26: Behind the Full Moon
"Icen, position?" I tried to be calm even though I could feel a storm churning in my gut. The idea of our Diosa being in danger and having not a single one of us— her brothers— by her side is terrifying.
"Team One and Four are out. Snipers took them down. A7 is inside the house with her friends. The enemy scrambler has been neutralized. Agent Yelle is with Agent Rin. They are going to get her out of the house, Jaguar."
"Shit, make sure she's okay." I have my doubts about the rookie, but with Yelle in there I have more assurance that they'll be able to get out.
I could feel Prince tense against me. "Si Aya?" I could hear the fear in his voice. "Kuya Ali anong nangyayari?"
"We got rid of the scrambler sir. Agent Reaper and I have complete visuals."
"Fuckin' asshole." I could feel Constantino slowing down. "Don't lose focus on our subject. Trust Aya, okay?"
"May nangyari ba kay Aya?"
His nervous energy seems to be feeding off mine. I literally shook myself to get rid of the negative vibe. His next glance told me he just reached a breaking point and before I could stop him, he'd reversed and met Hernandez head-on.
I braced myself for the impact.
I rolled on my shoulder and came to my feet as soon as I hit the ground. The motorcycles made a crunching sound of metal against metal. Dust tickled my nose as it rose from the ground. Shafts of light from the unfinished beams fell on the wreckage on the floor.
"Putangina mo!" The crunching sound of bone hitting bone filled the air. Constantino did not waste any time before he started to pummel Alex to the ground. Blood sprayed in an arc as his fist broke Hernadez' nose.
"LEX!" I saw Melanie with a gun. I got to my feet and watched warily as she pleaded Prince to let go of her brother. Before I could lunge at her, the gun fell down and went off. Prince fell down while Alex used the distraction to roll to his feet and reach for the gun.
I had no time to lose. I fired my last bullet and the gun fell to the ground. I could see disbelief cross Alex' eyes.
"Alistair you could have killed me with the last bullet. Anong palabas ito?" He let out a mocking laugh. To me it sounded hollow and strained.
He knows he made the biggest mistake of his life. I can see it in his eyes no matter how much he wants to fake it.
"Yes, but what good would it do if you die without facing a trial? I'd love to see you suffer for a long time."
"Try. Hanggang ngayon asshole ka pa rin talaga," he muttered. He straightened himself and spat blood on the floor. His bloody grin almost made him look sinister. Almost.
"Enough talk." I smirked. I've often imagined how it would feel like to take him down. The whole time we were in the academy, he'd taken the sweet time to torture the junior officers.
Payback is a bitch.
"Kuya Ali," Prince said in warning. I spared him a glance. I danced on the balls of my feet. The scent of a fight made my blood boil.
"We have a personal score to settle," I replied as I connected a solid jab to his face. He staggered back a step and spat more blood on the floor. Our eyes locked on each other—measuring, waiting, looking for that tell. I know all his tricks just as he knows mine. Probability is the name of this game.
I threw another punch that he dodged easily. I changed stance and watched him take a glance at my feet. I know he is counting my steps to anticipate the next blow. There is a slight hitch in his breathing, too soft to be noticed if one is not looking. Probably from the impact of his collision with Prince.
I gave a half-step to the right and he didn't react. He read the feint.
I committed to the blow and he barely managed to block. One, two, three more strikes. Sweat and blood trickled down his hands making an obscene sound with each strike. His bloodthirsty eyes measured against my own. With each clash of our hands I gain a small inch against him. His reaction time is slower everytime. Or is he baiting me?
A misstep on his part gave me the opening for an uppercut. He staggered back a step and shook his head to clear his vision. I took that second to strike. Caught off guard, I took the opportunity to take him down with an arm bar.
He was smiling as I tightened my hold to choke him. Somewhere in the background someone was screaming.
"You think you won but I'm not yet done." There was a flash of silver in the air before I felt the slight sting on my neck. My hold loosened enough for him to roll away. "Do you feel that? That's death creeping up on you." He laughed maniacally as he tried to get up. I pulled the small stinger and slammed the syringe in the middle of his chest. His shocked eyes told me everything I need to know.
"Gago." I smirked at him. "After what you did to Panther, you think I won't take precautions?" His eyes were wild as he clutched his chest. Bubbles started to froth on his mouth. "The question is, did you take precautions?"His eyes darkened with rage but I could see in them that he knew it was too late. Everything is too late now.
