17) A pet?
King released me roughly, almost shoving me so I could fall.
He smacked the lights on. "Help yourself."
"What?" I asked running my throat.
"I said, do your business right here. I want to watch."
"You sicko. Do you have a piss fetish?"
He chuckled menacingly, his eyes sentencing me to death before his hand reached out and grabbed my hair. "If you can't do it here, then let me take you to a bathroom."
Using my hair, King pulled me out of the room and dragged me to wherever the bathroom was. All along, I screamed and scratched his hand, cursing him and his ancestors as well as his future descendants.
He opened a door and proceeded to pull me inside. Another door was opened through which my body was thrust inside before he walked in himself.
I raised my hand to slap him, a decision that I would regret. But at that moment, the anger blinding me was too great to ignore or stomach. I had never been treated like this. Never been humiliated. He was the first, and it made me hateful. There was so much rage seething within me.
King gasped my wrist before my palm could hit his face and then twisted it mercilessly. I turned to the discomfort as well as the pain from how rough he had twisted it.
"I see you still have some fight within you," he whispered grabbing the hair at the back of my head and pulling down, angling my face to the ceiling. "Nice. This is starting to feel like vengeance. Not the half-assed executions we've been doing over the years."
"You sick bastard, let me go right now!" I tried to remain confident and firm, but my stupid decision was only settling in now that King had me locked and suppressed.
"Let you go? You just tried to hit me. Shouldn't you pay for that?"
"Fuck, I'll do what you want. Just stop fucking pulling my hair."
"Oh this?" He grabbed it even rougher, making my scalp wish it could peel off and do away with the pain.
"Argh! Stop it!" I cried out scratching his hand as hard as I could. Only now did I realize that they had done more than change my clothes. My fingernails had been altered as well. These bloody bastards had trimmed them beyond normal that it felt as if they were practically gone.
"Ah, I have a great punishment. Drink this."
King began pushing my face down, straight for the toilet. I gasped, grasping his intentions, and tried to fight back.
Placing my bare right leg on the toilet, I thrust my body backward with the energy left in me while grabbing his wrist with my free hand so he wouldn't yank my hair off my scalp.
Down we fell.
King cushioned my fall, taking the full hit from the floor. "Aaagh!" he groaned, his grip on my hair and hand loosening.
'Now's your chance!' my inner voice yelled and I rolled off of him to bolt out of the bathroom.
With my heart pounding in my ears, I shot to my feet, stumbling in the process but my determination to flee was bigger than any fear I experienced then.
The door was right there, waiting for me to run through it to what I thought would be freedom. I was growing excited as my legs stabilized. But this was not to last long. Not when two large hands grabbed my ankles and pulled, erasing the balance I had just gained.
I thudded on my tummy, saving my face just in time to evade a broken nose. Nonetheless, the pain that erupted from my elbows and knees had my heart twisting uncomfortably. "Aargh! Agh, shit!" I groaned rolling to face the ceiling, my chest heaving from the unusual activity I had just engaged in.
"You little shit!" King's angry voice came as his hands pulled me along the floor, dragging me like a mop. "Now you've really pissed me off."
I tried to turn and free myself, but with King pulling me by my legs, this became impossible. So I instead began grabbing anything along the path, which wasn't much given this was a bathroom. The toilet was slippery, damn useless.
And the cubicle door was closed, another useless thing.
"Let go!"
"You still haven't realized where you belong, huh? Then let me-" King hauled me harder, intending to pick me up and possibly throw me in the empty bathtub, but I used the small window of opportunity and thrust a kick to his face, at his nose, to be specific.
The force of my kick knocked him backward and he fell in the bathtub himself while moaning in pain.
I gasped, surprised by my unexpected victory.
This was my chance.
Without caring if he had struck his head or if he was dying, I half crawled and half ran out of the bathroom, my eyes bouncing from one thing to the next till I spotted the exit door of the bedroom.
In ten seconds of desperate running, I found myself in a wide hallway with doors at either side.
'What is this place? A mansion?'
"You bitch!" King's growl echoed from the bathroom, reminding me that I needed to keep running. And running, I did.
I found a wide staircase which I descended without any hesitation, eager to get the hell out of this huge place. But I ran into a sight that left me frozen to my stomach.
Sitting in what seemed to be the lounge, was a woman in a fierce red dress. At her feet were two naked men busy licking her toes with the same kind of choker I had on. Except theirs had red crystals.
They all glanced in my direction, their eyes studying me like a piece of mystery that needed to be unraveled.
"Rora!" King shouted from the hallway upstairs.
'Snap out of it!'
I threw my eyes elsewhere, searching for the door that would finally lead me out of this weird place. But all I saw were three more staircases at equal intervals.
Shit! How big was this place?
"That way," the female spoke, pointing to an elevator that was nestled between two of the three stairs. "Five, seven, one, three," Sha added even though it made no sense.
Only when I got to the elevator did I understand what the numbers were...a passcode.
I needed the code or my fingerprint to access the damn elevator.
"Found you!" King growled sounding closer than before.
I didn't look back, I couldn't. Because if I did, I'd lose all the courage I had gathered to get here.
'Come on. Come on.'
My fingers were slippery and trembling. Why did they have to act like this when things were about to take a positive turn?
Just as I was about to press the last number, my arm was grabbed, and I was spun around. The rough handling was accompanied by a loud and hard slap that had me seeing another galaxy and oceans building in my eyes.
"Trying to be smart, huh?"
He added another slap that sent me on the floor, tears now leaving my eyes as fire erupted from my cheeks.
"Oh don't be hard on her. They all act the same way," the woman said, her feet appearing right in front of me.
She then squatted and yanked my chin to make me look up at her. "Uuuh, she's a pretty one. I think I've seen this face somewhere."
I spat out the rusty blood mixed with spit at her but she only chuckled. "The trio brought in their first pet and she's a feisty one. How interesting."
She let go of my face and stood up.
Still holding my gaze, she beckoned one of the naked males to her, who obeyed without any hesitation. "Don't worry, newbie, you'll be well-trained soon," the female mocked while the naked man started licking my spit from her face.
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