I hold Nadia as I walk around the room with her in my arms humming a song she rests her head against my chest the passed few days she's grown "miss." I turn seeing Anna "yes?" "Peter is here." She says I frown in confusion walking out of the room Nadia still in my arms "Peter?" I say I see destiny and Miranda tending to him as he's bleeding "oh my god Anna bandages and the first aid kit." I say she nods "I'm sorry I-I didn't know where else to go.." he says "no it's alright" Anna come back with the things "Miranda can you-" I say she nods taking Nadia I lift peters shirt up clean off the wound he groans in pain "sorry." I say he shakes his head "it's alright" he says
After cleaning his wounds I place bandages on them "luckily you won't need stitches they just need to heal you and destiny can stay in the second guest bedroom if you need to for tonight" I say getting up and going over the wash my hands I do so and dry them "thanks.. I'll be fine though" he says i nods "wheres roman.?" Destiny asks "work." I say "more importantly the baby." "Ectopic pregnancy rapid growth guild to make sure i would be okay out I pushed a child." I say taking by baby into my arms again thanking Miranda "this is Nadia." I say Peter sits up "hello." He says holding out his finger she grabs it "romans daughter.." he says "he was so worried when she was born he would not leave her side." I say he smiles "miss l/n you fiancé is on the phone he's in his way home." Conway walks into the room "fiancé?" Peter says I hold up my hand showing him the ring "he chuckles something flys passed us hitting Conway an arrow I gasp looking through the window seeing a laser dot on Miranda "duck!" Peter yells pulling her down it misses her "Go to the babies room!" Anna says I hold Nadia running up the stairs destiny stays out to fight who ever is going to come in as I now know she's a witch and Peter is a wolf. I go in the babies room "go!" Miranda says "what? Come on." She closes the safe door on me and Nadia "MIRANDA!!" I yell I sit in the corner holding Nadia she cries "it's okay it's okay we're gonna be okay." I say someone the widow is bursted open as a guy come through i get up "please." I say he hold out a gun "NOO!" I scream as he's thrown back falling onto the ground his ears and eyes bleeding I shake as I didn't know I could do that two more men come in one hits me and takes Nadia I fall in pain he kicks me a few times leaning down taking out a knife "no I- please.." I say he cuts my wrist." "Ah!" Pain shoot through my arm I look over as the other places my daughter on the ground and hold out the gun to her "finally!" He says then the men begins to scream he falls to the ground blood pouring from his eyes I feel myself getting weaker more tired Nadia cries and sobs holding out her arms for me "n....na...nadia.." i say my vision blurs "Y/n!" I hear someone calling my name some one hold me the family warmth Roman... I begin to black out muffled voices and faded images everything goes dark. But pain shoots through my whole body at once yet I don't move.
I run into the babies room seeing Nadia sobbing and holding her arms out to the side I grave her seeing three dead men on the floor "y/n?!!" I says she lays on the ground her arm out as her wrist is cut and she's bleeding I hand desinty Nadia holding y/n from the floor "hey y/n." I say she looks up at me "it's okay I've got you." I say placing a clothe in her wrist so she dosnt continue to bleed she begins to close her eyes "No no hey stay awake please stay with me!" I say tears running down my cheek "you are not going to leave me not again" she closes her eyes "no I'm not loosing you!" I say "Roman..." destiny says "you know what you have to do there's two ways.....she's gonna die." I look at my love "Ro-" destiny begins I cut her off by biting y/ns neck I pull away seeing the mark I look at her she dosnt move I bite he on the other side her arms nothing but even a slight twitch "y/n...." I say "please...." I hug her to me I feel a hand on my back it moves to my shoulder I look down y/n awake "Roman.." she says "hey! Your okay!" I say she sits up "Nadia?!" She says I help her you I take her from destiny as she then walks out of the room Nadia opens her arms to her mother "I'm covered in blood Nadia". She says Nadia whines leaning "here." I hand her to y/n. She takes her care fully "hi honey it's okay." Nadia snuggles into y/n "I'm okay.." she says to her daughter y/n looks at her arms covers in my bite marks I look down "Roman..." she says I look up at her as she'sl still looking at her arm she looks up at me "thank you." She says i nod "Roman." She says again coming up to me she kisses me I kiss her back pulling her in further we pull away "Thank You." She says i brush my thumb against her cheek "I couldn't loose you...not after what happened before." I say "I know I'm not going anywhere." She says
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