Team Jungkook- Mini game 3 Results.✧༝┉˚*❋ ❋*˚┉༝✧
This is the time every Jungkook player was waiting for. Let's check it out if you survive the brutal game. Well done if you survive the killer shots from the mask executioners.
But no worries if you are one of the two lowest scores in Team Jungkook and are up for execution (elimination).
This is the FINAL MINI GAME for Round 1: The player with the lowers scores will be up for permanent elimination
The TWO Players that are consistently in all three games in the elimination round -will be eligible for FINAL EXECUTION from the Game.
Eg if two players score the lowest in all three games they will be up or executed unless they are safe by a players HEALTH kit
You still have a chance to be redeemed ( saved) by your loyal Team members/Opposing players by them using one of their Health kits 🩹 to save you from the final execution.
Thank you so much for our awesome in-depth reviews.
And now we reveal our TEAM PROTECTOR for the Team Jungkook Mini Game 3 Armyxbts_oneheart Thank you so much for the awesome reviews.
Team Jungkook players please don't feel disheartened by the honesty and killer shots you received from the executioners for your awesome blurbs. It sure hooked me.
Congratulations to the survivors of Mini Game 1.3 The Two Top scorers of Team Jungkook will automatically be finalists in the Best Blurb/Hook Category.
REMEMBER 1 💣 subtract from your score and 1🔆 add to your PROTECTORS' score
1: Your devil: a doomed catastrophe by -Pviscelle
This book doesn't start with some action, but that's probably the case for a lot of books, and it doesn't really need to be that way to be interesting. I think you set a really good atmosphere for the reader when they start reading. It plunges them into the world you've created. I think the blurb needs to be shortened a bit, and you should really make sentences. But apart from that, it's very intriguing. 1/2-
I wasn't exactly shocked but I was still quite drawn to the story as you started it since there's this kind of mystery hanging in the air. Reading the blurb first gives you so many unanswered questions that will only make sense when you read, I guess. However, the first line is really something drastic in a story, whether it's a quote or whatever. So maybe work on that, and find a first line to take the reader's breath away when they start reading. 3/5-
I haven't read the whole story yet, but based on what I've seen, specifically the blurb and the beginning, I feel like the life-changing moment started right before the book started. And honestly, it's so gripping, because it leaves you desperate for answers that we'll get as the story goes on. In conclusion, I think that Aera's life has just started changing... 3/3-
There's definitely intrigue about the characters, I feel like with nothing but the blurb and prologue, there's an undeniable tension in the air, I absolutely love it!! 5/5-
I feel like you could have added to the tension and intrigue by getting us into Aera's head more, rather than immediately her actions in the morning. Don't be scared to drag the tension and uneasy feeling the reader gets with Jungkook being 'her' devil and the girl being oblivious for now... 0/2 -
The last one is a given. And I love that this 'something dangerous' is Jungkook himself. 3/3
General review: So, well done, honestly, this book has so much potential, you are a very very talented writer, you use great vocabulary, and build your sentences in such ways that we can't help but keep going. However, you should maybe shorten the blurb, there's too much there. And as I said earlier, try to find a first line that's truly original and can somehow sum up the atmosphere of the story, hooking the reader to your plot line and characters right from the beginning. Other than that, good job!
Team Protector Score: 15/20
Opposing teams' scores - Team Teahyung: 0/6
- Team Jimin: + 2🔆= 2 /6
2. Not another love affair by -Gukmajins
No action at the beginning since it's uncalled for, here. It doesn't really need any action. But I feel like it could begin in a more intriguing way. 1 /2-
The first line is on an average line. It's not particularly exciting and doesn't pique the reader's interest too much but this is a romance book so I get it. However, the first line is a major part of the book, just as much as the last line. So maybe try to work on that. 1/5
- It gets us to the life-changing moment rather quickly, leading to the whole point of the story so yeah, all good. 2/3-
I'm sorry, but I don't find any intrigue in this story, especially for the characters. Their kids want to have sex and decide to get married for it. I feel like you could add so much more to the story, as it's not exactly super original. It's well-written though. 1/5-
Maybe, you should get us more into their heads, see what they're thinking, their background story, etc. All we really get here is a peek into the minds of two hormonal kids who want to do each other... 0/2-
As I said, the plot lacks a lot, here. It's not very interesting... The only hardships are the (honestly well-founded but then *eye-roll*) opposition of their parents to their marriage. You could create some intrigue on the side and help your characters develop through the story. 0/3General review: I feel like you have so much potential but you don't dig far enough. You could add some mystery, hardships, adventure, real emotions, and some depth ... Because from what I've read, I get the curiosity and frustration of your characters, but it doesn't make their sudden decision any less dumb. They go to extreme lengths for something not so important, and the romance is cute but gets suffocated with the actual intentions behind it. I don't know. I feel like there could be so much more.
