Chapter 1 - Euro's High
Euro's High was a massive school. I mean, it had to be as it took on an entire town of children. The town was really quite large, only just under the city mark. Despite how modern and clean it may look, it's one of the worst neighbourhoods around. The sky's always grey due to heavy pollution, the towering buildings reach up to the clouds and all parks are inhabited with drunk, high teenagers.
Hiding in the shadows was a male. He was wearing a pitch black hoodie with dark purple patches sown on by the owner. His ripped grey jeans were falling apart more and more by the day, not able to afford new ones. His ancient converses had holes all over and were only just sticking together. His jet black and purple dip dyed hair was a mess, uncontrollably reaching out all over his head and almost poking his light indigo eyes. Under his eyes was layers upon layers of black eyeshadow, on top of his pale foundation that he had lathered onto his face an neck, a sickly colour.
Shoving his gloved hands into his pockets, he listened to music to block out the distant sirens and breaking glass. After walking for a few more minutes, he saw the school looming over the littered streets.
It was three stories tall, and a blinding white. There were windows every other centimetre and a massive revolving door working as the entrance. Due to how much money the government put into the school, there were janitors everywhere which kept the school so clean you could barely tell it was in the same city. Stepping inside the shiny, metal gates, the young teen let his drooping bangs fall over his tired eyes and enter hell.
Immediately heading for his locker, he twisted the lock to its selected password, then swung open the door, stuffing his almost empty backpack into the back, knocking over a pen pot in the process. He grabbed some sketch pads, pencils and pens then headed off to his first class. It was a new year at the school, so no one had any idea who they had classes with or how their year was going to go.
Entering the room designated Laboratory 4, he swiftly took a seat in the back corner of the classroom, as to not be noticed in any way shape or form. Sitting on the table beside him was another man, reading a book labelled 'Physics, Chemistry and Biology: Expert edition'.
The young man had dark brown hair swept back in a semi messy hairstyle, his half closed eyes the same colour. He had on jet black glasses that looked like they had heavy prescription, and what seemed to be like lipgloss shimmering the light. He had on a neat white shirt with a dark blue tie, the same colour as the homemade bracelet he had tied around his right arm, the word 'Pattoncake' spelt in those letter blocks you get in kids bracelet sets. He was wearing coal black jeans that wear slightly lighter then his formal, business like shoes.
The young boy allowed this stranger to continue his reading, as he opened a sketch book and began to draw a black kitten standing on a bridge gazing out at a setting sun across the shimmering ocean.
Only half an hour worth or drawing done, he heard loud laughter through the loud music of his P!ATD playlist. Glancing to his left, he saw the nerd talking with the school's extrovert, who was giggling at the nerd's arrogance to something.
He was accidentally caught by the loud kid, who grinned at him, motioning to take of his headphones. Hesitantly, he put one side of his headphones to the back of his head, then looked at the couple.
The loud one looked adorable. He had dirty blonde hair that went all over the place, along with light blue eyes that made him seem like a child. He was wearing glasses that looked almost exactly like the nerd's, except they were white. He had on an ocean blue sleeveless top with a picture of a cat's head in the middle, the word's 'I'm a cat-astrophy' printed in the same colour underneath. He was wearing a white headband that had a cute little bow on the top, similar to a piece of string he had tied around his left forearm. He had millions of white, blue red and grey bracelet scattered over his freckly arms, on of which saying 'Logiepie' in the same style as the one the nerd had, presumably a best friend or couple thing. He was wearing white denim short shorts with a light blue belt strung from a front pocket to a back pocket, which was the same colour as the pair of Adidas trainers he had on. He was also wearing socks that reached up almost to his shorts, causing him to look shorter than he really was which, unlucky for the edgy kid, still looked taller then him.
"Heyya! I'm Patton!" The loud one said, hold out his hand to the unsuspecting goth, who was expecting him to yell at him for staring at them. Hesitantly, he shook Patton's hand and slowly went back to his former position.
"I'm... Virgil..." the young man muttered, knowing that now Patton would drop the act and laugh in his face. But surprisingly...
"Nice to meet you Virgil! This is Logan he's my-," Patton smiled, bright shut up by ,the now, blushing nerd named Logan, who seemed embarrassed.
"You don't know his opinion on the... community," Logan muttered to Patton, who sheepishly smiled at Logan, somehow making him blush even more. Virgil has already got them figured out however.
"Don't worry about it, I already know, plus I ship it," Virgil teased the two, leading to Logan and Patton to turn red, much to his delight.
Suddenly the bell echoed off the walls of the semi-empty classroom and the room flooded with tired, frustrated teenagers. Virgil went back to his drawing as Patton slid off the table and into the seat next to Logan.
Yay Sander Sides!
The cover sucks, I know, I only had the time to draw it in science, cause what else is learning about elements and Bunsen burners for ;D
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