cafeteria at one, didn't you?"
Raven swore under their breath. "I forgot. Sorry," They carefully stood up from the crate, limply holding their helmet by the neck before opening the door back to the cafeteria.
All the gazes followed Raven as they walked around the table. Now, in the bright light of the cafeteria, they could all see the leader's expression. It seemed- hollow. The darkness from storage seemed to have followed them, the shadows across their face sinking into the rings under their eyes. They looked like they hadn't slept at all, their hair untidy.
"Silvius' death was a murder," They stated simply, looking around at all of them.
Rouge shot a condescending glance at Val. Clover just ignored it, shifting in his seat.
"What?" Lavender gasped, letting go of Jaune's hand. "How do you know?"
Raven shut their eyes for a moment, reaching into the pocket of their suit. "I found this in the vent right next to the body after everyone left,"
With a dull clink, Raven set something down in front of them. As their hand lifted off, Clover saw Jaune bite their lip. It was a pocket knife. The leader inhaled. "Everyone, please take out your pocket knives and set them in front of you,"
Clover's heart skipped a beat. Of course- his knife was thrown into the vent afterward. He didn't have it. Panic coursed under his skin. What was he going to say now? If he turned himself in, the entire crew was as good as dead. He had no idea what to do, so he stood there, his eyes darting across the table, as the rest retrieved their knives and set them in front of them.
Raven's eyes swept across the table, narrowing when they reached Clover. "Clover, would you like to explain why you don't have your knife?"
He opened his mouth to speak but was suddenly interrupted by someone else. It took him a moment to register it, noticing that none of his crewmates were talking.
It was his own voice. His heartbeat felt like it had just doubled. Seeing his limbs move without him was one thing, but the words rang in his head like it was a recording of his voice that he had never heard before. Something didn't quite fit, either. His voice was low and calm, instead of how he normally spoke - tense and directly. "Raven, may I see the weapon?" His heart was pounding in his chest as they held up the knife, and he walked around the table. He folded it over in his hand, looking at the handle before nodding. "This is my knife," He confirmed as Raven quickly took back the blade, folding it and setting it back on the table. "But it still couldn't have been me. I was fixing the engines, Jaune saw me, so my gloves were covered in machine oil. That knife's clean,"
"What about-" Rouge started.
"That's not all. If I was the killer and pulled something to get the grease off it, then what would the point be in throwing it in the vent? Wouldn't I have wanted for everyone to see that it was clean? It doesn't make any sense," he brushed his hands off on his suit, returning to his seat. Lavender was staring at him, her mouth slightly agape.
"Woah..." she gasped as Clover leaned over the table, hands folded. "I didn't know you were so good at deduction. You're giving Jaune a run for their money!" The words suddenly grew louder in his ear, like someone had uncovered a speaker as he regained control. He inhaled sharply, grabbing the edge of the table to stay upright. Raven's head snapped in his direction as he calmed himself down, crossing his feet uneasily beneath the table.
"Um, yeah. I've been practicing," What am I saying? At least now he had been given an alibi to work with. He could only pray that over time the suspicion of him would be low enough that he could figure out how to stop the episodes.
"Well, I still think it was Clover," Rouge said, folding his arms.
"That's because you hate me-" He muttered in reply.
"And because you're a murderer!"
"Both of you, stop," Raven said, exhaling. "We don't have time to argue. We don't know when they'll strike next, and-"
"Next?" Valentine asked, scratching the side of her face. "What do you mean?"
"They have already proved to be a serial killer. What happened to Sky was not a mistake, either. Upon further investigation, the part that fell on her was securely bolted beforehand, and I found a screwdriver in the lower engine. Somebody- one of us - removed the screws," Clover internally cursed himself. Raven had found out about Sky already, putting them at a much higher risk.
Val still didn't look convinced. She folded her arms onto the table, resting her chin on her forearm. "How do we know it was one of us? Couldn't it have been a stowaway or something?"
"There's nowhere they could hide," Raven shrugged. "There's spare space in the hull, but they would have been vaporized during the crash. Hiding in the engines or landing gear is almost certain death, and I've scoured the rest of the ship,"
"And there's nothing?" Jaune asked.
"Well..." Lavender bit her lip."What are we gonna do about it? I- I don't want to die..."
"I've turned the security systems back on. Try to be with someone while you're doing tasks, and report anything you see," Raven said, pointing to the camera in the corner of the cafeteria. The light on the side was blinking red. "In the meantime, get back to your work, because it will be easier to track them down without having to worry about the ship breaking down."
"So we're not even going to accuse somebody? Are you stupid?" Rouge asked, slamming a hand on the table.
Raven just shook their head. "Honestly, I hoped someone would own up, but they had to make this difficult. I'll meet you later." They pocketed the knife and walked out of the cafeteria.
Once Lavender and Jaune had walked off together with Val trailing behind, Clover got up, exhaling softly. His heartbeat had slowed a little bit, and he didn't feel like he had to hold his breath for minutes at a time. Rouge, still sitting at the table, picked up his Swiss Army knife and turned to Clover, eyes narrowed. "I still don't trust you, you know." He held up the blade to Clover threateningly. "Don't try anything." He folded the knife and tucked it away, glancing over his shoulder before leaving.
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