Chapter 2
I hadn't seen Jason for a long time. As I saw him walk towards me with a gorgeous smile. It made me slightly comfortable.
He spoke when he was a few feet away. He was at hearing distance from me. And he was still walking towards me.
"Elena! You look different - "
I gave him a hard-bitten smile. He didn't complete his sentence. He shifted his gaze towards Mia.
Mia was still recovering from what had happened. I had pulled her off gaurd.
Act normal girl!
I could hear myself internally screaming!
" Mia? What's wrong? You seem like you've seen a ghost!", said Val breaking the awkward silence.
Realizing everyone were staring at her, she said softly "Don't worry about it. I think I saw a rat"
That was the best you could come up with!?
Val yelled on top of her voice, "Rat!!!!!"
And she ran towards the class.
And some junior girls started screaming too.
I saw Mia roll her eyes looking at those girls.
I couldn't help smiling at how irritated Mia was.
Then I shifted my gaze towards Jason who was still looking at me with a confused expression.
"Elena? "
Yeah! What's up Jason?" I said totally avoiding the confused expression on his face.
"Don't try to fool me. I know you better than you know yourself. " He said taking a step closer to us.
It's not the first time he's said this to me. He's said this so many times on phone and over texts. You know those times when someone sends a sweet text, you try to imagine how it would be if they were right in front of you.
That's how I felt.
But I wasn't as Happy as I would have been if I hadn't witnessed the kiss.
Mia whispered in my ears, "Elena, do you have a spare?"
Oh. Girl emergency.
I nodded my head Slightly.
Then I turned towards Jason.
I said in a confident tone, "I need to get to class. Why don't you hang out with your girlfriend? Well talk in the break maybe?"
He instantly rubbed the back of his head digging into his hair. He does that when he's shy or embarrassed. He said avoiding eye contact, "you mean Val? Oh.. Uh.. Yeah see you later."
I've always teased Val as his girlfriend. So he just thought I was teasing him. But I wasn't.
I wanted to tell him THAT.
But I had to help Mia. So I just let it be. But I'll bring up the topic again. SOON. Not awkwardly.
He's my best friend. I have all the rights to ask him.
I'm not jealous or anything.
Okay maybe a little.
Snap out of it Elena! You're dreaming a lot in between conversations.
I said crossing my arms, "Yeah, see you later."
I think he took a step forward to hug me. But by then, Mia was dragging me across the halls to the nearest bathroom.
I waved a goodbye to a confused Jason. And turned forwards to match Mia's pace.
As we entered the bathroom, Mia screamed, "You have a spare right!?"
Shit. How did I forget.
I only have a tampon. And Mia doesn't use them.
I told her softly, "Is a tampon fine?"
She gave an exhausted response, "Don't you have a pad?"
I said, "Uh.. No."
"Shit "
Some other girl in the bathroom," I have a pad. Here you go. "
Thank God.
That's done.
How could I forget something like that?
Then I looked at the time.
I was LATE.
I was 5 minutes late to the class.
It didn't bother me though. Mia was with me.
You know right? Getting screwed when some is along with you doesn't bother. But when you're alone you feel like banging your head to the wall in embarrassment.
I don't know about you. But it happens to me.
Mia came out of the bathroom. And we ran to class.
I couldn't help it, "What's wrong with a tampon?"
She gave a disgusted look.
It's meant ewww. Gross. That is not something to discuss about.
Haha. I knew it already.
We rushed to class. To see, the teacher hadn't arrived yet.
I sat on my desk.
A new guy entered the class. He was tall about 6'2. He had a muscular chest. Maybe a football player. He had dazzling green eyes. Brown hair which was messed up. He had a pretty fair skin tone. He was absolutely HOT. SUPER HOT. He stood there with a half smile
All the girls were ogling at him. He raised one eyebrow of his and asked, "This is the 102 classroom right?"
I don't know what got over me.
It was written right above the door. Nobody could miss it.
Without thinking I just blurted it out, "It definitely is. You would know if you paid attention to your surroundings than the people who are ogling at you."
There was a pindrop silence.
Mia laughed. You wouldn't have heard it if it wasn't this silent.
He struggled to point out the girl who said those over smart reply. He them looked my way when Mia laughed. He stared at me in the eye.
The he said, "If I paid attention to the people ogling at me,i would never reach class today. Mind your tongue else you will never get a little tongue from me"
What the hell.
Did he just say that to me.
I stood up instantly causing my desk to make a loud noise.
"Get a little tongue from a guy who has his dick in his mouth. No thank you. I would never ever- Even if you were the last person on this earth. Haven't you got any manners? "
He just stared at me. With his piercing eyes. Like he was going to attack me.
I could see Val and Amy waiting eagerly for him to say something.
" Manners? Go and ask your dad to put some manners into that pea sized brain of yours. "
He died in a car accident. It was just last year. I was still recovering from what happened.
Hearing his name made my eyes tear. I sat back in my chair.
Just yesterday I had been to the graveyard. That was the last thing I wanted to remember today.
" That's enough asshat. "shouted Mia.
I didn't look at him..
I thought he wouldn't say a word after that.
I was wrong.
He walked a step forward and in a sarcastic tone," Did I say something wrong sweetheart? Did your dad run away before putting some manners into your head?i guess he couldn't handle that bantering mouth of yours"
I couldn't take it anymore.
I wiped the tear from my left eye.
Just before I could say anything.
Leah, my other best friend who had just entered the class, went right upto him.
"You, asshole, don't speak about sensitive matters when you don't know shit! I'm sure if her dad was here today, you wouldn't be standing on those two rod like things you call legs."
One of the girls who was ogling at him before, said, "That's fucking enough alright!? Elena was the one who started it. Come sit here new guy."
I didn't look at his face.
I didn't look at anyone in the class for sometime.
I wanted Mrs. Collins to turn up. She never did.
Mia and Leah tried to make small talk but it didn't work.
But Im not going to be sad the whole day because of a wrong choice of words by some asshole.
I dust off my skirt.
And look back to talk to my friends who were finally relieved when I started talking normally.
I scanned the class to spot the new guy sitting next to Ed. Ed's a sweet guy.
Ed caught me looking at him and said, "El! You fine? He didn't know." He was defending that ass hole?
I gave a cold smile to Ed and turned away.
That was my way of telling him I'm fine but I don't appreciate you taking his side.
I was happy that Mr. Asshole felt guilty about saying that.
I was wrong.
He told Ed, "Nevermind. She's trying to seek my attention." purposely loud so that I could hear.
Talking back would only make things worse. I ignored it. And started laughing at what Val was saying.
"There was no freaking rat! "said Mia.
I couldn't help but giggle at how embarrassed and irritated she was at the whole incident.
An hour passed by and there was no sign of the teacher.
So we just packed our bags and made our way out of the class.
I entered my next class," History "
I scanned the entire class realizing there was only one empty seat, next to Mr. Asshole.
A/N: If you are reading this, just know that I love you! Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it.
NOTE: The songs which I insert as media are not to be taken literally. I add videos which have slight resemblance to the chapter. Do listen to them to get into the correct mood.
PS- Vote for the chapter and follow me. I'll surely follow you back.
Hope I see you in the next chapter!
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