I didn't look as he started to thrash. Soon enough it would be over. He was never the real target.
I walked over to Prince and pulled him to his feet. I could hear the distant sounds of the Bird. Finally.
We made our way to the top floor. Debris littered the ground and there was no clear landing spot. A rope ladder was immediately lowered and I guided him to hold so we could get out of there quickly.
As soon as we got inside the Bird, Icen filled me in on the details.
"3X is nearing the meet-up point with A3. A6 and Edge are already there. Blockade is already in place."
"Good. And A7?" There was a pause on the line.
"Yellow and Zebra's communication lines are back. They are fighting their way out. Back-up is enroute."
I breathed a sigh of relief. With Yellow there, I'm more confident that Diosa will be safe. "Any news on the Dragon?"
"He's moving into position. We've cut-off all other escape routes. Let's just hope the jammer on their commies are enough for them not to get a good position for an aerial rescue."
"Tell me as soon as Yelle and Zebra get clear. I want those men questioned."
"Zebra is asking if she could use fireworks."
"She has clearance. Just make sure someone can still talk afterwards."
"Just talk, eh?" I can hear the humor back in her voice. "Righty-o, Boss. "
"Get a hold of Sanada. I need news on the Dragon's movements."
Nakarinig ako ng ilang putukan sa background bago may pumasok na bagong communication line.
"Jaguar, they've broken formation. One is heading towards Kalayaan Bridge. The other one is heading towards Airport Road." Sanada's voice was ripe with static. I smirked. They've proven my calculations right. "I'm still on Komova's tail."
"Everyone meet me on the bridge. We'll box him in."
The world is rife with gray areas. One person's heroism can be considered as another one's act of terrorism. It all depends on which side you are on and which belief you'd care to carry.
Just like what me and my sister went through. If you'd care to listen to the reports of all the health workers, foster homes, and government agents have on us we're branded as criminals, but the truth is we were only doing what we can to survive.
It's no mean feat to kill the man who molested you when he's sworn to take care of you and your sister. It's not easy living on the streets and taking orders from thugs—or fending them off at night when they're under the influence of spirits or drugs. It wasn't a walk in the park engaging in stealing and spying. It wasn't a dream come true clutching at cold prison bars while keeping an eye on your back lest other more black-hearted individuals watched you from the blanket of darkness.
No, nothing is ever easy, or black and white, or clean and dirty. All things have their in-between.
And it is in these gray areas where morality plays its role.
"Speak." The splash of red on the wet floor immediately dissipated into pink. A steady dripping sound could be heard amidst the soft murmurings of the man suspended by his arms swinging in front of me. His swollen eye is a testament to his beliefs. I'm sure he got paid well to be able to keep his mouth shut for this long.
Or he's too scared of what's to come if he talks.
In my line of business, it's either fear or money that talks. A bit of bargaining and the toughest hides can be scratched and the tightest lips can be loosened.
"She's not going anywhere if you don't talk." I saw his non-swollen eye widen and his lips twitch. Good.
He took the bait.
Names, locations, positions—trickled as fast as his blood did on the floor. His eyes fluttered close as he breathed the last of them.
"Kill me," he begged. "Just please, please make sure she lives. My baby."
I patted his cheek like a lover. He started to cry like a child. "Promise me! Promise me!" The chains rattled.
"She wouldn't know a thing," I whispered.
Amidst the din of chaotic movement and several reports coming in at the same time, I found my center. The wind whipped at my hair and clothes as the helicopter rose higher above the skyscrapers. The scene unfolding beneath is by my own hand—carefully calculated and masterfully executed by my players. The city's lights looked like a thousand fireflies winking. Veins and arteries moved sluggishly as traffic was diverted to alternate routes—all in an effort to contain the mini war happening in the streets. The roar of the engine drowned the sound of the gunshots, but I can still pinpoint each location where my agents are locked in battle. I am dancing on a tightrope; juggling too many factors in mid-air in this game I started and the need to keep everyone safe.
That is a lie. No one is safe.
Before fear could waver my resolve, I dismissed it. It will not help if I let my guard down. Everything is hinged on the plan. This is what I've been trained for.
"Bring us to the bridge."
I could see Tiu's Hummer with Lady snaking on the highway in hot pursuit. Just a few hundred meters are Aidan and Red in battle with two units. The Hummer's tires exploded from the twin shots made by 3X and Fache on each side. The vehicle lost its momentum and slammed on the center island. It didn't stop in its tracks but managed to bulldoze its way through four lampposts, dragging them until it was caught on the high tension cables that I had my agents install on the bridge.
