Ashish went to the restaurant.There he saw Maitree with Mukund.
Ashish was shocked.
Ashish:Maitree is Mukund Kapoor's daughter?Oh my God!
Ashish hid from them and phoned Maitree.Maitree:Ashish...when will you reach here?We are waiting.Ashish:I am sorry Maitree.I can't come as I am stuck in an important meeting.Maitree became upset.Maitree:That's so sad.
Ashish:Don't worry Maitree.I will meet your dad soon.Maitree:It's ok Ashish.Ashish:Ok bye Maitree.My meeting is going resume after the break.Maitree:Ok bye.Maitree told Mukund sadly:Dad...he can't come today because of a meeting.Ashish became dull.Ashish:It's ok.But tell him to meet me soon.
Maitree:Yes dad.
Ashish told this to Rajkumar.Raj was shocked.Raj:What will you do now?Ashish:Can you please meet Mukund Kapoor as Ashish ie me?Rajkumar was shocked:What are you saying?Ashish:Mukund Kapoor knows about my memory problem.So if he comes to know that I am Ashish,he will reject me in a second.
Raj:But later he will come to know that I am not Ashish.Ashish:I know.But before that I will try to win his heart.After that I will reveal to him that I am Ashish.But for the time being please pretend as me infront of Mukund Kapoor.Only then he will approve of our relationship.Raj:Manmeet will kill me if I do this.
Ashish:Don't tell Manmeet.Raj:But I have not hidden anything from Manmeet till now.Ashish:You are not going to hide it from her forever...only for some days.So you don't have to be guilty.Raj:Still....Ashish:Please...for your best friend.Raj:Ok.Ashish smiled.
Mukund was sitting in the park.Saransh who came there was surprised.Saransh:Hello come you are here?Do you come to this park often?Mukund:Actually I came here to meet someone.Saransh:Who?Mukund:Actually Maitree loves someone named Ashish.He said that he will come here to meet me.Saransh was shocked:Maitree loves someone.Mukund:Yes.Saransh:Uncle...i will sit here.Even I would like to meet Ashish.Mukund:Sure.Rajkumar reached the park.He looked at Mukund's photograph and identified Mukund.Raj went near Mukund:Hi uncle...Mukund looked at him:You?Raj:I am Ashish.Mukund smiled:Hi....Rajkumar touched his feet and said:Please bless me uncle.Mukund smiled blessing him:My blessings will be always there for you.Rajkumar smiled.Mukund:Now a days only a few boys respect elders.You are one of them.I am impressed.Rajkumar smiled.Saransh became jealous of him.Mukund:What's your dad doing?Raj:My dad is an advocate.Suddenly Rajkumar remembered that Ashish's father is a businessman.Immediately he tried to correct it:My dad is a businessman.Saransh found it fishy.Saransh:Your dad is an advocate or a businessman?Mukund stared at Raj.Raj thought:If I stick to one they will doubt me.Raj:I dad is an advocate,but he is a businessman too.Mukund smiled.Saransh:How is your father able to manage both?
Raj:He is smart enough to manage it.Mukund:That's cool.What is your mother doing?Raj:My mother is also an advocate.Suddenly Raj remembered that Ashish's mother is a business woman.Raj:She is a business woman.Saransh:Again confusion.Your mother is an advocate or a business woman?Raj became dull.Raj:She helps my dad in business also.
Mukund:That's so nice.I really liked you Ashish.Rajkumar smiled:I also liked you uncle.Mukund smiled.Saransh whispered to Mukund:Uncle...he himself is not sure about his parents' job.I think he is a fraud.Just reject him uncle.Maitree deserves someone better.Mukund became dull.Raj continued his drama.Raj:You are such a nice man uncle.I am lucky to get a father in law like you.That brought a smile on Mukund's face.Mukund:Maitree is right.You are really nice.You will make a good husband to Maitree.Raj smiled.Saransh got irritated.Saransh:Uncle...Mukund looked at Saransh and said:Ashish saved Maitree's mother wife Renuka once.He is the best for Maitree.
Saransh became dull.Mukund:Nice to meet you Ashish.I need to go now.Bye!Bye Saransh.Saransh and Raj:Bye uncle!Ashish went away.Saransh stared at Rajkumar and said:Just leave from Maitree's life.Otherwise I won't spare you.I am not less than a goon.Maitree is mine.Raj was stunned.
Raj and Ashish met each other.Ashish:You met Maitree's dad?Raj:Yes.Like you told me,I fell at his feet and sought his blessings.He liked me...I mean he liked Ashish very much.Ashish became very happy.Raj:But there is a new problem.Ashish:What's that?Raj:A guy named Saransh loves Maitree.He told me to stay away from Maitree.He threatened me.He said that Maitree belongs to him.Ashish:Maitree had told me about this guy.Maitree had rejected his proposal.I did'nt know that he was obsessed with her.But I don't care.Because Maitree loves only me.Her love is my strength.Then why should I worry about his useless guy Saransh?Rajkumar smiled.Raj:What's your next plan?Ashish told him about his next plan which made Rajkumar shock.
Rajkumar was getting tensed thinking about his identity change before Mukund.He thought:What all I have to do for my best friend Ashish?Manmeet went near him.Manmeet:Rajkumar...I have been noticing some change in you.Is everything alright?
Rajkumar thought:Should I tell the truth to Manmeet?No...I should not.I should be loyal to Ashish.He helped me a lot in winning Manmeet's heart.Now it's my turn to help him get his love.Once everything gets sorted out,I will tell Manmeet.Rajkumar replied without looking at her face as he was not able to lie looking at her face:Nothing baby..nothing.
Manmeet:Are you sure?I have a feeling that you are hiding something.Raj thought:Manmeet understands me so well.Raj:No...I am not hiding anything.Why should I hide from you?Manmeet:Ya...right.Rajkumar felt guilty and said in his mind:I am sorry Manmeet.Please forgive me.Manmeet:Will you help me in the kitchen?Raj:Is there any need to ask me that?I am always ready for that.She smiled.
Rajkumar and Manmeet made noodles together in the kitchen romantically.
Rajkumar put noodles in her mouth with the spoon and pulled noodles from her mouth passionately with his teeth.
He leaned towards her face for a kiss.She pushed him and said:Finish your food Rajkumar.Raj:How unromantic!She laughed.
Ashish told Maitree:My friend Raj wants a job.Can you please recommend him in your father's company?Maitree:Yes...why not?Ashish:Thank you Maitree.She smiled.Ashish gave her a cover.Ashish:My first gift for you.I hope you will wear this dress for our date.Maitree smiled with surprise:Sure Ashish.He smiled.
Maitree wore the dress which Ashish gave her for the date.She had worn accessories also.Ashish was lost in her beauty.Ashish:Thank you for wearing this Maitree.You look very beautiful.Maitree:This dress is very special for me Ashish as it's your first gift for me.He smiled.They both went to the beach.The beach was decorated.Maitree was surprised.Maitree:It looks so beautiful Ashish.He smiled.They both sat down and had dinner together.They danced together romantically.Maitree:Thank you for making our date so special Ashish.He smiled:Anything for our love Maitree.She smiled.
Ashish thought:This time I did not forget and made all arrangements for our date.It's a miracle.Thank you God.
Maitree convinced Mukund to give a job to Rajkumar and Mukund agreed.
Rajkumar went to Mukund's office.Mukund:Hey Ashish...come.Raj:Uncle...Maitree told you about my friend.Right?Mukund:Yes.Where is your friend?Rajkumar turned back.Ashish came inside.Mukund got shocked seeing him.
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