"Honestly, i don't really feeling anything. Do you?" Steve asked. "I mean... I feel fine. I feel normal" Robin said. "Yeah, yeah, me too... I kinda feel good" i said.
We all began to laugh. "Wanna know a secret?" Robin asked in-between chuckles. "I do to!" she exclaimed causing us to laugh louder.
"Morons. They messed up the drug!" Steve shouted. "They messed it up! Morons!" i shouted. "Hey morons!" Robin shouted. Steve continued hysterically laughing as Robin and i shouted.
"There is definitely something wrong with us" Robin said with laughter. "Somethings wrong" Steve said. We all jumped as the door opened.
The guards walked in with smirks across their faces. The doctor began laying out different equipment on the table. "Let's try this again, yes?... Who do you work for?" the guard asked.
"Scoops. Scoops Ahoy" Steve said with a smile. Robin and i continued giggling at him. "How did you find us?" he asked. "Totally by accident" Steve replied with a chuckle.
The doctor walked over with a sharp object. "What's that shiny little toy?" Steve asked. "Where you going with that doc?" i questioned. The doctor grabbed Steve's hand and put the sharp object under his nail.
"Woah, woah, woah! What are you doing there!? Stop?!" Steve shouted. The doctor ignored him as he tugged at Steve's fingernail. "There was a code! We heard a code!" i shouted. The doctor stopped. "Code...What code?" the guard questioned.
"'The week is long, the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west' Blah, blah, blah. You broadcasted that stupid spy shit all over town. And we picked it up on our cerebro, and we cracked it in a day! A day! You think you're so smart, but a couple of kids, who work in a mall for a living, cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you're here!" i exclaimed.
"Who knows we are here, suca!" the guard spat. "Uh, well Dustin knows" Steve said. "Hey, Steve!" Robin exclaimed. "Yeah, Dustin Henderson" he said with laughter.
"Steve!" Robin shouted as she laughed. "Hmm, Dustin Henderson. Is this your small, curly haired friend?" the guard questioned. "Yup, that's the one. Great hair" i said.
"Where is he?" he asked. "Oh, he's long gone, you big asshole. And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry. They're gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. Your gonna be two pieces of toast" Steve said with a grin.
"Is that so?" the guard asked sarcastically. "Uh, yeah" Steve said causing Robin and i to laugh harder. The guard laughed along with us as he thought we were lying.
Suddenly, the alarm began to go off. The guards smirk dropped. Steve just shrugged and continued to laugh. The head guard ran out of the room to see what all the commotion was about.
Whilst he was gone, Dustin and Erica bursted through the door with a large, electric weapon. They blasted the doctor causing him to fall to the ground. "Hey Henderson! That's crazy i was just talking about you" Steve said.
Dustin began untying us as he told us to run. We all ran through the hall and into one of the Russian guards cars. Steve, Robin and i hopped in the back as Dustin and Erica were in the front.
Dustin sped up causing us all to fall all over the place. "Jesus, slow down!" Steve said hitting Dustin chair. "Yeah, what is this like the Indy 500?" i asked sarcastically.
"It's the Indy 300" Steve said. "No asshole, it's 500!" i exclaimed. "Let's say, one million" Robin said. We all began laughing hysterically at Robin. "What is wrong with them?!" Erica exclaimed.
"I don't know!" Dustin shouted. Dustin stopped the car suddenly as we arrived at the elevator. We all groaned as we crashed against the wall.
We stumbled out of the back of the car and ran into the elevator. Erica put the card Dustin had stolen from the guard against the panel as the doors un-locked.
We got into the elevator as it quickly went up. Steve hopped onto a hand trolley and began pretending to surf. "Look at me! I'm a natural!" he shouted. Robin grabbed the trolley and pulled it back causing Steve to fly forwards.
"Wipeout!" she shouted. The three of us fell to the floor with laughter. Dustin ran over and put his hand on Steve's head. "He's burning up" he said.
"Your burning up" Steve said as Dustin rolled his eyes. He opened up Steve eyes. "His pupils are supper dilated." "Maybe he's drugged" Erica said.
"Steve are you drugged?" Dustin questioned. "How many times dad? I don't do drugs... Only when Joy buys marijuana" he said booping Dustin's nose.
