A/N: Hey guys *IMPORTANT MUST READ* I have THREE shout outs, and something you might be interested in--I know haven't done this in a WHILE
For all the comments and for being an amazing reader!!! Also a BOOK SHOUTOUT
I know, something NEW!!!!
If you haven't--shame on you lol--check out Presidential! SO GOOD!!!
If you love originals, which I hope you do, CHECK IT OUT!! I love it so much, and I've probably annoyed @empire-of-dreams to the max with all my comments about ships...and Rylex....and Nay....and all the SHIPS!!! Anyway, that original SO GOOD!!! She even started writing the sequel, CONFIDENTIAL and it's so good!!! So sorry about that rant, but if you've got a brain you'd check it out!!!
Also: Check out
Their book, The List, is really funny!!! I love Joe!!! It's an original, and the whole List aspect is really interesting and weird. And I'm so excited to see where it goes!!!
SO CHECK THOSE OUT, GUYS!!! Anyway, to the story!!!
*P.S their books are in my reading list under Originals*
"So then Charlie ran away and I was left there with this guys body. However, he woke up and ran away," Emerson spoke calmly to Tamara, shivering from the memory.
"Wow, geez Emmey. I should've been there, I'm so sorry," Tamara said softly.
"Hey, it's fine. Though, your whole family is freakishly scared. I haven't seen your brothers in months. It's like they've all vanished," she said, eyeing Tamara.
"Well, that's because they did. They've been captured by--"
"Ladies! Sorry to interrupt the heart to heart, but Commander Cody is holding an Emergency meeting now," Renza ordered, barging into Tamara's room.
"We'll finish this later," Emerson promised Tamara, who nodded.
Emerson walked behind Renza, side by side with Tamara.
"What's this about Fiorenze?" Tamara asked cautiously.
"If I knew what it was about, don't you think I'd already have told you?" The girl snapped.
"Renz, I was just asking. God, do you always have to bite everyone's head off?" Tamara challenged.
Renza turned around, her firey eyes soft.
"I'm sorry Tam, I just--I'm scared. Cody didn't yell or anything. His voice trembled when he called it. Okay, and I just--I don't know what to do. Soon people are going to be looking at me for answers and---and I don't have any. This whole situation just--it sucks, 'kay? And I shouldn't have snapped at you. However, if you were just patient and waited till we got there--" Renza trailed off.
So much blood.
The walls were saturated with the maroon color. And Emerson's face went pale. Who could've done such a thing she wondered.
And when they turned the corner, she found her answer. About twenty wounded teenagers were hobbling to the healing center.
Fiorenza cursed, "What happened?"
Cal was right behind her, and barreled past.
"Dakota! Dakota?" He shouted, frantically running through the crowd.
"I'm right here," a soft voice murmured.
He let out a sigh of relief, and gave the kneeling girl a hug. Emerson walked over to see if she could help.
"Wow," Emerson whispered.
She got a closer look of the young girl. She had electric blue hair tied back in a braid. However, wisps of blue framed her ruddy face. But what made Emerson gasp was her skin. It was the first time Emerson met someone with a skin mutation. Of course she had heard about them, but she never saw one.
Dakota's skin was covered in dark blue stars, which contrasted with her hair. The girl's eyes were a warm brown, like coffee on a Sunday morning.
"Look, I get it. It's weird, do you want to take a picture or something?" Dakota sassed.
"No, it's just really cool. Sorry, you probably get that a lot. I just never saw someone with a skin thingy, don't know what to call it. But it's so cool, pretty even--" Emerson trailed off mystified, but then she saw the blood. "Oh my god! Your leg!"
Cal's eyes flashed violently to the bloody leg.
"What happened?" He demanded.
"They came out of no where, and they had tranquilizers this time. Half of us were knocked out, probably dead now. Their plan was to knock us out, and then kill us--or convert us," Dakota shivered. "I fell down the mountain on the way back. Scraped my knee, but the other's need more attention. They--they got Venom."