Team Protector Score: 5/20
Opposing teams' scores - Team Teahyung: 0/6
- Team Jimin: -1 💣= 0/6
3. Christmas Eve- Yeahidonthavethink
No action at first, but once again, I'm more than okay with that because the action is a genre that's not used for every book. So I'll judge the start of the book. It starts rather softly, but there's no need for it to start too obviously, we already know it's a horror story, so I think that's enough to keep us on our toes. It's actually very smart since we feel like walking through some empty room, carefully, expecting something to jump in our faces any moment. 2/2-
As I said to another writer, I think the first line is a major part of the book, just like the last line. With these two lines, one should be able to capture the essence of the book, the atmosphere, etc. So maybe try to find a first line to hook your reader right away, whether it's a song line, or a quote, or something that comes from you. 2/5-
Life changing? I think the answer to that wouldn't be for the beginning, but for the whole book. We know something's going to happen at some point, something most probably shocking so, the life-changing bit is bound to happen, and if that were at the beginning, it would kill a bit of the excitement I think. 3/3-
I don't have much experience with horror stories as a writer, but I have judged some in the past, and have always loved it. They're shocking, exciting, and unpredictable. I love your characters, they seem so innocent, they're on a first date, first bf/gf, etc, and yet, there's something lurking in the dark, you know? And that makes me question them, like are they really who they say they are, etc. I love it. 5/5-
I think the "strong voice" here is the mother being super worried for her daughter who's pretty confident about herself, and I don't know, everything seems off but in a good way haha. 2/2- I know there's something dangerous, I just know there is, but the fact that you just keep us trapped in this tense atmosphere with the empty mall, the cold weather, the weak Christmas music, etc.. qksjfiqoejf I'm so intrigued. 3/3
General review: Honestly, the more I read the more intrigued I find myself to be. The tension is crazyyyy, but the super smart thing is that only the readers feel it at first, we KNOW that this is a horror story, but the characters are so caught up in their little word of romance that they remain oblivious. The thing I would really work on if I were you, is the first line. Also, about the blurb, I love that you used a Christmas song, and with the horror genre, it becomes twisted, you know like this music box turned creepy! Anyways, well done, keep going! 17/20
Team Protector Score: 17/20
Opposing teams' scores - Team Teahyung: +1🔆= 1/6
- Team Jimin: = +1🔆 =1/6
4. I won't love you ever again by -SongYeEun2500
It doesn't start with action, and like I said before it depends on the genre. It's quite interesting, we get a short presentation of the main character and what she's up to. 1 /2
- Again, it's a shame, because you should really try to find a proper first line, to hook your readers and grab their attention. It can be a sentence that sums up the blurb etc. 2/5-
From what I've read, it is some sort of life-changing moment, since she finds herself facing her past, getting her to her ultimate goal. However, I feel like it's quite dragged along in the beginning, and you introduce too many characters at the same time. Also, I was not expecting the story to instantly give us all the answers to what happened ten years ago. I find it more hooking when we find out as the story goes on, you give us small details here and there until the shocking reveal and the revenge.. 1/3-
Since we're given almost all the answers rather quickly, there's not much intrigue about the characters, I think.. 0/5-
I think the plot lacks real foundations, hence the lack of strength in the hook, blurb, etc. 0/2-
Nothing dangerous here, but that's fine because danger often comes with the genre of action. Here, we don't particularly need it. But I'm still giving it to you since it doesn't make sense to me that you don't have it. Despite lacking in some ways, your book is interesting. And I'd even say the dangerous part is the upcoming confrontation between Y/n and Jk...3/3
General review: Honestly, you have good ideas, and your plot is interesting, you have a nice writing style. However, your blurb was fixated on what happened ten years ago, and less than two chapters in, we already get the entire flashback. It's quite a shame, don't hesitate to drag the tension and the mystery. It makes us want to know everything and read to find out. Think of it as a game. You're the master and the reader's the detective. If you give all the clues right away, it takes away the whole fun of searching, looking around, and getting into details.. Think about it. Aside from that, the grammar is great, you have a good vocabulary and your writing style is unique and original, keep it up!!8/20
Team Protector Score: 8/20
Opposing teams' scores - Team Teahyung: +1🔆 1/6
- Team Jimin: + 0 /6
5. Unwanted Gold by -Chaaaaand
I wouldn't call it action, really, but that's adequate because I feel like your story fits more into the psychological thriller category, rather than the action category. It's intriguing enough. 1/ 2
