Ethan avoided the red head's eyes in the car.
"Ethan, talk to me," Emerson pressed.
He looked up at her, his blue eyes welling with tears, "I've been the worst brother--"
"Ethan," she interrupted, not wanting to do this now, or see other people crying.
He raised a shaky hand, "No, you deserve an apology. What I don't understand, is why you'd help me after I've been--been so cruel?"
"We're family right?" She asked weakly.
"Yeah but--" Ethan started, his voice cracking.
"Then that's your answer," she shrugged, a sadness laced in her voice.
"We're at the hospital," The driver called out, destroying the saddened mood.
And on that note, Emerson and her brother left the car and entered civilization.
"There's still some evidence of drugs in his blood stream which is what we're flushing out now. Then we'll be going through a simple surgery to fix his mangled body parts because of the drugs--"
"And how much would this cost? How long would this take?" Emerson inquired, interrupting the doctor who was going through her brother's test results.
"Roughly $500 and it's a quick procedure. It'll take about a half an hour or an hour. However, we will need him to stay overnight, just to make sure his vitals are okay. He's lucky he got caught now before things got worse. Next step would probably have been injecting phosnitrates into his bloodstream. Considering his age, body type, and his past medical history he probably wouldn't be able to survive much more unharmed," the woman spoke, looking up to meet the young girl's glazed over eyes.
"When can I see him?" Emerson asked, a far off look in her eye.
"He has been sedated, but after surgery he might be asleep for a little bit. But you'll be able to see him in a few hours," the doctor reassured.
"Okay," the young girl spoke in a hushed tone.
"Ma'am. Ma'am," A woman's voice, soft like honey, spoke as she shook Emerson's shoulders.
Emerson's eyes fluttered open from her quick nap. Groggily, she yawned, stretching her arms.
"When can I see him?" She asked.
"He has been asking for you for quite sometime, but we couldn't find you. Well, then I saw you curled up over here, and well I woke you up," the nurse spoke with a shrug.
"His room?" Emerson asked, standing up abruptly.
"204, just up the stairs," the black woman smiled sympathetically.
Emerson murmured a simple thanks as she ran up the stairs towards room 204.
Wide eyed, the unruly fire-engine red haired girl stormed into Ethan's hospital room. His blue eyes snapped up to meet hers.
"Emerson," he started, his voice cracking. The young girl ran to his side. His hand reached out to grab her hand.
"Shh, I'm hear," she whispered, trying to soothe her brother.
"It hurts, so bad," he winced, clutching her hand even tighter.
"What? What's wrong?" Emerson asked, immediately standing up to leave.
"No, stay. I-I need you to-to--" Ethan couldn't finish his sentence. He was shaking in pain, and his blue eyes were watering as he gritted his teeth.
"I'll stay," she whispered, sitting back down at his side. Ethan visibly relaxed. He leaned his head back against his pillow.
"I-I need you to know that I'm sorry. I--" he groaned in pain again.
"What's wrong? What hurts so bad?" She asked. When her brother didn't answer, she stood up and screamed for a doctor.
Ethan started jerking and writhing on the hospital bed. He started frothing at the mouth, and his eyes rolled back into his head. Then the beeping of the machine attached to his body started to become more rapid.
Doctors and nurses rushed into the room towards Ethan's side. Emerson let out an audible gasp as they brought out a machine with two metal disks attached to it.
"One, two, three; clear!" The doctor shouted as he rubbed the disks together, and placed it on Ethan's chest while nurses ripped his shirt off. The electric current caused her brother's body to shake violently. Emerson let out a yelp, as she covered her mouth with her hand.
Rough hands grabbed her shoulders, and started shaking her violently.
"You have to get you and your brother out of here," he whispered angrily in her ear.
Emerson's eyes whipped up to meet the vibrant blue (Like the image of the butterfly above) eyes of the stranger in front of her. He had dark midnight blue purple hair that swooped to the side.
"Do you hear me?" He asked again, shaking her shoulders.
"What?" Emerson breathed out.
He let out a frustrated groan, and yanked her out of her brother's room. Emerson let out a yelp of protest, but he responded by placing a hand over her hand.
"If you scream or say anything, I'll be gone in a second. But you probably want to hear what I have to say, you and your brother are in grave danger--"
"Who are you? How do you know this? Who sent you? And how did you find me?" She demanded.
"I don't have much time! You and your brother are going to be hunted by some very bad people who know what you are. You need--"
Emerson's blood ran cold, "It was you."
"Pardon?" The boy asked confusedly, arching an eyebrow.
"You were the one at the tree house," she whispered quietly, her thoughts racing. "Where's Tamara!"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," the boy said, putting his hands out as if to calm her down.
"You were the one who attacked Charles and I, and you know where Tamara is!" Emerson's voice rose.
His face was contorted in confusion, and then they widened in realization.
"Oh, that was you?" He mumbled to himself looking at his shoes.
Emerson's eyes widened in fear, "Go! Now, before I scream for someone to escort you out of here!"
"No-it wasn't me! You have to believe me, you're in more danger than--"
"If you don't leave me and my family alone now, I will come up with some story to put you in jail," she threatened.
"You wouldn't dare," he sneered, his eyebrows narrowing in anger.
"Oh I would. Who do you think they're going to believe? A stain like you," she gulped, the word feeling funny on her lips, "or someone like me?"
"I knew you weren't who she said you were," he growled, knocking into Emerson's shoulder, as he fled the hospital.
Tears fell down Emerson's face, as her racing heartbeat struggled to slow.
"He has been stabilized, but I suggest you get some rest. He'll be sleeping most of the time," a nurse spoke, shaking Emerson from her thoughts and fears.
Wiping at her tears furiously, she turned around with a fake smile.
"Of course," she said cheerfully, her voice dripping with fake happiness.
A/N: Sorry for not updating Friday!!! I had a really busy day, and went to bed at nine I was SO TIRED!!! Anyway, I hope this was worth it. I'll update more tomorrow!!! As for now, this chick is going to bed.
Btw, anyone who is Jewish, I'm not, but I attended a Bat Mitzvah today. It was my first one, actually. And it was so beautiful and amazing!!! The ceremony was breathtaking, and I was so proud of my friend! She did a wonderful job!
Anyway, we ended up dancing for four hours straight, so after a long week of field hockey everyday after school, gym class everyday, and dancing for four hours, this girl is tuckered out!
So, I'll try to update my keeper stuff tomorrow!!! Hope you all had a great day!!! ;)
Who do you think the boy really is?
What's wrong with Ethan?
What about Emerson's actions?
What'll happen next?
Who is Creepy Cloak Guy?
Anyway, thanks for reading!!!
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