Chapter 2- Partners
Staring at the analog clock on the wall, Virgil counted the seconds before class was over. 400 seconds to go..... 399..... 398.....
"I need everyone's attention for this next part, class!" The teacher called out, mainly to the students who were staring off into space and not listening, like Virgil. "I have been contacted by the head of the department to tell me that everyone in your year now has a new project to work on for the following months, the deadline is yet to be announced but we will start it while you have eternity!" The teacher explained, leading to several groans throughout the room.
"And since I do not trust any of you, you will be partnered up with the three other people in your row, so whoever you're with is purely out of luck," she continued, which cussed some subtle 'Yes's and some groans.
Look to his right, Virgil saw who was in his row. He was already sure of Patton and Logan, which he was thankful for, but he hadn't checked who had sat next to him after the bell. Beside him was the school's most popular (and handsome) student, Roman Prince.
Roman was known by all the students for his eccentric and cheeky attitude, which was popular among the girls. He had messy dark brown hair which could be mistaken for black under certain light. He has emerald green eyes that sparkled like a child rewatching his favourite Disney movie (as there are no other kids movies worth watching). He was wearing a white T-shirt with the word 'Prince' spelt out in glittery red writing and a golden crown with red gems beneath it. He was wearing casual denim jeans along with red trainers, which laces were untied and all over the floor.
The teacher instructed us to head to the library and pick out a spot to research a science project we had to come up with.
A few stairs later, Virgil, Patton, Roman and Logan were all sitting in a corner of the library surrounded by a wall of fact book, primarily about science. Logan was sitting next to Patton, who had moved his seat almost on top of Logan's. Roman had sat in the corner, feet on the desk and crossing his arms, while Virgil had taken to a chair metres away from the other three, to have as little interaction as possible at their tiny table.
"So, what should or project be about?" Logan asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over our group, pronouncing each word with precision and not missing out anything.
"I don't know, Microsoft nerd, pancakes?" Roman said sarcastically, causing Logan to roll his eyes and Patton to let out a giggle.
"Yes, because pancakes cause chemical reactions, Roman," Logan muttered sarcastically, getting an eye roll from Roman this time.
"PUPPIES!" Patton announced with excitement, his eyes turning to stars if we were in a cartoon.
Virgil sat in silence as the three popular kids fought over what they could do, when Virgil came up with an idea.
"We could do a rocket experiment, it would entertain all of us and be nerdy enough for Logan," Virgil piped up, only just being heard by the other three.
They sat in silence, thinking over the idea, when Logan spoke up. "That would be a practical experiment, along with fitting the other two's eccentric standards." Everyone agreed that this would be our topic.
Logan and Patton grabbed some books on engineering, while Roman and Virgil were set with the task of designing the rocket.
"We should add glitter, like a whole tub of glitter, along with a million Disney stickers," Roman said, constantly spurting out ideas that would most likely not work, as Virgil drew out a rocket design that would be a bit more practical then what Roman was describing.
"You put a kitty cat!" Patton yelled, picking up the sheet of paper Virgil had been drawing on and showing it to Logan like a proud father.
"Yes the design is, reasonably practical, I shall sketch out the engine parts at my house where I have the proper materials," Logan informed the group just as the bell rang, filling the silent library up with a deafening noise.
Virgil walked out of school grounds, headed for his home, when he heard a familiar voice yelling around the corner, wearily peaking around the corner, to see Logan yelling at Remy, his brother's ex, with Patton trying to calm his boyfriend down. Patton had tears in his eyes, threatening to fall and Remy looked really guilty. Even Logan was threatening to cry.
Remy quickly noticed Virgil, revealing an empty bottle of cheap alcohol loosely held by he man.
"You can not keep doing this to yourself!" Logan yelled at Remy, not noticing Virgil yet.
"Sorry, babes... But still, wouldn't want Virgey to see this," Remy replies, motioning toward Virgil stood, sheepishly.
"Stop calling me that," Virgil muttered, as Patton calmed Logan down. After Logan had completely calmed down, he straightened his glasses and looked at Virgil, who was threatening to call Deceit, but Logan couldn't hear that, neither could Patton.
"Virgil, how do you know my idiotic older brother?" Logan questioned, catching the two off guard as they had completely forgotten the situation.
"He used to date... my older brother.... they're still friend though, too close not to be," Virgil mumbled under his breath, fiddling with his hands.
"Who's your brother Virge?" Patton smiled.
"Daniel, though most people call him.... Deceit," Virgil explained, voice turning to a whisper at his brother's nickname, which was feared throughout the town.
Deceit was one of the most known gang leaders around, he had killed many people, but unknown to anyone else, they were all people who had done wrong to him or his friends/family. He wore a black bowler hat with a vibrant yellow ribbon that flew in the wind, perfect for dramatic poses. He had a black and yellow business suit, along with yellow business shoes. The most recognisable feature, however was the fact that the entirety of the left side of his face was covered in snake scales, a slimy green. He also had heterochromia, one eye a misty grey and the other a piercing yellow. His left side resembled that of Voldemort from Harry Potter, due to the fact it looked almost exactly like what a humanoid snake would.
"You dated Deceit!" Logan whisper yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Remy, who by now would turn into a puddle to escape the embarrassment.
"Didn't hear my name~?" A voice sneered from the entrance of the alleyway. Standing there was none other then Deceit himself.
"Goddammit D!" Virgil yelled, having gotten scared from his sudden appearance.
"Sorry Virge, your just not too easy to scare~!" He teased, ruffling the younger one's hair.
Virgil muttered curses and Patton gasped then said, "Profanities!" Virgil snickered at the reference, as Deceit proceeded to rifle Remy's hair, not having noticed the drink yet.
"He was drinking," Virgil called out to Deceit, who then gave Remy a death stare as he sheepishly looked up at the nope rope.
Before Deceit could make Remy deaf, they heard Roman yelling down the alleyway yelling, "ITS A F********* DEMON!"
Turning around, the group saw Roman running away from Remus, who was Deceit's apprentice and crush.
"Actually, it's a sewer rat," Virgil corrected, getting a middle finger from Remus, who was still dashing after Roman.
"Accu-rat," Patton chimed in, getting a groan from Logan and a chuckle from the rest.
"What's wrong with puns, calculator watch?" Roman exhaled, leaning on Virgil as he caught his breath, Remus doing the same with Deceit.
"Doesn't find 'em punny!" Patton replied, getting a mixture of groans and giggles.
"Awww did I not tickle your funny bone?" Patton winked at the groaners, referring to the biology lesson he had earlier in the day.
That led to even more groans, the one tense atmosphere being transformed into a friendly, comforting environment. Everyone waved each other off as they headed for their houses, leaving with a few more friends then they had had before.
This is the most to have written in a chapter-
(Wow 1378 words)
(13- SHUT UP!!!!)
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