The girl woke up in a rubbing alcohol smelling room. Shifting her weight so she could sit up, she noticed that she had no idea where she was. The walls had a glossy texture to them, but they were plant roots digging into the ground. She was sitting on a thin mattress and she pulled the IV out of her arm.
Now standing on her feet, Emerson looked for a door. There wasn't one. Panic started to settle in her stomach, but she knew screaming for help would only let them know she was awake. And whoever this 'them' was, probably wasn't someone she wanted to meet. No, she wasn't going to scream for help, she was going to play her cards right.
She would wait with a blunt object in hand, someone had to come for her eventually right?
Three hours had passed and Emerson's stomach got the better of her. The growls of hunger filled the silence in her room, and she was tempted to start screaming.
"I can't show them I'm weak," she muttered to herself.
Her only reply was silence.
She sat on the cot for about five more minutes before she shouted, "I know you're watching me!"
Out of the shadows appeared Cal.
"Good, your up!" He said, giving her a fake smile.
Emerson let out a yelp at the sight of him, and slashed the air with the needle of her IV.
He caught her wrist, "Knock it off Emerson. This would be a loosing battle, and what did you think you were going to do? Puncture me with medicine?"
"No," she muttered, embarrassed. "I was going to stab it into your neck."
"To kill me? But it'd be medicine rushing into my blood stream? How would that exactly kill me?" He asked giving her a look.
"Whatever, just go away," Emerson ordered, going to sit on the other side of her bed.
"I'm not here because I want to be, you know? I'm here because I've been ordered to watch you. I didn't sign up to be some babysitter," he grumbled.
"And I didn't ask to be babysat, now did I?" Emerson said, raising an eyebrow in his direction.
Cal smiled at that, "Hey, something we can agree on."
Emerson snorted.
"Um, I just want you to know those things I said--"
"What? You have more to say? I bet you have a whole list of my failures and crazy insults. But please, do continue," she spat.
"I don't want your pity!" Emerson shouted, standing up.
"I don't pity you!" Cal yelled, angry. He stood up too.
The girl rubbed at her eyes, "What am I even doing here?"
Cal looked at the ground.
"Well?" She demanded.
"You're here because you're stained just like me, just like Tamara, just like everyone else. And it's about time you stop pretending that that's not who you are, and If I were you, I'd find better friends than the likes of Charlie," he added before walking out.
"What'd you do to Charlie!" Emerson shouted, throwing a pillow at the wall Cal walked through.
She let out an angry huff before falling back down onto her bed.
"Here," Cal huffed, slamming the tray of food down on the bed Emerson was lying on.
"Thanks," she muttered.
Cal stopped walking away, "Thanks? For what?"
"You know what, never mind! Forget I even mentioned it, or for that matter forget that I even considered I should be polite to you!" She shouted.
Cal turned around, his brown eyes softening "No, I don't mean it like that. I meant--never mind. You should get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow."
"What do you mean?" She asked, suddenly curious, as she lowered her voice level.
"It doesn't matter what I meant, what matters is that you get some rest. And for everyone's sake tomorrow, please try to be more levelheaded?" He added before leaving the room.
Emerson just stared as Cal somehow made his body squish through the wall.
"I'm done playing captive," she whispered to herself as she neared the wall.
Pressing her hand to the wall, Emerson pushed at it. Nothing. Nothing had happened.
She took another deep breath, maybe she had to think about wanting to go through the wall. She started to think about her body melting into the wall when a person ran straight into her.
"What are you doing?" Cal asked, his brown eyes alarmed.
"Ummm," Emerson trailed off.
Currently, Emerson was lying on the ground and Cal was on top of her.
Cal, noticing their proximity, stood up quickly and turned around, "I'm just not going to ask."
"Wait! How do you do the wall thing?" Emerson asked in a desperate plea.
Cal turned around giving her a look of disbelief, "If I told you, you'd escape. Tell me what sense in the world it would make for me to tell you how I do that. Plus, I like it when you're annoyed."
"One more question, why'd you come back into my room?"
"How observant of you," he remarked by rolling his eyes. "I came to give you a drink, but because you were investigating the wall, I got it all over my shirt. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get the princess some more water!"
Emerson watched as he retreated from the opposite wall.
"There's more than one wall!" She shouted to no one.
Great. Just great, she thought to herself.
A/N: Okay, that was something.
Thoughts on:
Wall thingy? How's Cal doing it?
What's happening that's 'big' for Emerson?
Anyways thanks for reading!
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