Knock Knock
"You promise you won't forget about me?"
"Geez how many times do I have to say it?! Of course I won't forget about you idiot!"
"I just wanted to make sure, but.. What if we never see each other again?"
"I'll find you. I promise."
The sight and sound of snapping fingers is what made Kirishima's mind jump back into reality. "Huh? What? Yeah?" He questioned as he blinked his eyes to refocus on his surroundings.
He was at a small cafe with his three friends. All four of them had finished up dance classes for the day and decided to grab some food before heading back home.
"You good man? You look tired as hell." Kaminari spoke as he shoved a piece of cheesecake into his mouth.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Practice kinda drained my energy away today." He let out a sigh before twirling his fork around and then using it to cut a piece of his chocolate cake. "I need to work on my sleeping schedule a bit better I guess."
"Just make sure not to fall asleep while your driving home." Sero said as he placed his fork onto his now empty plate.
"Yeah yeah, I won't." Kirishima chuckled out as he savored the taste of the cake. "But damn this cafe must have magic abilities or something, everything here just helps me relax."
"Ain't that the truth. We should try meeting up here more often." Jirou sighed out as she comfortably leaned back in her chair. They all hummed in agreement as they continued to enjoy their sweets.
Soon enough everyone had left the cafe split their ways. Kirishima had turned on the radio in his car, enjoying his ride home. The sun was setting and the clouds started to look pink, almost like super fluffy cotton candy.
He let out a sigh as he parked his car in the parking lot of his apartment complex, proceeding to walk through the lobby and ride the elevator up to his floor. He had pulled out his phone and was scrolling through social media, smiling at the random pictures that his friends had posted online.
He looked up from his phone to unlock and open the door, then shoved the cellphone into his pocket as he stepped inside. A small smile sat on his lips as he mentally thanked the world for a good day, but his calming thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sound of something falling onto the ground, causing his body to tense up.
He glanced around his home, "Hello?"
'Oh very smart of you Eijiro, say hello when there might be a killer in your house.'
He mentally facepalmed himself, but again was startled by something falling onto the ground and this time whatever the object was shattered when it hit the floor.
He stared at the small opening of his bedroom door where he had heard the noise come from before slowly walking closer, gulping down the saliva that started to build up in his mouth. He gently pushed open the door and was welcomed to the sight of his cat standing over broken glass.
He let out a sigh of relief. "Dammit, Riot. You scared the hell out of me." He kneeled down and reached over to pet his cat's head, but Riot let out an aggressive hiss and backed away from his hand. Kirishima stared at his cat a little confused before noticing that Riot wasn't even look at him, but instead at whatever was behind him.
Fear overtook his body, but he looked behind himself anyways only to see a taller male with a pair of bright red eyes staring back at him. The man had a small mask covering his mouth and nose, with a hoodie covering the top of his head. Kirishima just assumed it was a man because the strangers body structure.
Although he could quickly register what the intruder looked like, Kirishima could barely process his own actions. All he knew is that he ended up grabbing the lamp that sat on his desk and then smashed it straight across the intruder's face. And now the mysterious person had charged at him and grabbed Kirishima by the arms, holding him against the wall in the hallway. He sharply inhaled as his back smacked against the light switch and for a second Kirishima wondered if this was the way he was going to die.
Luckily, Riot came to the rescue and started to use his claws and sharp teeth to attack the man. And when his grip was released, Kirishima used all his force to kick him into the bathroom before slamming the door shut and securing it with a chair, angled so it would hold the man inside.
Kirishima stumbled back and fell into a sitting position as he tried to catch his breath, his cat stayed glaring and hissing at the barricaded bathroom door. He tried to catch his breath and placed his hand on his chest, where he could feel his beating heart.
'What the fuck..?!'
He managed to begin catching his breath, but quickly looked up at the door with panicked eyes as he heard the doorknob wobble, but the man soon gave up trying to open it.
Kirishima had to give his mind a few seconds before he was able to decide that calling the police was the best option. He reached into his pocket to pull out his phone and quickly typed in the password.
He froze, staring down at the keyboard of his phone. Kirishima didn't say a single word, he didn't even breathe.
"Kirishima," he repeated "can you let me out of this fucking bathroom?"
How did this guy know his name?! And how the hell did he manage to get into his apartment?!
"W-Who are you?!"
"Even if I tell you who I am, you won't believe me." The voice was muffled by the door, but Kirishima could hear him loud and clear.
"I'm calling the police." He said before dialing the numbers in.
"No, wait a second! Please!"
His finger stopped right above the green call button.
'Why am I even listening to this guy?'
"Listen, I'm sorry for breaking into your house or whatever, but I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon-"
"That doesn't make this any better!"
"Shut up, I know alright? Just let me explain."
Kirishima let out a groan before crossing his arms. "Continue.."
"I don't even know if you'll remember me, but.. It's Bakugou. Katsuki Bakugou."
His body tensed up once again and his eyes were so wide that he felt like they would pop out of his face.
"Does that ring any bells for ya?" The gruff voice mumbled out, maybe a little self consciously.
"And how do I know you're really who you say you are?"
"We went to Middle School together.. I was an ass to everyone and you're the idiot who got into a fight with me.. Somehow we became friends after that." He paused for a few seconds. "Your birthday is October 16th and mine is April 20th. Our parents didn't like us hanging out together, but we did it anyways."
