When he came to, he had searched everywhere for Baekhyun, the poor boy who must be hurt and so frightened. For the first time, Chanyeol wishes Yixing could've been by Baekhyun's side and protected him amongst all the hatred, because it had always been the doctor who had saved Baekhyun whenever he needed it. Every time.
He had checked every place that Baekhyun frequents, from the Garden and Animal Rooms to the Refrigerator Room, to the training grounds and then to his room, Baekhyun's room, and Yixing's room. Just as he's on his way to Yixing's room (and deciding that he will have no hope of finding Baekhyun after that), he reaches a familiar hallway that reminds him of a room that Baekhyun always entered with a bowl of food in his hands.
Without fear of what might be behind that door, Chanyeol opens it, at first not expecting anything to be there.
But he finds a little figure huddled up into the corner, as if trying to shield himself from the rest of the world.
Heart thumping painfully, and so loud that he can't hear the warning growl on another side of the room, Chanyeol kneels down in front of the figure and then takes his hand. Something burns inside him when the boy lifts his head to look at him, but he pushes it down as he takes Baekhyun away.
Once they're under proper lighting, Chanyeol can see the boy clearly. The boy has a wound to the back of his head and a cut at the top of his head, where the blood had rolled down the side of his face and left a dried, red trail all the way down to his jaw. His eye is bruised, lip cut, ear bleeding, clothes ripped and hanging loosely on his small body, and more cuts and bruises forming down his limbs.
Yet, how can this boy still smile at him, as if trying to comfort him, and tell him he's okay?
"I'm okay. I promise." That soft voice, still devoid of fear and hatred after everything that had happened, instead full of gentleness and reassurance, whispers softly as a small head leans towards his chest, but when Chanyeol looks down, he can see all the cuts and bruises on the boy's face, the dried tear stains, and the dried blood on his head.
At that moment, Chanyeol is so tempted to burn everything around him.
But he controls himself, because it's Baekhyun that's in his arms, not the monsters that hurt him.
The boy eventually faints in his arms and Chanyeol tells Luhan to grab Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo's treating the people you burned –
Bring him here.
Luhan doesn't speak again, and eventually Kyungsoo arrives, wide eyes widening even more upon seeing the unconscious boy in his arms.
"Ah, you found him." Kyungsoo exclaims, immediately pulling the boy to him gently after setting down his equipment. Chanyeol watches coldly as Kyungsoo treats the boy, tending to all his wounds.
"I'm so sorry, Leader." Kyungsoo says softly as he cleans the boy's wound to his head. "I couldn't get to him in time."
Chanyeol doesn't reply, instead still staring coolly at the sleeping boy.
"Leader." A new voice greets, and Chanyeol doesn't turn because he knows Jongin had just teleported. "Hyung, how is he?"
The doctor sighs.
"He should be fine, I think." Kyungsoo sighs again. "So far I've only found physical injuries that aren't life-threatening, but he lost quite a lot of blood."
"It only happened for less than a minute." Jongin mutters. "How is this possible ...?"
Jongin comes into view as he inches towards Baekhyun, and Chanyeol notices now that Kyungsoo and Jongin both look dirtier than usual – that's when he remembers that they, too, had been in the fire that he created.
"Someone's complaining that their burn hurts." Chanyeol hears Jongin whisper. "What should I do ...?"
"Leave them." Chanyeo replies on behalf of Kyungsoo. "If they complain again, I'll burn them again."
Wide violet eyes staring at Chanyeol's coldness, Jongin half-nods and then moves to the wall again, as if afraid to anger his Leader more.
The previously sleeping boy opens his eyes, the bright gold turning over to look at Kyungsoo tending to his arm.
"Baekhyun, you're awake." Kyungsoo says. "Hey, sorry about before."
"Yeah. Sorry." Jongin mutters.
"For what?" Baekhyun asks, voice sounding a little weak as he pushes to sit up.
"For not stopping them."
"Why are you sorry?" Baekhyun is staring down at the arm that Kyungsoo is taking care of.
"Because –"
The door opens.
"Hyung!" Sehun runs towards Baekhyun.
"Sehun." Baekhyun blinks in surprise.
"Ah." Sehun sits up, turning to Kyungsoo. "The medical department is seeking your help ... 'cause you know ..." Sehun glances at Chanyeol, flinches and then turns away.
"Is someone hurt?" Baekhyun asks, unaware of Sehun's glances. "You should go to them, Kyungsoo-ssi." Baekhyun says.
"Ah, but ..."
"No." Chanyeol says.
"Go." Baekhyun whispers. "I'm sure they need you more than I do."
Chanyeol opens his mouth in an attempt to object again, but then Baekhyun is glancing at him with a sweet smile on his face.
Entranced, Chanyeol closes his mouth and almost glares as Kyungsoo excuses himself and Jongin disappears with him into thin air.
"Sorry, hyung." Sehun says softly, as he takes Kyungsoo's place next to the bed.
"For what?"
"For not protecting you."
"There's nothing to be sorry for." The silver-haired replies.
