The good little
His eyes grow bigger as he look up at the dark blue night sky. The stars glow and shine the dark night. Their light is not that bright but beautiful in anybody's eye. The little boy just counts the stars above and cheer when he finishes counting them. On top of the little hill is where he sits and stares at the little lights. The star is like lanterns hanging on the sky. The little boy stares at them and never gets tired doing so. How he love watching the little stars shines and twinkle, putting a little pattern in the dark blue sky. He smiles at the stars and wave at them like they are watching and talking to him. He holds his hands together and sings his favorite song.
Shine oh dear star shine
Fill my heart with endless joy
Be one with my soul
Till the end
Let me count you forever
Every day he will sing that song wish that the stars will hear his little voice dancing with words and melodies from his heart. He just wishes even do he knows it's not true. But in the sky high above the brightest star listen to his song as it shines in the night sky watching the little boy from where he is. The star could hear his little sing and fell in love with the song and the boy. Every night it shines just to listen to the sweet voice singing for him and his fellow friends. But what is life without a little scar. One day when the little is working at his brother's farm, a group of big mean boys push him. They laugh at him calling him pathetic and weak. Their word strikes deep in his heart and poisons his beautiful light. They throw sticks and stones hurting the poor little boy's body. Painting bruises and scar on his body and heart. The little boy just holds his head helplessly waiting for a hero to come and help him from this misery. He cries but no one was there to listen to his voice singing the song of pain. They push him around like a lifeless doll made of hay. The tallest one stand in front of his eyes. With a grin of a dark soul and no mercy like an evil soul he kicks his stomach. How he enjoys watching the suffering soul in pain. The poor little boy just lay there crying and rub his stomach and dignity in pain. He runs to the hill with his tears trail the step he takes. His eyes just catch the sight of the night. He looks up and starts to cry. The stars just watch the poor little boy bawling his eyes out in pain. The little boy just cries while telling his sad song
Oh, why is my heart full of pain
Why do they keep doing this to me?
Making me want to cease to exist
Oh, dear stars thank you
For listing to my sad song
I wish I could be in your embrace
Oh dear star I wish your really here
Suddenly the wind that surround the little living body. Like a mother holding a child, the wind embraces the little soul. In its calm embrace the little boy with his little voice sing a sweetest song ever. He floats in mid air; the sky feels so near, the stars shines brighter than ever. The little boy just smiles, his pain and misery just fade away. The refection of the bright sky shines in his pure yellow eyes. He closes his eyes as tears of joy shed. The innocent child put his guard down as his soul calms and remains. Slowly the magical gift becomes one with his dream and he fell into a deep slumber fill with pure happiness. A sweet voice sings from far away in the sky.
Oh, dear child singing for me
Fill my heart with endless joy
Become one with my soul
Till the end
Let me listen to your song forever
The voice sings and continues to sing. But it suddenly stops when a sound of stomping feet shouting a name with a heart fill with anxiety. A tall fine men stands on the hill top with his eyes wide open. His eyes tremble with a mix of all kind of deep fear pour into the core of his fragile heart. For the first time in his entire explainable and confusing life never he had seen such miracle. His brother's body slowly lowers by the calm wind and put into his embrace, his hair dance to the beat of the wind. He looks at his brother's calm face and mind cover with pure dream happiness he let go a deep heavy breath. A breath fill with anxiety and wordiness fade away with the night wind as exhale it and he inhale a new one fill with relief. He holds his brother tighter until their cheeks meet. He carries his brother in his warm embrace and walk home. His brother's room door open along with a squeak but the noise didn't bother the sleeping child. He puts his brother slowly on the bed and fall next to the little body. He runs his finger down his brother's brown hair to his soft pale cheeks. He pulls his brother into his embrace and kisses his head. Love fills the young man's heart and he pours it all to his dear little brother. His eyes become heavier ever second the time passed away. He finally loses to the strong force and fell into a deep slumber. His chest move up and down calmly as the night sky continues watching those to humans. The next day, the little boy wake up and rub his sleepy eyes. Morning tears roll down his face, he looks around and his capture a body lying calmly beside. He looks at his brother's calm sleepy face. He gets up and jumps off the bed. He walks as fast as his little short legs can swing. He pushes the front door slowly with the strength his hands can contribute. He raises his head and his eyes see the endless blue sky with pure white clouds hanging above. Time past slow and fast. One more page of everyone's life nearly fills. The little boy is on his daily journey to the hill where his soul becomes one with the night. In his journey his heart is not at ease. Winter is falling upon his head for 3 weeks already. His brother's farm have going down since no crop can survive the cold weather, wrapping