"This isn't funny okay! I need to know what they did to you. Are you going to die on us?" Dustin asked. "We all die my strange little child friend. It's only a matter of how and when" Robin said playing with her hair.
Dustin and Erica gave Robin an annoyed glare. "They're going to be looking for us up there, so i need you to tell me where you parked your car" Dustin said to Steve. "Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" i asked.
"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick" Robin said. "Ohh, yes" Steve said. "All right, food yes. You can all have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Uh-oh" Steve said. "Uh-oh? Why uh-oh?" Dustin questioned. "The cars off the board" Steve said with a guilty smile. "What?" "They took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys like forever ago!" Steve exclaimed.
The three of us began laughing again. "That's a bummer" i mumbled as i examined my fingers as if i had never seen them before. Erica shook her head in disappointment.
Once we finally got back to the surface, we made it outside of the mall. Robin, Steve and i began jumping in excitement. "Oh my god! That tastes so good. Guys, can you taste the air?" Robin asked licking the air.
Steve and i began licking the air too. "I taste it! I taste it!" Steve exclaimed. I grabbed Steve's hand and began dragging him away. "I want food! Robin, we're going to your house to watch 'Fast times' and eat popcorn" i said.
Suddenly, the gates of the mall began to open as two Russian guards with large guns came through, shouting at us. "Shit! Come on! Come on!" Dustin shouted pulling us back into the mall. "Why are we running?!" Steve exclaimed with laughter.
We all ran through the back halls of the mall until we were finally in the open with all the other shoppers as the guards continued following us. We ended up in the cinema.
"Are we going to see a movie?" i asked. "Just shut up and follow me!" Dustin snapped. "Fine dad!" i exclaimed. I looked at the movie poster which said "Back to the future". It looked good. As we ran into the theatre, Steve grabbed a half-eaten bag of popcorn from the trash.
Dustin sat us in the front of the theatre. "Dude, these seats blow!" Steve said quietly. "Then don't watch the movie!" Dustin exclaimed. "We want to watch the movie!" i exclaimed back. "Then watch it!" he shouted.
Someone shushed us as we all shushed them back. "Whatever you do, don't go anywhere!" Dustin whispered angrily. "Fine dad!" Steve said causing the three of us to laugh quietly.
As Dustin and Erica left, i shoved a bunch of popcorn in my mouth. Steve gave me a small smile. "What?" i whispered. "I need to book plane tickets to New York after the movie" he whispered back.
I laughed quietly as i grabbed his hand. I looked over to Robin who was watching the movie with a confused look on her face. "What's going on?" i asked her.
"I have no idea" she said with a small chuckle. I let out a small laugh. I tried to figure out what was going on in the movie, but i was beyond confused.
I poked Steve's shoulder. "This popcorn is making my mouth dry. We need some drinks" i whispered. He nodded as he chewed the popcorn. I poked Robin shoulder. "Let's go get drinks" i said.
"Okay, don't let the small, angry man see you" she said pointing at Dustin. We all creeped out of the cinema and walked over to the water fountain.
"So like, i wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but.. I'm pretty sure that mom was trying to bang her son" Robin said. "Wait, wait, wait... The hot chick was Alex P. Keatons mom?" Steve questioned as water dribbled out of his mouth.
"Yeah, i'm pretty sure." "But they're the same age" Steve said. "No but he went back in time" i said. "Then why is it called back to the future?" Steve questioned.
"He has to go BACK to the future because he's in the past. So, the future is actually the present, which is his time" i said. Steve moved his head from underneath the tap. "Wait... What?" he asked.
"No, no, it's my turn! You've had enough!" i exclaimed as i shoved Steve away from the water fountain. I began gulping the water as Robin and Steve began staring at the ceiling.
"Wow" Steve mumbled. "Hey, Joy, you gotta check this out" Robin said. I gulped the last bit of water as i ran over. I looked at the ceiling and began seeing the whole roof begin to move.
It looked like space. "This ceiling is beautiful" Steve said. As i stared at it for a while, the ceiling began moving faster and faster. I gulped at the sick feeling in my stomach.
