A choice - Kang Sae-byeok x Dying!Reader
Author's note: Warning spoilers and mentions of blood, gore and death.
I apologise in advance. This was longer than I intended it to be. This oneshot is similar to episode 8, but I changed a few things here and there. This wasn't requested, but I felt inspired :)
I appreciate the votes, the reads and the comments! I'm incredibly grateful, you amazing people!
It was just five of you left. Standing on a separate panel of glass. Gi-hun was behind you, Sae-byeok in front and before her, Sang-woo and then player 17. He claimed he used to make glass, which meant he could tell tempered glass from real glass.
It seemed to work, seen as he had one more glass to tell apart. Thank goodness. You tried your best not to look down. The dead bodies lying beneath you was hard to ignore, but you had to keep on moving. Or you might join them.
You could all feel the pressure. The possibility of having someone push you onto the next glass panel made you all weary.
As the older man bent down, examining the glass, the lights suddenly went off. Sudden dread enters your system. If the lights are off, then can he still tell the glass apart.
Just one more.
You could feel the tension in the air. The man seemed to lose confidence as well when the lights went off. He takes nervous breaths.
"What's wrong?" Sang-woo states. The worry is evident in his voice, hoping there isn't anything wrong. "What's the problem?" He asks persistently.
The timer in front of you, making you all the more nervous. What he says next makes you gulp in fear.
"I can't tell them apart," He shudders. You look at the timer.
One minute and 14 seconds left.
"Alright, which one. You need to choose now," Sang-woo declares. The impatience and frustration are apparent in his tone. Although you all were impatient, and who knew what would happen if the timer ran out.
"I need to listen to the sound," Player 17 stands up quickly, feeling his tracksuit. Sang-woo does the same, turning to Sae-byeok, you and Gi-hun.
"Do you have anything?" The three of you hurriedly check your pockets. You hope you have something. Deep down, you knew you had nothing, but it doesn't hurt to check.
Sae-byeok shakes her head, you following right after. Turning to Gi-hun, you notice that a marble was in his hand. Immediately he reaches out to you and hands it over carefully.
Once player 17 has the marble, he throws it gently on the left glass panel.
"I need another," He turns towards Sang-woo. "I need to hear the right one, so I can be sure,"
You all turn to Gi-hun, who shakes his head sadly, he doesn't have another marble.
A moment later, player 17 tries his best to find which glass is tempered. Sang-woo jumps on his glass panel. Shock enters your body, and you can only guess what's about to happen.
"I..can't tell what it is," Player 17 says fearfully. He felt the presence of Sang-woo behind him, and he was determined. Deep down, you knew what was coming.
"I'll pick, okay," Before player 17 can react. Sang-woo pushes him forward, causing him to slip on a tempered glass panel, falling to his death.
Your jaw falls in shock at what just happened. You never expected Sang-woo to do something like that. The sound of player 17's body hitting the ground below you made you feel dizzy. It doesn't matter how many people die before you, and you can't get used to it.
Sang-woo held no remorse in his actions. As he jumped to safety, the rest of you following after. Taking note of the seconds left on the timer.
The three of you managed to jump to safety, but as soon as the timer reached 0. The lights went back on, and the remaining glass panels began to explode.
You don't know what came over you, but instinctively you used your body as a shield to cover Sae-byeok. She only managed to gain a few cuts, but you...you received a large shard of glass to the abdomen.
Your eyes land on the blood that started pooling from the wound. A pair of dark black eyes catch your attention. Sae-byeok. Her gaze was questioning. It's either she knew what you did but tried to understand why. Or she didn't know and was confused as to why you covered your stomach.
As long as she was okay, you didn't care about anything else.
Once the four of you reach the large room, you notice it has changed. They decorated the walls symbolically of the five games you all overcame until now. Four beds were placed in the far corners of the room.
Slowly, you limped to the bed on the far left corner, not noticing the worried glances Sae-byeok sent in your direction. She wondered what was going on with you.
Sae-byeok never attempted to properly speak to you in the past. You were very quiet. That's the first thing she noticed about you. She was a quiet person as well, but you were a different type of quiet. Being on anyone's bad side was what you tried to avoid.
When she tried to speak to you before, you only responded with physical gestures. Either a shrug, a nod or if she was lucky, a smile. Perhaps you didn't like her. Although, in your head, you were too shocked to say anything whenever Sae-byeok spoke to you.
You thought that no one cared whether you lived or died as long as you stayed out of anyone's way. You were invisible, your choice, and it was safer. Little did you know a particular woman kept her eye on you.