everything under its spell. He continues to stare at the cold hard ground but his dilemma was distracted by the sound of children laughing. His eyes are lock to two figures playing on the frozen lake. It is the humans who feed with other's misery. They play on the ice with joy. Suddenly the ice crack open and one of them is standing on it. His eyes are fill with as life is depending on the ground. Every move counts, every move and his life is one move near to death. The little boy knows that he have to do something. He runs towards the trembling body. He reach his hands out and look at frighten soul. The frighten soul is surprise to see the boy he once put in misery. He can't hold his tears from falling and shouts. "Why are you helping me, I always hurt you". The little boy just stares at the trembling body fill with endless darkness and fear. He look at him in the eyes, he bits his lips "I will always forgive you and anyone who once hurt me; I will always be here to forgive a sinner who made sins to me so be my friend and let me help you." The soul is no longer frightening he reach out to grab his hands. But the ice crack even worse and he lose his balance, his friends bit their lips. "Help" is the last words before falling into the ice. Without a second to spare, he jumps into the cold ice water. Everything is like an ocean of darkness, he can't see anything. He cries from the unknown darkness. "Help me dear star". The stars heard his cry. All the stars unite with the brightest star and they shine together as one. The light was so bright even the ice could not deny it. The light guides the little boy to a body floating in the center of the darkness. He swims towards the body and pull him together with him. He reaches his out to the surface. But the cold water has penetrated in him. His leg ache in great pain. He looks at the lifeless body in his arms, he look above. He close his eyes and push the boy above while he sinks to the bottom. From below he could hear voices cheering but immediately turns into confusion. From under the cold hard ice he could see footsteps running towards them leaving marks behind. He could hear people talking than a person shouting on the top of his lungs. He tries to call out his name but to much water already enters his lungs. He struggle as the darkness continue to suffocate him, pulling him deeper inside. On the surface the older brother's skin turn pale and he is speechless." My brother is in the lake?" the entire children nod. Without hesitating he pulls his sweater and jump into the cold water. He could not see and anything, he swim deeper. He rotate his body in every angle, he could not hold his breath. He goes the surface but he dive back inside. To him his brother's life is much more important than his. Everything is too dark, the darkness blinds his eyes. He didn't want to waste even a second. Every second his brother's life is fading away. As he's about to lose his hope, he sees a little lifeless body floating gracefully. His hair dance in the water slowly like time is slowing down. He swims at that body and pull it closer to him. He swims back to the surface where all the children are waiting. All of them are holding hand praying and praying. His hands grab the edge of the ice. With the strength his left with, he pull his brother out. He puts the weak body on the hard ground. He puts his hand on the boy's chest and presses it as hard and rapidly as he could. His brother starts to cough out water. He's relief but that second off happiness fades away when his brother starts coughing blood. His entire body tremble as his pupils shrinks, his mouth shivers. He puts his hands on his head. He lifts his brother up and puts him on his leaps. His eyes form tears and it does not wait to sheds. His brother's eye starts to open and more blood comes out. He looks as his brother crying. He reaches his hand out, his little shivering fingers touches his brother's face. "Don't cry big bro, smile......I want you to smile. Smile please" His brother tries to speak but only breath comes out his trembling lips. He pulls himself together and smile. His little brother's eyes shines and he giggles. "Thank you" his last breath blown out and form a light smoke. His hands drop and his head falls aside. His brother's shakes are visible to the eye. More tears sheds, he hold his brother's head. He takes his brother's pale hand and put it on his cheeks, he kiss every cold pale finger. His lifeless face looks calm he even smile. His brother can't take the pain anymore. He shouts at the top of his lungs "Star please don't leave me, stay." He pulls his brother's head until their forehead meet. A hand wakes him from his dilemma, he turns his head and his eyes see a boy soaking wet. The boy falls to his knees, tears roll down his cheek. "I'm sorry Star; please forgive me I want to be your friend. Please to leave me yet, I want to spend time with you, please give that chance again" He prostration follow by the others. He could hear them apologies to the pale skin body. The older brother just look at them and more tears shed his brother's cold stiff body. Suddenly snows fall down to earth, but they aren't ordinary snow. The falling snow glows and shines like the stars. Every piece of snow falls on the innocence boy's body and its light shines at every limb of his body. More of the magical snow falls upon him. His entire body is cover with the light and he slowly burst into a million particle of light and gracefully slips between his brother's finger and his broken heart. A soft voice sings in their ears. "I'll always forgive you". Always
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