The next day, i arrived at school as normal and tried my best to avoid Steve. After last night, the last thing i wanted to do was tutor him.
He already got me in enough trouble with my dad who was furious with me for walking home so late. I told him it was all Steve's fault but he wouldn't listen.
As i made my way into the cafeteria, i felt a wave of anxiety come over me. Even though i pretend to be above it all, i think everyone can agree how intimidating high school is.
Especially when you have to try and find a seat in cafeteria. I usually sit at the empty table in the corner, but i can still feel people's stares. I grabbed my food and sat down.
"Hey Joy" i heard a voice say. I turned around to see Nancy with her arms crossed as she looked at the ground uncomfortably. "Hi?" i replied. "I was just wondering, did you happen to see Barb last night?" she asked.
Nancy seemed more tense then usual. "Nope... I left when all your friends started insinuating that i was a whore, remember?" i said sarcastically.
"They're not my friends" she replied hastily. I scoffed as i opened my book to ignore her. "So... You didn't drop Barb home?" she asked. I sighed as i closed my book again.
"Nancy, for the last time, i don't know where Barb is. Ask your boyfriend, it was his house" i said. "Ask me what?" i heard a voice say.
I rolled my eyes as i already knew who it was. Steve came over and put his arm around Nancy. "I was just asking Joy if she saw Barb last night" Nancy said. "Nance, i told you she probably just skipped" he said.
"Yea no... Your right i'm just... I'm worried that's all" Nancy said as she rolled back her shoulders. "No... It's cute" Steve said with a smirk. "Do you mind?" i asked angrily.
Steve gave me an annoyed glare. "Do you know what, i've lost my appetite" i said as i grabbed all my things and left. "Wait Joy" Steve shouted as i left.
I walked quicker hoping he would finally leave me alone. "Joy!" Steve shouted as he stood in my way. "Jesus Harrington, what do you want?" i exclaimed in frustration. He took some flash cards out of his pocket and handed them to me.
"Your Romeo and Juliet notes? They were... Pretty good" he said. I grabbed them off him and shoved them in my bag. "So, when's our next study lesson?" he asked. "Next?" i questioned.
"Look Harrington, i know you think that everyone here lives to please you but i have better things to do with my time. So... Its over" i said walking away. "Well, actually no because Miss Miller said you have to" he said walking after me.
"Can't you just get Nancy to help you?" i shouted. Steve hesitated for a minute. "I mean i could-" Steve started. "Good!" i said cutting him off. Steve grabbed my arm gently to stop me from walking.
"What is your problem with me, huh?" he exclaimed. "I don't have a problem with you" i replied crossing my arms. "Well you obviously do. Even before this assignment, you have a problem with me" he said with a scoff.
"I don't have a problem with you Steve. I do have a problem with privileged pricks who think it's okay to treat people like shit" i said. "Yea like your such a gem" he mumbled.
I rolled my eyes as i walked away. "Wait" Steve called out through gritted teeth. I unwillingly turned around and let him talk. "Fine... Let me show you that i'm not a "privileged prick", if you help me get a B on my paper" he said.
I stayed quiet. "I'll pay you" he added on. "How much?" i asked. "$5 an hour" he stated. I tilted my head in judgment. "Fine... $10" he said. "Give me $20 and you have a deal" i said with a smile. Steve hesitated for a moment.
"Fine" he said finally giving in. I gave him a bright smile as i put out my hand. He shook my hand with an annoyed look on his face. I leaned in slightly to whisper in his ear. "I would have settled for $10" i whispered.
Steve also leaned in slightly. "I would have gone for $40" he replied with a smug look on his face. I smirked slightly as i walked away.
"So your house 8?" he shouted from across the hall. "Nope" i replied as i kept walking. "Why?" he questioned. "Because you are not coming to my house and plus you don't even know where i live " i said. "Fine. My house at 8" he said.
"No, i'm not having a repeat of last time" i said. "Then where and when?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders as i kept walking.
When i got home, there was a note on the fridge telling me that Hop will be home late... Again. I looked in the microwave to find left over lasagne. Flo usually gives us her leftover dinners because she knows how bad of a cook Hopper is.
I didn't mind though, Flo was a good cook. As i was heating up my food, i saw the notes Steve had given back to me on the floor. They must have fallen out of my pocket.
I picked them up and saw that he had drawn small drawings of stickmen on the corners of the page. I shook my head and laughed. Every time i thought he was dumb, he found a way to show me that he's dumber.
I didn't want Steve to come to my house because i knew he'd tell all of his friends that the rumours about my family being messy, drunk, lunatics were true.
My dad struggled with addiction for a while but he is trying to get better. He has gotten better... For the most part. But with him working full time and me not being bothered to clean, our house isn't the tidiest.
I sat down and got ready to eat my dinner until i heard a knock at my door. I sighed in frustration. "Dad, i told you to keep your keys in your pocket so you stop forgetting them" i shouted as i opened the door.
"Your not my dad" i said in shock. "No... I'm not" Steve said with a grin. "What are you doing here?" i asked angrily. "Well, we need to study and i got your address from the office" he said.
"Why is the office so keen on giving out all of my private information?!" i said angrily. Steve shrugged. "Well, let's get started then" he said trying to push passed me. "No!" i exclaimed pushing him back.
Steve stood there confused to why i wouldn't let him in. "Just... Give me a second" i said as i slammed the door. I grabbed all the clothes, empty bottles, plates and other things laying on the ground and shoved them all into my dads room. The house was still messy but it looked... Better at least.
"Okay, come in" i said opening the door. Steve walked in and looked around the house. "Wow its... Nice" he said trying to be nice. "I didn't ask but thanks" i replied. I brought him into the kitchen and got all my notes out.
"So, we can either do Shakespeare first or poems. And i know you already did Romeo and Juliet but we also have to do "A Midsummers Nights Dream". And for poems, i don't know which poets you want to study but my personal favourites are Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickinson. Now i know there both female poets but, i'm sure your masculinity can handle that" i said flicking through my books.
Steve sat there dumbfounded. "Hello? Earth to Steve" i said waving my hand in his face. "How the hell do you know all of this?" he asked. "I don't know by reading. You should try it sometime" i said cockily.
He nodded his head and gave me a fake smile. "Let's start with Shakespeare then" i said sliding over my notes. Steve took one look at the notes and mimicked shooting a gun in his mouth.
I rolled my eyes and took my notes back. "Oh come on, i'm kidding" Steve said as he laughed. "Yea well, i don't want to waste any more of my out of school time with you so, let's get started" i said sternly.
As i was scolding Steve, i heard the phone ring from the other room. I got up and answered it. "Hello" i said. "Joy... Your dad wanted me to call to tell you he won't be home tonight" she said.
"Oh yea i know, he left a note on the fridge telling me he'd be late" i replied. "No Joy... He won't be home tonight. He'll be back tomorrow afternoon" she said in a disheartened tone.
"Flo? What's happened?" i asked anxiously. Flo went silent. "Flo?!" i questioned louder. At this point, Steve had noticed the urgency in my voice and gave me a confused look.
"It's that Byers boy".
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