Ever since that night. That horrible night when a fight broke out. A bloodbath. Women and men, screaming in anger, pain. Shocked by the people they thought they could trust, they ended up attacking them. It was planned, that's what you assumed.
You were afraid for your life, that moment, and you were feeling a tint of relief that your hiding spot would keep you safe. What you didn't know is that in the darkness, a man was strolling up to you, holding a makeshift weapon ready to kill you.
On the other hand, the man didn't know that he was being watched with a pair of eyes that held deep anger with a sense of protectiveness directed towards you.
Before he could attack you, possibly ending your life, Sae-byeok stepped in. Capturing the man that wanted to hurt the person she cared for in a headlock—suffocating him until his breath was no more. You had no clue what was happening and only making out that two dark silhouettes were in a fight.
That night, Sae-byeok sat on the ground, besides your bunk bed. She kept watching over you, making sure no one would hurt you. Even if she is as well being targeted, she remained by your side. Sae-byeok didn't know what would happen if you were injured, and she felt protective over you.
A loud alarm blares, forcing Sae-byeok out of her thoughts. A group of guards entered. Sae-byeok looked at you and regarded how your face looked flushed, your arms delicately covering your abdomen. You shivered as you listened to the guards.
The pain you were experiencing was horrendous. But you couldn't let anyone know that, or you might become a target. Plus, seeing how Sang-woo killed a man in cold blood made you think twice. It would be best if you kept this to yourself.
After the guards congratulated you all on making it through to the final round, the guard with the square shape informed you about a gift you would receive, but first, you needed to change in some clothing they brought for the four of you.
You sat by a sizeable square-shaped table. Each of you had your separate side. However, you couldn't focus properly on what was happening. Your strength slowly began to fade. They brought you a delicious meal, which consisted of a pork chop, medium-rare. Except, you couldn't enjoy it, and the wound affected your appetite.
On the bright side, you managed to get rid of the glass shard that punctured your stomach. Although, you start to believe that it wasn't such a good idea. Since you felt much worse than before, sweat dripped down your forehead as you glimpsed around the room. Sang-woo, Gi-hun and Sae-byeok hurriedly ate their meal.
Sadly, because of your weakened state, you struggled to cut the meat and chew. Gi-hun and Sang-woo were too distracted to notice, but Sae-byeok did. The way your lips pursed at any sudden movement you made. The constant shivers your body had. She wanted to help you, but you avoided her. Sae-byeok doesn't know why you did.
Your eyes catch hers, her mouth chewing the food hurriedly. You were glad she could eat. Rather her than you. A choice you made without any regrets. You don't know what came over you to shield her from the glass, but you were pleased it did.
After a few minutes, your plates were taken in, most of your food was still on your plate. What happened next drained you even more than you already were. As they took in the forks and knives, they purposefully left one knife behind.
A potential fight was about to break out, and you aren't prepared for it. You carefully took the knife, and if anything, you had to protect yourself. Even if you were too weak to do so.
The four of you sat on your separate beds, everyone watching each other with weary and caution. You tried keeping awake, but you kept dozing off. The fatigue was too intense. You felt a sudden presence in front of you.
"Y/n," A whisper enters your ears. You open your eyes swiftly and cower backwards, gripping your knife tightly. It was Sae-byeok. Although you don't let go of your knife, and Sae-byeok sees this.
"I won't hurt you," You take a shaky breath and gulp at her soft voice, not sure whether you should believe her. "You kept dozing off..." she continues her knife in her hand. Sae-byeok narrows her eyes at Sang-woo.
"This is for Sang-woo, who knows what tricks he has up his sleeve. I know Gi-hun wouldn't try to hurt you," She puts her knife in the pocket of her jacket, and takes a seat on the floor beside your bed. Sae-byeok looks over to you.
"You don't look too good, Y/n," You don't respond, squinting your eyes, hoping it keeps the pain at bay, which is a fail. A grimace covers your face.
"I'm fine, healthy as...a horse.." You say slowly. Sae-byeok is surprised when she hears you speak. The first time you ever talked to her, and it was when you weren't holding up so well. Talk about terrible timing.
"You didn't eat. I noticed your limp. You're not very good at keeping it a secret," A slow shrug is all you do. "I don't like pork.." You whisper. Although you both know that is just an excuse.
"Lying won't make things better. We should stick together, me, you and Gi-hun. We can vote to stop playing and-"
"-don't tell me..you've..come this far, just to quit in the...end?" You question her, compressing your abdomen slowly, attempting to prevent the blood from gushing out. Your eyes shut momentarily as you try and catch your breath.