- I would've probably been surprised with the teaser if the sentences were less heavy... The grammar and use of verbs are not right, and I find myself reading them again not to lose the meaning them while trying to understand... 1/5-
I don't know about the life-changing moment, because I found myself really confused from reading the blurb to finishing the first chapter... It is a life-changing moment in some way, but you gave away too much in your blurb, so I found myself expecting more from the story than what I got. It's a bit of a shame. 1/3-
The intrigue is there, but I feel like the characters are not so much of a mystery to us since you really went into detail by describing them, their lifestyles, their motives, etc... You should take that out from the blurb and take the reader's breath away when they find out along the story.. 1/5-
Again, I'm sorry, but I got lost in the heavy sentences and the dragged-out expressions with incorrect verbs, etc. It honestly killed the excitement of wanting to find out. I felt discouraged through the first few lines.. 0/2
- I dug a little further and it's there, it's in your characters. You managed to create some sort of tension, quite thick, but the reader only realizes it afterward, since it's suffocated by the heavy grammar. Be careful. 2/3
General review: I feel like your book has a lot of potentials. I remember judging the cover and it honestly blew my mind. I felt drawn in right away, and the aesthetic is simply gorgeous. However, your writing lacks this lighter touch. Maybe try shorter sentences, and really search for more vocabulary, it would really help you pinpoint the exact expressions and words you need to get to a true level of precision. Because when you lack vocabulary, the reader really feels it, since you cover it up with ten times more words. It's a shame because the plot is very original and I'm sure you can do something amazing, so try to work on these few things first, and you'll be an outstanding writer! Fighting!
Team Protector Score: 6/20
Opposing teams' scores - Team Teahyung: 1💣 -1🔆= 0 /6
- Team Jimin: 1💣 -1🔆= 0/6
6. Mafia boss by - aybe_jm
It doesn't start with action, but as I said, stories can begin in all different ways. The beginning is fine, it starts directly into the story and gives us a precise moment on the timeline. 2/2 -
Like I've said before, the first line is just as important as the last line, and both are a major part of the book. Readers should be able to capture the essence of the story just by gathering the first and last lines. The first line is a way to slowly induce your reader into the universe you've created. So maybe try to work on that. 2/5
- I think the beginning has a confusing side to it, as you keep cutting through the writing with time gaps. No matter how short, time gaps should only be mentioned when really necessary to understand the story. Otherwise, it feels like you're trying to jump to the part you're interested in. Don't forget that the setting and the context you present at the beginning are major for the readers. 0/3 -
I'm going to focus on the blurb for a second. The blurb is the reader's peek through the lock. I'm pretty sure, very few readers simply jump into the book without reading the blurb. It's essential, and meant to hook us in. Your blurb is too descriptive and literally sums up the story. To hook your readers, give them something that will leave them wanting to know more. Also, it's a detail, but definitely not the least: please make proper sentences. The first one in your blurb does not make sense and don't forget that sometimes, that's all it takes to keep the reader away...The question in your blurb already has an answer: all it takes is reading it, and linking it to the title... In a way, without even reading the entire story, we've already assessed what kind of people they are. And that's a bit of a shame, to be honest. 1/5
The blurb, the title, the cover, the first line, and the first chapter simply cannot be waved off by the writer. Without these pieces, the story loses its foundation. But you've sort of jumped over these major pieces to get to the core immediately. Your readers haven't. They'll remain stuck at the blurb. So try to really work on these parts, and I'm sure your story will become stronger and much better constructed. 0/2
You do introduce someone that is potentially dangerous, but you overlook the part where you set the readers in the context, the atmosphere, whether it's tense, joyful, mysterious, or creepy. 1/3
General review: Okay, so there's something really important here, and I feel like once you really understand it, you'll grow immensely as a writer. When you write a story, you don't do it simply for yourself. You write a plot that will interest people because it interests you, you want to draw them in the same way the original idea draws you in. Writing as an author is a paired thing: author/reader cannot be separated. So try to really work on that aspect, because you have good ideas, but your story needs more foundation and stronger roots, to begin with. 6/20
Team Protector Score: 6/20
Opposing teams' scores - Team Teahyung: +2🔆 + 1💣= 2-1 =1/6
- Team Jimin: +2🔆= + 2 /6
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