Stones of Stability
Squiddy rushed to Wilddragon's office after school. To his surprise, he saw a blue eagle perching on Wilddragon's shoulder. When he stepped in, it looked up at him.
"Hello Squiddy. Do you want to go home?" Wilddragon held up her bracelet.
"Wai-wait! You have a pet eagle?!?" Squiddy gasped.
"Of course, no! She's Eagleimus!" Wilddragon rolled her eyes. Saying that, the eagle flew off her shoulder and was shrouded in blue mist. When it cleared, it was now a girl with a blue T-shirt and pants decorated with sea swirls, light blue shoes, and a circlet with a precious blue stone. She also had a bracelet, but it was made of Aquamarine, and the token was an eagle flying.
"Wow, Squiddy!" she glared at him playfully. She patted him on the head. "Squiddy... when you summoned the Water Barrier at the 2nd round of your battle with Fireshadow, it had a water mark on it, right? It was my mark, Squiddy. My mark. It meant that you are deeply connected with your element, and I have marked you as my favoured Octo."
"I mean, you are also my favoured Octo, but since I am mostly Nature, Dragon and Flying type and not Water type, you can't see my mark." Wilddragon shrugged.
"Wow." Squiddy breathed.
"But... Squiddy, you have a power that other Octos don't have. You can cry special stones, and use them for your good." Wilddragon sighed. "You are different from other Octos in a special way."
"But-but I don't want to be special!" Squiddy cried. "Others would just call me weird and make fun of me! Then they would try to make me cry so they would get hold of my stones!" thinking of being beat up brought uncontrollable tears to his eyes. As a tear rolled down his cheek, he felt it harden and fall to the ground. "Huh?" he picked the stone. It was a bright white colour. "Wh-what is this?"
"Lumenite!"Eagleimus exclaimed. "It can charge in the sunlight, and when you take it back in, it will be fully charged. I mean, right now, it's already charged, and when you shake it, it will produce light. If you want it to stop, you can just shake it again. You can call Lumenite Glowstone if you can't remember its name."
Squiddy cried more tears. This time, all his tears were different colors.
"Oh... no." Eagleimus gasped. "Red is Embernite! When shaked, it can turn to fire and burn anything you want it to burn, Squiddy. Orange is Dynaminite! After shaked for 30 seconds, it will explode with the force of a megaton of TNT! Yellow is Tempestinite! When shaked, it can summon a storm. Green is Spiritinite! When shaked, it gives self-esteem, confidence and bravery. Blue is Crystalinite! When shaked, it can summon two crystal octo helpers that can only be destroyed by diamond, but they can only be used once! Finally, Purple is Swiftinite! When shaked, it makes all your movements faster!"
"Wow... What do I do with Embernite, Dynaminite, and Tempestinite?" Squiddy stared at the three stones.
"We'll keep it." Wilddragon grabbed them, careful not to shake any, and then they disappeared.
"Where did they go?"
"In my personal storage space." Wilddragon cracked a smile.
"Well, Squiddy, use Spiritnite, Crystalinite and Swiftinite only when you need it." Eagleimus said, handing the other stones to Squiddy.
"Okay! Can I see my family now?" Squiddy bounced up and down as he tucked them away safely without shaking them.
"Sure!" Wilddragon called him back, and he spiralled through the rainbow vortex, going towards the white point once again.
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