The black-haired woman thinks about what you said but doesn't answer. Sae-byeok stands up, and she gives a silent nod to Gi-hun, who was keeping an eye on Sang-woo.
They both stroll towards Sang-woo, who seems to have dozed off. Slowly, they take their knives out. Your soft, painful voice stops Sae-byeok.
Sae-byeok lowers her knife, with a confused Gi-hun wondering what she is doing. Gi-hun notices your figure behind Sae-byeok as your body drops. Worry consumes him, and this causes Sae-byeok to turn around. Terror fills her body as soon as she sees your practically limp body and how you try to stay awake.
Without a second thought, Sae-byeok rushes towards you. You had a fever, but nothing prepared her for what she saw next. The bottom of your white shirt was a dark crimson red. The wound was much worse.
Sae-byeok's body fills with surprise as she frantically complied pressure to your wound, hoping to stop the overflow of blood. She didn't know that your wound was this bad.
"Gi-hun!" In a moment, Gi-hun was at your bed. "What happened?" He asked hysterically. Noticing the blood on your clothes.
"Let me get someone-" Before she could leave you, you weakly grabbed her by the arm.
"Please...stay..with me," Sae-byeok doesn't think twice. She takes a seat beside you on the single bed, gently bringing you into her arms ignoring the blood that attaches itself to her clothing as well.
She turns to Gi-hun, who is already by the large doors shouting for help. Sae-byeok is grateful that he reacted quickly.
"H..How did this happen? When?" Sae-byeok takes a heavy breath. You gasp for air, even though it hurts to do so. She tries her hardest to stop the blood from gushing out your injury.
"It doesn't..matter.." Your breath out. "As long as you're alive...I'm..happy," A stray tear traces down your cheek. Sae-byeok gently wipes it away.
"Save your energy, Y/n," She advises you. Fear coursing through her veins. Sae-byeok doesn't want to think about you possibly dying. You ignore her advice and continue speaking.
"I..have a secret...Sae...byeok.." Sae-byeok shakes her head. She doesn't want you to keep wasting your energy, yet she still wants to hear your voice.
"Please, Y/n. Don't talk," Her voice cracks. Although you still continue to speak. Gi-hun's shouts for medical attention fades out.
"I..think..I like..you..a lot," You finally say. How you've always wanted to say that. It disappoints you that the only time you could say it was when you were on the brink of death. Sae-byeok purses her lips, her tears gushing down her eyes. Your eyes flutter closed. The tiredness finally getting the better of you.
"Just..wake me up..early tomorrow," You say softly. Sae-Byeok gently lays you on the bed and hurries to the door, where Gi-hun is yelling and she joins him. She didn't want to leave your side, but you needed medical attention and fast.
The large doors finally open, causing the two to sigh in relief. What confuses them is that they don't have any medical supplies. The guards forcefully push past Sae-byeok and Gi-hun carrying something.
A medium-sized black coffin.
That stood out to Sae-byeok and it only meant one thing. Her gaze followed the guards as they walked towards your bed. Sae-byeok's heart dropped. The feeling of swallowing a sunken ship overtook her body.
Beside your bed was Sang-woo looking down at you. Sang-woo knew that you were injured, he was observant. Your painful facial expressions were easy to identify.
That's when he made the decision, to get rid of you. You were an easy target. However, when Sae-byeok stayed by your side, it made his plans harder. Until she made the choice to call out for help. He took his chance.
Without a second thought, Sae-byeok ran towards you. It felt as though everything was in slow motion. When she got to your bed, there you lay. Neck slit, your head laid in a pool of your own blood.
"Y/n, Y/n wake up! You can't...no!" She shouted in disbelief. Her voice cracked as her tears washed her freckled cheeks when she lifted your head gently. Maybe just maybe, you would open your eyes and smile at her. Telling her you were okay, but who is she kidding. Sae-byeok knew the truth.
Only one emotion entered her that moment; resentment. She gently lays you back on the bed and turns slowly to Sang-woo. Who holds no remorse for what he did, holding the knife he had which was covered in your blood.
Immediately Sae-byeok grabs her knife and rushes to attack Sang-woo. Although before she can, the hilt of a gun roughly hits her in the shoulder. Gi-hun who held disgust and disbelief at what Sang-woo had just done, also attempts to attack the treacherous man. Although, he is also stopped by another guard forcibly pushing him onto the ground.
Sae-byeok watches in sorrow and boiling anger as your body gets placed into the black coffin. Her mind was rushing in many directions. She failed the one thing she promised to herself.
To protect the ones she loves.
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