Chapter 7
Victoria's POV
When I arrived at my destination, the place was surrounded by police cars. I climbed out of the car before locking it as Tim approached me.
"Sorry for calling you away from your wedding planning, but we have a case," he said as he pointed to the house.
"It's fine. Who's the victim?" I asked as I eyed all the neighbours that stood nearby. Humans were the most curious creatures of all and if I were a neighbour I would've also stood nearby to see what's going on.
"Nathaniel Green, 43 years old, lives with his wife, Alice Green, 41 and his son, Weston, 17," Tim said as he gave me the basics as we walked to the house.
A woman sat on the porch swing as the EMS checked her out. She looked horrible and her eyes had dark circles around it, she was going through a tough time and I can't imagine the pain she must be experiencing. There was a officer also near her and I made a mental note to talk to her later.
Tim opened the door for me and we entered the house. The house was also full of people who were gathering fingerprints and other evidence.
Tim led me to the living room where the victim sat on the couch. I walked around to view the body, the man was shot through the head, his eyes were closed.
"Ah Detective Wills, glad you could join us," Markus Goodman said as I entered the room through an arch that connected the living room and the dining room.
"Glad to be here. What can you tell me about our friend?" I asked him. He was the police's coroner and he was very great at his job.
"The victim was shot close range and the person who shot him, used a pillow to soften the sound," he said as he picked up a pillow that was next to the victim's body.
"He was probably asleep, it would explain why he was shot so easily. Are their any sign of forced entry?" I asked Tim.
"No, so whoever killed him was already in the house or invited inside, but the strange thing is that Mrs Green said that all the doors and windows were locked this morning." Tim replied and I nodded.
"That is strange. Maybe the person had a key?"
"It could be a possibility," Tim agreed.
"Where was the wife and son?" I asked.
"The wife was in their room asleep, she drank a sleeping pill because she has problems with sleeping and the son played a game of Call of Duty through the whole night, he had earphones on and he didn't hear a thing," Tim said.
I looked around the house for any signs of something that can give us a clue as to who was responsible. I needed to talk to the wife and son, they might be able to tell me who would want to do this to Mr Green.
"I'm going to talk to the wife," I told Tim before I went back to the porch where the EMS was still checking the wife out.
"Mrs Green? I'm Detective Victoria Wills, may I ask you a few questions?" I asked and she nodded. I nodded to the EMS who got the hint and left us alone.
"You're the woman from the paper? The one who is engaged to Jaydan Stewart, congratulations," she said with a small smile. A small smile was all she could manage.
"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry for your loss, I'll do everything in my power to find the person or persons responsible," I said earnestly.
"Thank you. I appreciate the effort. A word of advice, Detective Wills, don't take the time you have with people you love for granted, you don't know when it is the last," She said as fresh tears gathered in her eyes. I would probably react the same if I was in her shoes.
"I will, I'm sorry that I have to ask you questions, I know this isn't the best time, but it would speed up our investigation. Where were you last night?" I asked.
"I was here with my husband and son, we had dinner together before Weston excused himself to his room. He had a game or something he needed to finish. Nathaniel helped me with the dishes and cleaning up as he usually does and then we watched TV.
I was ready to sleep, but Nathaniel said he wanted to watch some more. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I drank a sleeping pill and headed up stairs. I slept like baby and when I woke up I assumed Nathaniel had fallen asleep on the couch like he usually does. I went down stairs. I found him there. Sitting there, eyes closed, blood streaming down his face. The sight was horrendous."
"Mrs Green, I'm sorry, but I need to ask this. Did you have problems?" I asked gently.
"All married people do, it's part of the marriage. We fought now and then, but who doesn't? We loved each other and if you were wondering if we were getting a divorce or something, you're wrong. I know it seems strange that Nathaniel slept most of the time on the couch, but it was because he usually falls asleep in front of the TV. We don't have one in our room and he liked to watch a few programs. It helped him to relax," she explained and I nodded in understand.
"Alice!" A man shouted and I saw a man with dark brown hair and green eyes approaching us. He kneeled down in front of Alice, before he grabbed her hands.
"I'm so sorry, I'm here for you. Just tell me what you need," he said before he pulled her in a hug. She nodded before he stood up and I joined him.
"I'm Carl Samuels, Nathaniel's partner," he introduced.
"Detective Wills, do you mind if I ask you some questions?" I asked. He quickly told Alice that he would be right back before we stepped aside.
"Was there anyone who wanted to harm Mr Green?" I asked.