"But – "
"Thank you."
"For ... accepting me." Sehun stands up abruptly, and Baekhyun blinks in confusion, his black eye blinking slower than the other. "Where are you going?"
"I forgot ... I had something to do." The younger says as he turns around and looks upwards.
"Sehun, are you okay?" From Chanyeol's perspective, he can see the maknae trying to hold back tears, but they pour down his face anyway. And Baekhyun, unaware, is still staring up at him in concern, waiting for a response to his question.
"Rest well ... I-I'll visit you later." Sehun says softly, using his large hands to wipe the flowing tears. And then he runs out the door.
Puzzled, Baekhyun stares at the door for a while, then towards Chanyeol.
"He's a little sick." Chanyeol lies. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah." The smaller replies, even though there are bandages and band aids over his face and body and his black eye swells around that part of his face. Baekhyun looks so tired ... Yeah, he's okay.
Frowning, Chanyeol stands up to sit at Kyungsoo's spot, not satisfied how the younger keeps trying to reassure him.
Reaching out, he clutches the younger's face again, dragging his hand over the smaller's hair and down to his chin into a large caress, then he pulls away.
"Rest up." He says. "I'll be here."
Nodding, Baekhyun is about to sink back down to sleep again, but then Chanyeol grabs onto his hand.
"You're cold." Chanyeol says softly, holding the hand up with his hand and running his thumb over the younger' skin. Baekhyun is trembling, and those golden eyes are fluttering, as if exhausted. "I'll warm you up while you sleep."
Slowly, the eyes close and Baekhyun curls into himself a little. Chanyeol pulls the blankets over the small figure, his other hand still holding onto Baekhyun's.
Chanyeol stares into space for a while, lost in his thoughts, but then he glances down at the hand he's holding.
And comes back to his senses.
Squinting, Chanyeol opens his palm, staring at the hand that's splayed on his own. Why are those fingertips black?
Letting go of the hand, Chanyeol turns to Baekhyun who's still trembling, but he's not sleeping in a peaceful way. Rather, his eyebrows are furrowed and his body isn't just shivering, it's jerking.
Get Kyungsoo.
Chanyeol tells Luhan, standing up so abruptly that his chair skids and falls over. Baekhyun's body is still jerking, eyebrows furrowed, and this time his lips are parted into small, pained moans.
Immediately Kyungsoo reappears with Jongin, and he quickly moves over to inspect the boy. Chanyeol is at the side, watching worriedly when Kyungsoo pushes the boy until he's lying on his front. Then, there is a sound of cloth ripping.
There are bite marks on the back of Baekhyun's shoulder, two holes next to each other, sort of but not quite like a snake.
"I think someone poisoned him." Kyungsoo says, sounding a little panicked. "I can't heal poisons, Leader."
In a fit of panic and rage, Chanyeol leaves the room to find the culprit.
He finds her, sitting in one of the lounges. He grabs her, pulling her out of the room and then slamming her against the wall.
"Where is the antidote?" He growls, red eyes flashing and ready to burn.
Her snake-like eyes look away from his red ones, and when she opens her mouth, he can see that her canine teeth are sharper than normal humans.
"I can only poison, Leader." She says. "I don't have antidotes for anything."
"If you don't do it, I'll burn you."
"He won't die." She says simply. "He'll only feel unbearable pain for the rest of his life."
Furious, Chanyeol feels the burn inside him so ready to burst out.
Kyungsoo told me to tell you to come back.
But before he can do anything, Luhan speaks in his mind and then the burn disappears.
Without another look at her, he leaves and returns to the room.
When he comes back, he finds a new person there – his best friend, Joonmyun.
Joonmyun seems to be doing something to Baekhyun's body, looking concentrated. Eventually, a green liquid slowly passes through Baekhyun's lips and out into the open air, and then Baekhyun's body stills. The green liquid then slowly dances in the air and then flows into a small bottle into Kyungsoo's hands.
Joonmyun opens his eyes.
"Lucky you were passing by." Kyungsoo says gratefully. The older nods, standing up to face Chanyeol.
"You look a bit stressed." His best friend tells him gently, and Chanyeol blinks before relaxing himself, the heat dissipating off his skin. 'That's better."
Then he leaves the room on his crutches.
"I think we'll have to double check if he has any other internal injuries." Kyungsoo says hastily. "I'll be back with the equipment." Then he grabs onto Jongin's arm and they disappear.
Slowly, Chanyeol inches closer to the now unconscious boy and sits down onto the chair. Once again, the boy's cheeks are glistening with tears – he must've been in so much pain. Reaching out, this time Chanyeol hesitantly grabs onto the hand, seeing that there is no more blackness at the fingertips, and clutches onto it tightly.
Tightly, as if wishing to encase the younger into a bubble of protective space so that nothing evil can touch him.
After Kyungsoo had convinced him that Baekhyun is okay and that he'll stay and take care of him, Chanyeol leaves to look for Luhan and discuss their plans following the hologram message.
"I think we should do it." Luhan says. "We don't lose anything here."
