Sally kills her brother
Sally's p.o.v
When he saw me he was really shocked.I looked at him and smiled.He tried to say something but it was muffled so I took the ducktape off. " Why are you doing this to me? Where is my wife?" he said " I killed your wife, and I enjoyed doing it." I said he said that he was going to call the police. Then I said that I took your phone and we are no where near anyone or anything.
I put the ducktape back on his mouth.He tried to yell but I told him to shut up.He tried to move and scream but I wouldn't let him. I cut his arm and he screamed.I just laughed and did it over and over again. When I thought he had enough torture I put him out of misery and stabbed him right in the heart. When he took his last breath I cleaned the crime scene and went home.
* Le time skips 30 minutes*
Violet's p.o.v
Sally just came home from wherever she was and I asked her where she went.She told me that she just went to do some old business that needed to be tooken care of.I just nodded and walked away.I went to go say hi to Jeff he was just laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.I knocked on his door and he said come in.So I came in and sat next to him. Jeff said " So what brings you my way?" And I replied I just wanted to talk.
Jeff's p.o.v
When Violet came in I was surprised that she would want to talk to me.After everything I did I wasn't sure what she would think of me.I'm attracted to her but I don't think she is too, why would she like me? " Hey Jeff I wanted to talk to you about all those messages you sent me. Were they true? Did you really want to do all that stuff to me?" She said. i don't know what to say to that should I say the truth or should I make something up?
Ughhhh I don't know what to do.
" Earth to Jeff, hello?" she said taking me out of my daze " Yes Violet?" I said like I didn't here anything before that. " Did you here my question?" I did but I didn't want her to know the truth what if she doesn't like me back.
" Yes It was true all of it was true, so what do you say to that?"
Violet's p.o.v
I was shocked when he said those things, I thought he was just saying that to creep me out. But I kind of feel the same way.He asked me if I felt the same way.I nodded and he leaned in for a kiss right in the middle of the kiss Sally opened the door and saw us kissing.Sally screamed and ran up to me and slapped me.I slapped her right back even though she is only 15.Jeff got up and told Sally to get out now.She stomped out of the room and while she was walking she flipped me off. " Jeff, I think Sally has a little crush on you". I said loudly so she could hear me. Jeff replied with " Yeah I think she does too".
I leaned in for another kiss but Jeff said not right now I have to settle things with Sally. I said ok see you later as I walked away to 'my' room.
Sally's p.o.v
When I saw Violet and Jeff kissing I just wanted to rip Violet's heart out! ughhhhhh Jeff I supposed to be mine!!!! What should I do to make Jeff love me NOT HER!!!!!! I have to come up with something...what to do...mmmm...?.....I'll kill her! Then he will have to love me! When I was thinking of that Jeff came in my room.
"Hi Sally" Jeff said I said " Why were you two kissing?" " Why did you slap her?" he said " I slapped her because..." "BECAUSE WHY SALLY?"
"because I think I like you but when I saw you kissing her I just wanted to rip her heart out but Slenderman said we can't hurt her so I just slapped her." " Why would you ever have a crush on me? I am 21 and you are only 15!!" Jeff said annoyed " But Violet is only 18!" I Said kinda annoyed too. " Well that's the age that you can date older people but you can't you are only 15!! This talk is over!!" after Jeff said that I screamed get out of my room.
Jeff's p.o.v
After I talked to Sally I went back to my room to find Violet waiting by the door.She said that Sally is just jealous because she likes me and she doesn't want us to be together.I agreed with her and brought her into my room.We layed down and cuddled until we fell asleep.
Violet's p.o.v
When he got back from talking to Sally I told him she was just jealous then he brought me into his room and we cuddled and fell asleep together he was so warm. I loved it he was loving for me I could tell.Before we fell asleep he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
~Authors note~
Lol this is the longest chapter I have EVER wrote well If you have any ideas for this book or my other book please let me know so ya please
Keep calm and read on
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