Time skip few months later
I sit in a meeting chair as the board talks "Godfrey industries has increased it's profitability by 18 marks now for the fourth year in a row the top spot in medical research and biotech." Pryce says I turn my chair "quick thought....scince the research now is about 3D organ reproducing that's great and all but by the time we complete it the technology will be out of date we should be looking on how to improve the young human life's style I pull up pictures on the board of last a few day ago when y/n and I went to Maui "this is my girlfriend y/n l/n" I say "Roman I don't see how this is relevant" "we'll as you can see she's got scars not intentional from being a abused but never the less I love her anyway I guarantee you she didn't want her your to pass quickly due to not getting the freedom she wanted my point is. We need to base the near further studies into marking the youth feel better make our studies about how to improve better bigger tighter longer thicker..." I say "we'll discuss this in a side bar gentalman thank you for your time" Pryce says "ah one more thing" I stand up "table 47 what's that. it says it's a
Miscellaneous?" I ask "miscellaneous table." He says "yeah well it's a lot of zeros going into this project a lot of zeros of my money for funding something I don't even know what for." I say "the only way you'd understand it is if you have an advanced degree is medical and oplogy" he says I close the book "thank for your time gentalmen." I say "Roman." Pryce says I walk off i go down the hall "Roman your a bright young man together there's no limit to-" "let's see things in a matter of who runs the company who pays for the funding and when that shit goes wrong who takes the blame." I say and stop he sighs "if you pull this shit again we'll have major problems . It's my building I need to know everything that's going on." I say and walk out
I sit on the couch reading as i hear the sound of a car pulling up roman is home "Anna I think Roman is back." I say she nods the door opens "I'm home." I hear "hey." I say to him yet still into my book "how was work today fire anyone. Make anyone cry." I look up "any new-" I'm cut off by his lips pressed against mine I kiss him back he takes the book out of my hands he pulls me into him more deepening the kiss he leans down over me moving his kisses down my neck "mm r-roman." I say he pulls me up into him picking me up I wrap my legs around his waist his lips connect to mine we pull away "was work not great" I say "mindless." He says i giggle
I lay with Roman as my head rests on his chest "Pryce is putting money into an unknown experiment." "Really why." "He says it's Miscellaneous" I scoff "it's only miscellaneous if it's illegal" I say roman says I look up at him "it's not though right?" I say he shrugs "Roman...." "I don't know he won't fucking tell me" he says "he won't tell you and it's your building your equipment? That's bullshit." I say he chuckles "that what I said." I sigh and sit up romans fingers move down my back "y/n..." he says I put my hair to he side turning to look at him "hmm?" I say "I love you" he says "I love you." I say he smiles "I'm gonna go make dinner." I say "okay." He says
I wear one of romans shirt and my pj shorts and I make food it rains and thunders our side with occasional putts of lightning arms wrap around my waist I giggle at romans touch "it's it done yet." He says kissing my cheek and neck "your is, mr under rare steak." I say he chuckles I smile the door bell rings I look over "did you ask someone over?" I ask "at 9 at night no." He says the door bell rings again a figure stands behind the clouded glass door pain shoots through my hand "Ah!" I pull back as I burned my self "you okay?" Romans attention turns to me i nod "it's not the first time." I say "y/n." He says "sorry...." "Anna take care of this okay." Roman says as he turns off the stove Anna and I walk off upstairs
I walk to the door opening it seeing a girl near looking to be the same age as y/' she's drenched in water and she's bleeding from her head "hi I'm so sorry to bother I was just hit...hm
In an accident but hit and my phone is dead um I was wording if I could call someone." I say "I'll call 911" I say "no no! I don't have insurance and c-cops hate that I'm sorry a towing company would be nice." She says I sigh and close the door I grab a clothe and go back to the door holding it out for her "come on." I say she places the clothe to her head to stop the bleeding
She finishes her call as the towing place didn't answer Conway hands me a Bandaid patch "here." I say and place it on her forehead "thank you." She says I take the bloody cloth and give it to him he walks off I sit on the couch across from her "n-nice place." She says "thanks." I say she get up and looks around "I can tell you parents have killer taste." She says "it's mine." I say "really!? You live here alone." "I'm not alone." I say "well you have um him and-" she starts about Conway "Roman I think-" I get up and go over to y/n who's hand is wrapped "you alright?" I ask "yes." She says i nod kissing her forehead I turn "hi." Y/n says "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "no it's fine try our bleeding?" She says "I was yeah um I got into an accident down the road so I just came in here to use the phone" "yeah..." "I'll go they might come in the morning." She says "no wait...you can stay here for now out of the rain and lightning just for the night till morning." Y/n says "are you sure..." "yeah...I'm y/n" she says "Miranda." She replies
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