Kirishima glanced around his home. "That's not enough proof. You have an ID on you or anything?"
"If I did I would have slid it through the fuckin' door already." The man grumbled. "If you just let me out then you can see for yourself that I'm not making shit up."
Kirishima considered it for a second before shaking his head and looking down at his phone once again. He scrolled through his contacts before clicking the call button beside Kaminari's contact name.
The phone call was soon answered, "What's up dude?"
"Hey uh.. I need some help. Can you come over?" He looked over at the door as he heard the unknown man let out an almost silent groan.
"Yeah sure, is everything okay?" Kaminari asked with a worried tone.
"Uh," Kirishima scratched his head lightly, "I'll explain when you get here."
"Alright, whatever's going on just don't die." Kaminari said before hanging up the phone. Kirishima let out a sigh as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Who were you speaking to?" The man claiming to be Bakugou spoke again.
"None of your business." Kirishima spoke as he glared at the door and he somewhat felt like a child because of the pout that pulled on his lips.
The man let out an annoyed sigh and Kirishima walked closer to the bathroom door as he thought about the situation a bit more. "If you're who you really say you are, then why the hell would you break into my house?!"
The man stayed silent for a bit as if reconsidering his decisions. "It's hard to explain."
"Well I sure as hell have all night for you to explain!"
"You're more annoying than before, seems fucking impossible."
"You know, for someone who broke into my house, you seem calmer than you should be."
Kirishima was sat on the floor in the hallway, waiting for Kaminari to arrive. He looked over at the door and nervously bit his lip. It had been a while since the intruder had spoken.
"You okay in there?" He asked as he stood up.
No response.
Kirishima stared at the door with a raised eyebrow and stayed quiet to see if he could hear any type of movements.
No sound at all.
He walked closer and got ready to place his ear on the door, but jumped back when he heard knocking on the front door.
He let out a sigh before hurrying over and opening up the door, being greeted by not only Kaminari, but also Sero and Jirou.
"All of you guys are here?" He looked over at Kaminari who let out a nervous laugh.
"Well you see.. You sounded like something really bad was happening so I decided to get us backup just in case." He scratched the back of his neck and shrugged his shoulders lightly.
Kirishima rolled his eyes before letting them into the apartment and closing the door after they had all entered inside. "Okay I need you guys to stay calm."
"It's never a good thing when someone says to stay calm." Sero glanced over at the other two.
"Yeah and neither of you stay calm when someone says it anyways." Jirou said sarcastically.
"Uh ruuude!" Kaminari pouted over at her.
"Guys seriously." Kirishima lead them over to the hallway and pointed at the bathroom door, where the chair was still blocking it. "Someone was in my house when I got home.. I ended up being able to lock him in the room."
"Did you call the police?!" Kaminari asked with wide eyes.
"You didn't call the police?!" He interrupted.
"No! Because he-"
"Why didn't you call the police?!"
"Kaminari!" Jirou shouted at him. "Oh my God, just let the man speak."
"Right, sorry."
Kirishima shook his head lightly, "He said he was one of my friends from a long time ago.. None of it makes sense, but he remembered everything about me.."
"Sounds like a stalker." Sero said a bit quietly as he side-eyed the door, Kaminari nodded in agreement.
"So what's the plan?" Jirou looked at Kirishima and tilted her head.
"Open the door, I guess." Kirishima shrugged.
"You're crazy! There's no way in hell were letting a damn stalker killer maniac person out of that damn room!" Kaminari shouted out.
"We don't know if he's a killer!" Kirishima yelled back.
"He broke into your house! You do understand that right?!" Kaminari grabbed onto his shoulders and shook him lightly. "We don't know anything about this crazy man and you're telling us to just let him out and oh! Maybe have some tea with him and watch a movie!"
"Kaminari! Stop being a pussy! It's four against one. If he tries anything I'm sure we'll be fine." Jirou said as she placed a hand on his shoulder in a somewhat of a comforting way.
"What if he has a gun?!"
Sero let out a sigh and shook his head. "If he had a gun, I'm pretty sure he would have used it way earlier."
Kaminari let out a defeated groan. "Okay, okay fine. But can we at least have weapons to defend ourselves?"
Jirou pulled out a can of pepper spray from the pocket on her hoodie. "One step ahead of you."
Everyone nodded before glancing around the apartment and grabbing something that could be used for defense. Sero settled on a baseball bat, Kaminari chose an ice skate, and Kirishima had grabbed a frying pan. They probably looked like a bunch of psychotic idiots right now, but as long as they were safe and protected; then it was fine.
Kirishima slowly moved the chair away from the door and gave his friends one last confirming look before gripping onto the door handle and slowly turning it.
Everyone held their breath and gripped onto their DIY weapons as the door creaked open more and more, but Kirishima's eyes had widened once the door was fully open.
No one was inside.
Hope u enjoy this new story uwu uh idk when the next update will be cuz i have no idea where this fic is even headinG
I'd like to thank one of my cOolEst fRiends (and child
/dont ask\) for making the art for me!!! She is such a blessing and i love her sO mUch!
So thank you bro uwu you have all my brolovin AwkwardlyFine
Also a moment of silence for my beta readers
They always put up with my random ideas and weird thoughts and i love them
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