"He was a great guy, no one hated him. But we did receive a few threatening letters for the last few months. I told him that we should report it, but he said that it wasn't serious. Now I think we both were wrong," he said.
"I want to see those letters," I stated.
"I'll bring them around tomorrow," he said and I nodded in agreement.
"If you can think of anything else worth mentioning, please don't hesitate to call," I said as I handed him my card. He reassured me he would before he went back to comfort Alice. The absolute broken look on her face broke my own heart. This is why I wanted to be a detective, I wanted to help people like her find answers for what happened and to get some closure. I know that it might not bring their loved one back, but it will help them to deal with the loss they suffered.
I entered the house once more in search of Weston, their son. I wanted to find out if he knew anything his mother didn't know. I asked Tim if he had seen him and he pointed up stairs. I climbed the stairs and found that there were 4 rooms upstairs. One was a bathroom, and three bedrooms. The door on my right was the bathroom and the door across the bathroom had a name on, Weston.
I knocked on the door twice before I heard a whispered come in.
The room was typical that of a teenager, posters covered the wall along with photos of the family and Weston with a girl, I assumed was his girlfriend. Weston sat on his bed with his head in his hands. He appeared just as broken as his mother down stairs.
"Hey Weston, I'm detective Wills. I'm sorry for your loss and I know the timing sucks, but I need to ask you a few questions," he looked up and nodded.
"May I join you?" I asked as I pointed to the bed. He nodded again.
"Can you tell me what happened last night?" I asked gently.
"We had dinner, like usual. They cleaned up and I came to my room. We had a Call of Duty competition last night and I had my earphones on. I regret it now, if I didn't have those stupid earphones on I might've heard something. He might've still be alive," he spat as sobs racked through his body. I placed a comforting hand on his back as I looked around the room. There was a lot of photos of him and his dad, they were obviously close.
"You two were close," I said.
"Yeah, we were planning a camping trip, for just the two of us, next weekend. He was so excited. He was so busy the last couple of days at work and he said that he needed the break," Weston explained.
"Weston, did you hear anything last night?" I asked.
"No, I had my earphones on and I played until 2 o'clock this morning before I decided to sleep," He said as he played with his fingers.
"If you remember something, anything that might help our investigation please call me," I said before I gave him my card. He only gave a nod before I left him there to mourn in his own way.
"Find anything?" Tim asked as I came down the stairs.
"No, and you?" I asked.
"No, but their taking the body to the coroner's office right now."
Tim and I looked around the house for a bit in search of any clues that could possible bring us closer to the culprit, but there was nothing worth noting and the rest of the team already swiped for prints.
Tim and I both decided that there was nothing more to look at and we decided it was time to get back to the precinct so that we can share our findings with our captain.
Tim and I headed to Jaydan's car, he asked me for a ride because he didn't come with his own car.
"So what do you think about this? Any theories?" Tim asked while we drove to the station.
"Well I have a few thoughts, but first we need more evidence and to find a motive for this murder. There are two possible explanations I'm thinking about. The first one is that either the son or wife, who was already in the house, murdered him. Or he opened the door for someone he trusted, and that person killed him?" I said as I thought about plausible reasons for the death.
"But if he had a guest, why did he fall asleep?" Tim asked.
"Are we sure he did fall asleep?" I asked Tim.
"Well that is the only explanation for his failure to show resistance against the killer," Tim said.
"I know he wasn't awake when he was shot, but what if he was poisoned or drugged? The killer comes by, he knocks on the door, Green opens the door invites him in, he gets something for them to drink, the killer throws something in his drink and waits for Green to go to sleep. He grabs a pillow and shoots Green where he sleeps. He washes the glasses and places them back so nothing seen out of the ordinary. He grabs a spare key and locks the door behind him to make it seem like there wasn't anyone there," I said as my mind reeled with possible theories and explanations.
"It could be the wife too? She drugged her husband's food, waited for him to sleep and shot him. She knew her son won't hear a thing because he is busy with a game," Tim explained his theory.
"It seem plausible, but I guess we need to find a motive. I bet we would find something in his financial records. We also need to look into the business, I spoke to his partner back at the house, they received a few threatening letters and he is going to drop at the police station tomorrow," I said.
"There might be something in there that catches our attention, but for time being the financial statements is our best bet. If we know what was going on in his financial statements, we might know what was happening in his life," he said and I agreed.
Maybe we can get a breakthrough that would help us solve the case.
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