~Chapter One~
I've seen this place before...
I've been in this room before...
The wood-plank walls...
The soft, welcoming crackle of the brick fireplace...
The coffee table Infront of two chairs. With the red book on top...
Two, leather chairs...
I absent-mindly walk over to the chairs and take a seat.
I remember, The chair to the left...
A figure sits... I want to know more about them, I try to get up, but it feels as if someone is holding me down. I try to call to them with no prevail.
The feeling turns into a hand. It pulls on me, until I can't see anymore.
I want to go back!
"Wh-what? N-no! Where am I!?" Bea breaths out heavily.
The hand lifts from Bea's shoulder. Her eyes re-focus. She looks at the faces.
The pink haired on clears their throat. "Hello! My name is Marshin, I am your friend."
Oh yes, Marshin, Ovin. She remembers now. "What- what happened?"
Ovin spoke up. "You had another daydream." Another one?! Seriously?! "These are getting more frequent." He pauses to let out a long sigh. "You should really see a doctor or therapist or something!"
"No! I-I don't. I'm fine.." Bea tries to convince. Marshin raises an eyebrow. "You don't believe me... do you?" She coils back.
"No, it's not that we don't believe you. It's just that-" Marshin tried to deny her claims, but Bea was already speed walking down the sidewalk.
Bea clenched her backpack straps tighter and bit her lip, trying her best not to cry. Her quick pace formed into a run. Pushing strangers out her way. She finally gets the woods behind Gamsville. Her safe space. Where she goes to get away.
Sure, she feels bad for running away from her friends. Her best friends. It was just...too much for her.
Where am I?.. I've gone too far. I should have stayed with my friends. All they wanted to do was help me. Why couldn't I have just listened to them? I need them! I'm a terrible friend. I don't know why I'm like this...
Thoughts spiral in her head as she falls to the ground. Clenching something in her palm as tears sparkle down her cheeks. In her hand is a locket, a locket with a picture of her dad. When he was well.
-----------------------Back to Ovin and Marshin---------------------------
It's been like this ever since her dad died a month ago...
I want to go after her, but I know it'll make her worse...
We used to be close to her dad, seeing us in her Safe Space would also just make her worse...
"I feel like Bea doesn't like us anymore." Marshin presents her fears.
"Wha- No, no.. Don't say that!" He turns around and puts his hand on their shoulder for comfort.
I feel like a Marshin to her. Ovin keeps reassuring me that 'she's just going through something' I don't want to come off as insensitive or making her loss about me but..
I want my friend back
--------------------Time Skip, back with Bea--------------------
The sun is going down. I should probably get home... But what would my mom think..? If I left with my friends and come back without them.. She'd be so mad.. I can't go home.. but I need to.. But I can't, I can't, I can't, I have to..
She grabs her long, coily, messy, dark hair tightly and slowly stands up. She tries to make her way through the woods. Only finding herself more and more lost. And getting deeper and deeper.
She continues to stumble around until she gets to a large tree. Everything goes black for her, except the tree...
I remember this too...
This tree...
My dad would take me here to stargaze...
She walks closer. She touches it.
Yes, so familiar...
She climbs it to the thick, mossy branch.
The sun really is down now...
My dad... The stars... together... The tree...
Suddenly everything snaps back into existence. The tree! It's in her backyard! She's home.
Her mom, Bianca, runs out in a panic.
"Dónde estabas!? ¡Tus amigas volvieron y tú no! ¡Me tenías muy preocupada!" Her mom shouted.
"Mamá. ¡Lo siento, está bien!" Bea pleaded. Upon hearing her child's voice, Bianca calms down. Although she's still angry.
"You're still grounded. You hear me! ¡Castigada!" Her mom pulls her down from the tree and drags her inside.
After eating a big dinner, she's sent to her room for the night. She sits at her window, looking out to the stars. Holding her phone. She checks her group chat.
EnbyMarshin: Bea?
EnbyMarshin: Bea!
EnbyMarshin: you okay Bee???????????
OvinDaOven: Sorry Bea. Take your time. Just know we here for you if you need us, we love you.
Bea stared at the last thing Ovin said.....
'we love you.'
She sighs and lays onto her bed. Thinking on what to do. She slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep...
---------------------------------- (Back to the friends) --------------------------------
"Marshin! Stop texting her!" Ovin scolds with his friend.
"But I'm worried!!" Marsh frowns.
"Torment and harassment don't help!"
They lower their phone. "You're right." They let out an airy sigh. They stick it back in their bookbag and flips their blonde and pink hair sassily. "Hey! It's getting late. Let's go to my house!"
Ovin thinks for a second. "Okay! lemme just text my mom about it. Do you eed to ask yours?"
"Nope! She doesn't care!"
"Okay." He looks down at his phone. "My mom said it's fine."
"Let's go then!" They grab his hand and pulls him away. But before they both make it to the home, Ovin stops.
"Look." Ovin points up at the sky. Marshin also looks.
Up in the sky.
A bright, brilliant, radiant
Meteor Shower! (A\N: Listen to Meteor Shower by Cavetown pls.)
The two stare up in wonder.
Marshin latches onto Ovin's arm.
"We should make a wish..." Marshin whispers.
"Your right, Marsh." Ovin agrees.
They both bow their heads and make a wish...
I wish that, my friend will find peace and care.
They think together. They make eye contact, then break it. And slowly progresses inside.
------------------------------ (Last Segment, Bea from the future) --------------------------------
A loud shaky bang woke me up. I went to my window to investigate. And what I found...
Changed my life...
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