Addams could have sworn he had seen Nana just around the corner and cursed softly as he hit the wall. He had been looking for a full week now and every time he thought he was getting close all leads mystically disappeared. Where the hell was she!?
Nana held very still behind the crash cans until the man disappeared, then she pulled out her phone and called her dad.
"Someone's following me."
"Do you know who?" Aizawa asked calmly.
"No but I could definitely pick them out in a crowd with how much they've been following me." There was a pause on the other side of the phone "should I stay home now when I'm not with you till they stop?"
"That might be a good idea," Aizawa admitted "but if you do need to go out make sure you take your heavy walking stick."
"Got it." Nana snapped the phone shut and started working her way home, carefully keeping track of anyone that might be following her.
Izuku Midoriya was running around the classroom like his hair was on fire as he mumbled to himself and pinned photos, news clippings, and string to connect them. On the far side of the room class 1A watched in a mixture of fascination and horror as their classmate put together five years of information in lest than twenty minutes and then made even more deductions as he scribbled out a note and pinned that to the wall as well. Aizawa watched silently, hiding how impressed he was from everyone but his daughter.
"So what's your conclusion?" He asked as Nanas timer went off.
Midoriya gave a small jump as he was startled out his zone "a-um w-well the best I could figure it would be one of two reasons with only a few outcomes." Nana leaned forwards in interest as he stopped stumbling over his words. "They could be following Nana because of something from her past or the fact that she's your daughter. They either are making sure it's her before talking, or more likely are planning on kidnapping her."
"What if we were being pessimistic?" Nana asked.
Midoriya hesitated "they could also try to kill you."
Nana nodded and crossed her legs as she sat on the desk, seemingly lost in thought. "So now I get to stay at home for a bit."
The class looked mildly worried for their teachers daughter but Bakugou scoffed "if you get kidnapped that's your own fault."
"What if your mom got captured?" Nana asked calmly.
Bakugou let out a deep growl "I'd blast whatever F****er thought they could get away with it into space."
"But would it be her fault for getting kidnapped?" The other blond stiffened but fell silent. The class stared in shock.
Addams grinned in tryumph as he watched the blond head bob around the room through a window on the far building. He had been passing by in hopes to find any more clues on her whereabouts when one literally dropped from the sky as a broken toaster nearly nailed him in head head, causing him to look up to the house. And boy was he thankful for almost heading to the hospital from blunt force trauma. Addams took a quick photo of the building and left with a spring in his step to go cause some more problems for the resident heroes of the area.
"DAMN." Nana growled, causing Aizawa to look over curiously.
"You going to tell me why you threw our old toaster out the window?" He asked.
"I missed the stalker," nana growled in annoyance "I was like, two inches off."
Aizawa paused "I understand that you had different heroic morals but please don't aim to kill while in the house."
"No promises." Nana muttered.
The six year old stumbled away from the wreckage of the mall, a hand over their mouth as they coughed up blood and tried not to cry from the searing pain in her left eye. She was missing a shoe and a sleeve from her shirt where the villain had tried to grab her. The young girl used her other arm to steady herself against a wall as she worker her way away from the catatonic villains inside the building behind her.
What had she done?
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