Emerson made her way up the steep, wooden steps to her room. Inside she went straight to her desk where her white disk laid.
"Any new messages?" She asked, while sliding into the levitating chair. She pressed a few buttons and the floating chair shot across the room to her geospam.
Emerson's fingers were dancing across the keyboard as her eyes scanned the web page she made for Tamara.
"One new message," the robotic voice thundered in the quiet room.
Her heart dropped to her toes in anticipation; positive and negative thoughts taking over. Emerson closed her eyes wishing for it to be Tamara's voice telling her to stop stressing; that she's fine and she shouldn't be such a worrywart.
"Hey Emerson, it's me Charlie. Sorry if you thought this was someone telling you something about Tamara, but I wanted to tell you that I'm here to help you. If you need any help, for anything, I want to help. Now I'm just rambling, but if there's anything I can do, tell me. Good luck, and she'll turn up soon. See you detention, bye!" Charlie's voice filled the room.
Emerson chucked a pencil across the room, and her head sank into her hands. Her shoulders were shaking as she cried into the palms of her hands, creating little floods. She blew into her hands, willing herself to stop crying.
"Message Charlie," she said.
The robotic voice repeated, "Messaging Charlie."
"Hey Charlie, it's me, Emerson. Just got your message, thanks for offering. I know this is a little bit soon, but if you're free, I'm going to start looking in the back alleys and our favorite shops for any signs. Probably stupid and pointless, but it's a start, right? So if you're free, I could use the company and extra pair of eyes." She spoke out loud to her four walls.
"Sending to Charlie," the disk spoke.
Emerson stood up, grabbed her disk, and hurried down the steps. Rounding a few corners, she started sprinting through the woods behind her house. Tamara discovered the spot, and they used it as a shortcut to get to the shops.
She didn't pause when she ended up at the fork in the path, one way leading to town, the other to their spot. She couldn't will herself to go left to where all of their best memories were made, so she continued down the right to the town.
She just reached the outskirts of the town when her disk bleeped.
"Read Charlie's message?" The Disk asked.
Emerson pressed the blue light in the center of the disk and it turned into a see-through shield that wrapped around her whole body.
"Read Charlie's message in secluded structure?" The Disk asked.
"Yes," she whispered.
"I'll be there in five. Meet where?" He asked.
"New message from Charlie, I see you ignore other message," The Disk spoke.
Emerson pressed the blue release button, and the Disk turned back into the palm sized disk.
"Hey," she said, with a slight wave of her hand.
Charlie walked over to her.
"If you want we can ride my aircycle," he offered.
"It doesn't really--"
"It'll be faster, that way we can go to more places," he said.
"Okay," she finally said following to his sleek midnight blue aircycle. It was like a steel crescent and it didn't have handlebars, just these holographic spheres that you used to turn left and right. There was a holographic strap that hooked your feet in and it worked as gas and breaks. It could fly in the air, because where the tires were supposed to be there were these orbs that helped it levitate.
Emerson slid in after Charlie and slipped her arms around his waist.
"Where to?" He asked softly.
"Georgina's Cafe," she said.
Off they sailed through the sky, Emerson's vibrant red hair whipping in all directions. She tightened her grip around Charlie's waist causing his heart to skip a beat. Closing her eyes she felt invigorated.
Charlie shouted over the wind, "Faster?"
"YEAH!" She yelled, letting out a jovial scream. She finally felt free, free of society, free of her family, free of--everything. She had no responsibilities or worries in this moment, and she was desperately trying to hold onto it for as long as she could.
Then they slowed down, along with their racing heartbeats, the moment gone away like a single dandelion seed in the wind; forgotten. The solemn wave of emotion because of what they were about to do hit them like the waves from a tsunami. The laughter dying from their voices, the joy gone from their eyes, they exited the vehicle and stared at the building in front of them.
With every step they took, they left a part of themselves behind.
A/N: Thanks for reading!!!
What do you think about Charles now?
Are they wasting their time?
Where's Tamara?
Why isn't she contacting Emerson?
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