I felt relief flood in me when the vehicle came to a stop a scant few inches from the crash barricades that was our last resort if my calculations failed.
A screech of tires alerted us as one of the FJ Cruisers slammed on Barney. Red lost her stance on the impact and she slammed back on the truck bed. I saw the window open and one of the men inside reach for the prone Red.
Oh fuck. I reached for my knife and aimed. The blade found its mark. The second FJ Cruiser went past Barney to the Hummer. I saw Tiu's men swarm the car to pull the cables off. One of the men inside the FJ Cruiser began raining bullets on Lady.
Damn. The guy didn't know what he was getting into. I didn't bother to watch as a call from Icen came in.
"A7 is safe."
Before I could exhale a sigh of relief an explosion was heard. My blood ran cold as I saw the smoke rising up from the remains of my brother's pick-up.
"Bring the Bird down," I instructed the pilot. If anything happens to my family... I can never forgive myself.
I could pick out Kuya Alfredo and Adam and they were quick to respond on the scene. Red was holding on to a badly burned Aidan. I badly want to go down and check for myself, but I knew I need to focus.
"Tangina." I looked up ahead at the Hummer in the middle of a mess of cables and barricades.
Here is the real enemy.
"Captain, drop me on the Hummer."
"Were too low, Jaguar," the pilot replied.
"Do it." The pilot did not give argument. Dust rose as the helicopter flew too close to ground. Tiu's men are trading bullets with my agents. Fache and Pascual are methodically killing them off from the top of the billboards. The enemy started firing on the Bird and the helicopter was forced to back off or crash on one of the buildings.
The door of the Hummer opened and Brian came out with Maria on gunpoint. I tried not to look at her to keep my head on the task. I threw my remaining knife on one of Tiu's remaining men. The blade caught him on the throat and he went down with a wet gurgle. I jumped off the car to disarm the other man.
I kept my eye on the remaining man as I slipped another knife off my leg. A bullet grazed my cheek. I felt the heat, but it was nothing compared to the white-hot rage I can feel bubbling in my gut. This man is going to die.
"Back off or she's dead!"
I dragged my eyes from Tiu's face to Maria's tear-stained one. Her eyes begged me.
I swallowed the bile in my throat as I let go of the man. He gave a hacking cough as he scrambled past the barricades.
"Tell your snipers to stop aiming at my head."
I signalled to my snipers. Brian smiled.
"You know you can't run forever." I can feel the tiny nanobots working under my skin. I don't care what happens to me, I can take it. It's my brother, my agents, and Maria that I can't lose.
"Well I think I can and even if you catch me now, I have many ways to get out of jail."
I grimaced at the truth in his words. How many more would suffer for the greed of a few men? The institution is rotten to the core. Based on the reports we've unearthed, the number of politicians and major businesses involved with Tiu would be enough to plunge this country to eternal debt and corruption.
How much more before this country wakes up from the lull of liars disguised as honourable men and the machinery destroying any opposition? Why do we keep on giving the power to convicts and thieves?
"Hindi naman kita dito ipapakulong. I'm aiming for the international court to extradite you."
"Well, say goodbye to Maria then." Maria winced as the gun dug on her bruised cheek. "Ano? Should we test how precious she is to you?"
"If you run, I will follow you. If you hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you."
"Empty words. Ano bang meron dito sa babaeng ito? You could have a hundred others if you let me go."
"Asshole." I motioned for my remaining agents to lay down their weapons.
"Don't try to follow us." He began walking backwards. An Escalade stopped and he boarded it with her.
Hindi pa tayo tapos.
I didn't waste time to watch the vehicle disappear in the distance. I turned to my remaining team waiting on the bridge. Everything went according to plan until Tiu used Maria as a shield. That was my call.
All that happened was on me. The mission is a failure.
There were little victories, but there are casualties I don't even dare count.
I feel like the biggest asshole for letting my team down.
"Aid—" I staggered back a step as Kuya Alfredo's fist connected with my face. I tasted blood.
"Tangina," he muttered. The pain in my chest intensified at the disappointed look in his eyes. The idea of losing more that I am prepared to bargain for is unthinkable. Seeing Aidan hurt, hurt me more.
"Tarantado ka. Pag hindi mo naipaghiganti si Aidan, pakakain ko sa'yo and kamao ko," he said before he walked away.
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