Cal paled.
"How? How could they--how?" He whispered, his face flashing guilt.
"He--he stopped to help me. And then they were on us. He-he told me to run and jumped on them. They knocked him out, his either dead--"
"He's alive," Emerson whispered.
Everyone looked at her. But her eyes were distant. And her contacts dissolved from some unobtainable force, revealing the violet hues.
"None--none of them are dead," she whispered.
The girl's nose started bleeding.
"How do you know?" Dakota whispered, trying not to get her hopes up.
"Because I can feel their heart beat. All of them, and I--and I think I just saved them," she whispered, before she fell over.
Emerson woke up to screaming.
"You don't actually believe her?" Cody scoffed.
"Do you have any better ideas? Any other leads?" Cal demanded.
"You know it's too soon to have any information--"
"That's what you always say! You always say that! Even when I first told you about Emerson, you waved it off with 'not enough information'! This time we have it! We have it, and yet you still won't do anything about it! Give me a team, Cody. Give me a team," Cal pleaded.
Emerson opened her eyes, and saw their angry expressions. The tension in the air, like a knife.
"You aren't ready," Cody muttered, storming past Cal.
"You don't know that! I'll never be ready unless you let me try! This isn't even about--"
"No Cal! It's about you! If you go out there, you won't be able to handle it! Your parents--"
"Don't you dare bring up my parents," Cal threatened darkly.
"Callumn! You aren't going out there, end of discussion!" Cody shouted.
"You're such a coward!" Cal spat, and Cody just left the room.
Emerson sat up, and she stared at Cal's face full of rage. He kicked a chair, but then put it back in place and sat down.
She heard him take deep breaths, before his eyes started to sparkle. Emerson realized he was crying.
"Cal," she whispered, the bed creaking from the absence of her weight.
"Oh, you're awake," he said; his voice hoarse as he wiped the tears before they could fall.
"Thanks," Emerson said softly, sitting next to him.
"For what?" He laughed dryly, but it was one of those laughs that isn't out of amusement. It's the dark kind, where the laugh has no meaning. You just laugh because you have nothing left to give. It's the laugh a dead man makes, trying to feign happiness.
"For believing in me. For bringing me here. I don't know, for trying to instill confidence in me," Emerson shrugged, her face heating up with embarrassment.
Cal looked her in the eyes, and she noticed that he was hiding something. She never really looked behind his irises, but she did now. And his eyes were screaming for help. Screaming for something she couldn't yet give.
But she knew she could give him one thing. One thing she never could really give her brother.
She gave him a hug, and Cal just cried.
And they sat like that, Cal crying silently into her shoulder. Emerson holding him, it was like they had switched places.
"Sorry for crying. I don't normally do this," he mumbled. "It's just that, Venom looked out for me and Dakota. And Cody won't even give us a chance to save him. He never lets me do anything. It's funny, he was the one who took my sister and I in when my parents died. And yet, he made a promise to the both of us. He said, 'You won't get any special treatment, go that? I'm not here to be your parents. I'm not here to fix your problems. I'm here to train you, and get you ready for the war soon to come. So don't expect anything lovey dovey from me, I don't do that'. Yet the only reason he isn't letting me go out there, is because he doesn't think I'm mentally stable."
"I don't think that's the case. I think he loves you. He's afraid of loosing you," Emerson thought out loud.
"Oh please! Cody doesn't like anyone," Cal dismissed the idea.
"I don't know. I think the thing with Dakota scared him," she shrugged.
Cal looked her in the eyes and changed the subject, "I like your eyes like that, it makes you seem more real."
"What do you mean?" Emerson asked, suddenly nervous.
"Just take the compliment Em. Purple is your color," he mumbled.
And Emerson couldn't help but smile.
She really liked the sound of that.
A/N: Hope you liked it ;)
What do you think of Cal?
Commander Cody?
Who's your fav character?
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