I looked at Steve and Robin who looked as sick as me. We all ran into the toilet and began puking our heart and souls out. This went on for a while. I laid down on the bathroom floor, waiting for the ceiling to stop spinning.
I know it was wrong of me to think of this at such a serious time but, all i could think about is how i'm going go brag to my dad that i got beat up by a Russian.
"The ceiling stopped spinning for me... Is it still spinning for you guys?" Robin asked from the other stall. "Holy shit. N0" Steve said. "Me neither. You think we puked it all up?" i asked.
"Maybe. Ask me something. Interrogate me" Robin said in a Russian accent. "Okay. Interrogate you. Um... When was the last time you peed your pants?" Steve asked. "Today. When the Russian doctor pulled out the bone saw" Robin said.
Me and Steve laughed. "It was only a little bit though!" Robin said with laughter. "Yeah... It's definitely still in our system" Steve said. "All right, my turn" Robin said.
"Shoot" i mumbled as i rubbed my head. "Have you... Ever been in love?" Robin asked. "Yup. Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year" Steve said as he mimicked an explosion. "Oh my god. She's such a priss" Robin said. "Turns out not really" i mumbled.
"What about you, Joy?" Robin asked. I sighed. "I don't think i've ever been in love" i said. "What about your ex? Jake... Something?" she questioned. "That wasn't love. That was just attraction" i said.
"How would you know the difference if you have never been in love?" she asked. "I don't know... I feel like you'd know if you were in love. I knew i wasn't" i said.
They all stayed quiet. "Are you still in love with Nancy?" Robin asked. "No" he replied. "Why not?" i questioned.
"I think it's because i found someone who's a little better for me. It's crazy. Ever since Dustin got home he's been saying, 'You gotta find your Suzie' 'You gotta find your Suzie'." "Wait, who's Suzie?" Robin questioned.
"It's some girl from camp. I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you i'm not even 100% sure she's even real. But that's... That's not really the point" Steve said.
I felt my heart beat quicker and quicker. When i confessed my feelings for Steve, i was convinced we would never make it out of that place alive. And now that he's saying all of this... Out in the open... In the real world. It makes it feel real.
Reality gets a good kick out of ruining things.
It all hit me at once. I'm not Nancy. I'm not like those girls he dated in high school. And he's going to realise that sooner or later.
"The point is this girl, the one i like. It's somebody that i despised in school. And i don't even know why. Maybe because i was afraid she'd tell me who i really was. Snap me out of the 'Prom King' bubble. It's stupid i mean, Dustin's right, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyways. Because when i think about it, i should have been hanging out with this girl the whole time. I mean, first of all, she's hilarious, she's so funny. I feel like these past few years where i've gotten to know her, i've laughed harder than i have laughed... In a really long time."
"And she's smart. Way smarter than me. She can crack top secret Russian codes or get you a B- on an English paper. You know? She's honestly unlike anyone i've ever met before."
There was silence. I had nearly chewed off all my nails whilst Steve was taking. I walked into Robin stall and embraced her tightly. She was confused but she hugged me back.
"Joy? Did you OD in there?" Steve asked as he knocked on the stall. "No... I think she's still alive" Robin said. Steve slid under the stall into ours. I lifted my head up slowly. "The floors disgusting, you know" i said with a small smile.
"Yeah, we'll, i've already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt so" Steve said giving me a small smile back. I laughed quietly. "So... What do you think about this girl?" he asked.
"She sounds awesome" Robin said giving me an encouraging thumbs up. "She is awesome. And, the guy?" he questioned. "I think he's drugged up. And not thinking straight" i said. "Really? Cause i think he's thinking a lot more clearly than usual" he said.
"He's not. Because if he was, he'd realise that this girl, is not one you keep around. Not a girl you'd bring home to the parents. More of a girl you keep around on the side or cut loose before you can never escape" i said.
"No that's not true, no way is that true. Because i'm pretty sure that this guy has been falling for her for the past three years" he said. My heart stopped. "Really?" i asked with a small smirk.
Steve leaned in closer. "He has been falling for her since she went on a rant about her favourite poets" he said with a small smile.
I nodded my head and smiled. "Well then... How about we talk more about this girl when we're not being chased by evil Russians" i said. He nodded as he grabbed my hand.
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