She stood there wringing her hands together. The blonde haired woman, stepping down to circle the girl like a vulture.
"Now, Miss. Paige. Why are you here?" Silena asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.
"You tell me?" Emerson challenged, looking up at the woman.
Silena smiled at the young girl, "You're here because you are different. You are unique, you are one of us!"
"What do you mean one of 'us'? I'm not anyone," she muttered to herself, taking a hesitant step back. Emerson didn't know this woman, and it seemed like she was mad.
"You're Stained! But, we don't use that terminology. We all are a kaleidoscope together! We prefer to call ourselves Streaks. We mark our world--streak it if you will--with something special. We don't 'stain' our world, or our families," Selina smiled wide, throwing up her arms.
"Okay, Stains--Streaks, whatever. I don't understand what this has to do with me. I'm just some random person who happened to be 'stained'--" Selina gave her a look, "'streaked'."
"What is your purpose?" Selina asked, her voice booming in the room.
"Excuse me?" Emerson, chocked out.
Selina paced around the hollowed out room. It was a dark mahogany brown in the center of the tree form. Behind her, eleven other members wearing masks were sitting contemplating the unfolding events. The room was empty of any furniture except for the U shaped table behind them.
"What is your purpose in life? Better yet, what are you fighting for?" The pink haired woman challenged; her blue eyes twinkling over.
"I'm not fighting for anything. There's nothing worth fighting for," Emerson muttered, twisting her marked wrist.
"What about your brother Ethan?" She questioned wickedly, stalking towards the red head. "Didn't you two just start to reconnect when he was murdered? Don't you want to avenge his death?"
Emerson gulped, her fists shaking. "The driver already died. Cal made sure of that."
"What would you do if I said Cal didn't kill the boy in the car? If he only made you believe he killed the boy?" Her voice lowered, scarily calm.
"That's im-impossible," Emerson stammered. "I saw it with my own two eyes!"
"Oh, but what if I could tell you it was. It was so very possible," Selina smiled, cold blue eyes pouring into Emerson's soul, making her shiver.
"Cal!" Emerson roared, storming out and into the hallway. She couldn't help but see red.
Ignoring the curious stares, she continued to stalk down the dirt hall. Slamming open doors, she screamed for Cal.
"Miss, you aren't supposed to be here. Selina is calling--"
"Get out of my way!" She snapped, brushing past the young boy.
"Miss, they're going to get--"
"I said get out of my way!" Emerson shouted through gritted teeth as she yanked the boy off his feet by his shirt collar.
The young boy swallowed hard. He had thick rimmed black glasses framing his grey blue eyes. A lock of periwinkle blue hair falling out of place. His storm cloud eyes widened in fear, and Emerson set him down.
"I'm sorry, I just--I really need to find Cal right now," she close her eyes, forcing back tears.
"Cal Harker?" The boy asked.
"Yes," she breathed out in relief. "You know where he is?"
"Yeah! Follow me!" He grinned, running down the hallway.
"What's your name?" Emerson breathed out.
"Oh? I'm Finch, but you can call me Fin," he shouted over his shoulder. Finn then grabbed her hand, and dragged her into a room where a boy was sitting crisscrossed applesauce.
The boy was shirtless and wearing long baggy black pants. Almost immediately, images stared flickering on the walls while some of the items in the room swirled around the room. One circle of pens and pencils went clockwise, and another circle of larger things went counterclockwise.
The boy was doing all of this while projecting images onto the walls. Suddenly the lights started flickering, and the images fizzled out. Soon, one by one, the pencils and supplies dropped to the ground in a chaotic mess.
The boy stood up, swaying a little bit, and grabbed the nearest object to him. Emerson flinched at the sound of the pot being chucked at the wall.
The boy turned around and she realized it was Cal. His hair was dripping with sweat, and his eyes widened in shock.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, crossing his arms over his defined chest. When his skin made contact with skin, he looked down at his bare chest.
His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and he quickly grabbed his shirt; tugging it over his head.
"I need you to tell me something," Emerson demanded, her hand shaking.
He stared at her shaky hand, almost sensing what the conversation was going to be about.
"What did Selina say?" He chocked out, not meeting her eyes.
"Did you mess with my mind? Did that monster run free? Is my brother's killer still out there?" Her voice quivered. She was trying to be strong, but she just couldn't. Not this time.
"You did didn't you?" She whispered, her voice cracking.
"Oh my God," she whispered, tears welling. The boy--the yellow eyes--Cal killing him--wait did he? Her brothers death--all for nothing.
Emerson didn't feel herself fall to the ground, it was more like she saw herself do it. Like she was outside of her body; like she was at home watching a show and she was the main character. Her breathing came out is spasms, and she rocked back and forth.
Death--killer---not able to save Ethan--mind--messed with her mind--
"Emerson? Emerson--look at me--" Cal spoke softly, gently. His calloused hands grasped her shoulders.
Selina wanting her--for something--Ethan's lifeless body---trying to save him--Martin alive somehow--Charlie fighting the cloaked figure
Her tears pulled out faster as her body shuttered.
"Emerson, you're okay. It's all going to be okay. It'll be over soon," Cal soothed, rubbing up and down her shoulders.
Her eyes snapped towards his blue ones. Was he right? Would everything be okay?
"No--Ethan--dead--he's--" she sobbed out.
"I know, I know. It hurts, a lot. It's like someone stole something from you, and you know no matter what that spot will always be gone. Like a missing puzzle piece," Cal whispered.
Emerson looked at him quizzically, how could he know what it was like?
"Emerson, I-I tried to grab him. I did--but I wasn't allowed to. You were my main priority. And I wish I could tell you I was able to do both, but I couldn't. This isn't your fault though, okay? This wasn't your fault, it was mine. I failed my mission. I got you and your family involved, caused a casualty. And lost the guy in the process. I had to show you that image because you needed to think the guy was dead. If you didn't--the whole world would have known about our organization. They would have known about how we come to take Stains off the streets, how we help train each other. Help each other to survive for the entire goal of peace. But, I couldn't do both. And I couldn't be more ashamed of myself," Cal mumbled.
She stared at him in awe as her heart splintered into shattered glass. She didn't--couldn't--say anything to that. So they just sat there, Cal with his rough hands massaging her shoulders, and her trying to stop crying.
When she stopped Cal stood up, all he said was, "I have to go."
"Wait--how? Why?" She couldn't form her sentence.
"My sister has panic attacks, being talked to helps. She likes it when I hold her," he spoke, voice laced in pain.
"Cal," Emerson whispered.
"Yes?" He asked hesitantly, not meeting her eyes.
"I forgive you," she spoke softly.
Cal stared at her, his blue eyes guarded. But for a second--for a split second she saw a glimmer of disbelief. A glimmer of confusion. A glimmer of relief.
And that was all she needed.
All she needed.
So, when Finn--pale face in horror--lead her back to where Selina was impatiently waiting, she asked the woman, "What do you need me to do?"
A/N: Sorry for not updating this book in a while!!!! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS PART
Okay, next chapter will be in whoever you want's POV!
you can vote for, but aren't limited to:
What do you think of Cal?
Why did he get angry?
What do you think his sister will be like?
How did Emerson handle the situation?
What do you think of Selina?
Who's your favorite character?
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