"No." Chanyeol replies swiftly. "It's a trick – they'll use him."
"What are they going to do to him? He's a half-blood and he's just a boy. He really can be the bridge to connect both races. Now that we're not doing it for revenge anymore ... there is really no other way but this."
"You can't trust them, they'll hurt him."
"It's you that says you want peace with them, but it's also you that says you don't trust them."
Chanyeol doesn't speak, still stubborn.
"Okay." Luhan tries a different approach. "How about I go? I'll go and discuss with them."
Luhan glares at him.
"You can take care of yourself."
"Yes, and Baekhyun can't."
It's Chanyeol's turn to stare at him.
"All right, look, I know he's a kid, but ..."
"He's a 'kid', yet much more mature than me." Chanyeol frowns. "But because he's understanding, everyone takes advantage of it. Because he's different, people shun him and hate him and fear him for it."
Luhan stops, opting to stare at his Leader.
"No. I won't let him go."
"If you can't find a good substitute, I honestly don't know what we're going to do."
"Just send someone capable."
"If we send someone that's not Baekhyun, they're going to distrust us even more."
They continue to talk as they move, and even though Luhan doesn't know where they're going, he floats along with Chanyeol anyway.
"They can wait then." Chanyeol opens the door and Luhan floats in after him, closing the door with his telekinesis.
The red-haired stops in his place when he sees someone familiar sitting on the chair opposite sleeping Baekhyun.
"You're alive." Luhan deadpans. The body turns around and blue eyes appear.
"This happened while I was gone." Yixing says, then turns back. "None of you told me."
"I'm sure he didn't want you to worry."
Chanyeol steps closer, and notices that some of the younger's wounds are gone.
"I took care of the bigger wounds." Yixing explains, a sigh in his voice. "For now."
"You should go back to rest then."
"It's fine." Yixing continues to stare at the unconscious boy.
"Okay, great. Then we'll tell you what happened." Luhan says, and explains everything that had happened while Yixing was gone.
"So? Should we send Baekhyun or not?" The crippled man asks, and Chanyeol almost smirks. Instead, he huffs a little and turns away.
"No." Yixing replies, turning back around to check on Baekhyun briefly, then turning back to them.
"He'll let anything take advantage of him."
"You talk about him like he's some kind of kid."
"He's not a kid, but he retains the purity of one."
"Do we want this shit over with or not?" Luhan stares at the two of them. "We're not gonna get anywhere if neither of us trusts the other."
"I'm not going to put Baekhyun on the line of trust." Chanyeol says.
"You're being too reckless." Yixing adds.
Glaring at the both of them, Luhan lets out a frustrated sigh. "He asked for Baekhyun. It'll be threatening to them if we send in someone else. Don't you think?"
"I want to go." A new voice comes in, and all eyes turn on the small figure on the bed, who's slowly getting up.
"No." Chanyeol and Yixing say simultaneously.
"But it's Freqse-ssi." Baekhyun argues. "We know he's been wanting peace for as long as I have lived! Even if the whole of EX'ACT hates us, Freqse-ssi didn't. He was there."
"Baekhyun, you're not going anywhere."
"Trust me." Baekhyun continues, the slightest pout on his lips. "What are they gonna do with me? Freqse-ssi won't let them!"
"Look, Baekhyun wants to go, why don't you just let him?"
"If he wasn't so pure ..."
"And a little less trusting..."
"And a little more suspicious ... "
"And much more distrustful."
"Then maybe." Chanyeol and Yixing end together simultaneously.
"You've ... really spent too much time together, haven't you?" Luhan stares, appalled, at the two of them, whereas Baekhyun is frowning.
"But I took after him. If not for him, my values wouldn't be like this."
"But -"
"Let's talk about this outside." Yixing says, and he leaves before the other two can argue. Baekhyun can only stare at them with a half pleading, half annoyed look in his eyes, but without glancing at him, the older ones leave the room without another word.
I want to meet my idol. Baekhyun thinks to himself as he throws himself back onto the bed, frustrated. Why don't they just let me go?
Even after their discussions, none of them had ended up convincing the other, because all of them are just as stubborn as the other.
Baekhyun is okay, but he trains only at nights when everyone's asleep, because now he's too afraid to appear in front of people. Even now, he prowls around at night and sleeps in the morning, not wanting to face that hatred again.
Not like Chanyeol and Yixing would let him expose himself to that hatred anyway.
One of them would accompany him at all times even if he insisted that he'll be okay by himself.
You want to go, right? Luhan asks him.
Yes. Baekhyun replies.
Convince Leader for me. I don't think he'll be swayed by anyone except you.
Ah ... but that'll be hard.
Baekhyun is telling himself more than telling Luhan, but even so, he's already thinking.
"Say, Professor ..." Baekhyun brings it up on their way back from training together. "Are you going to let me meet Freqse-ssi?"
"No." The older replies simply.
"Then what are you – "
"I'll have someone replace you."
"But ..." Biting his lip, Baekhyun is at first hesitant on whether he should say it. "No one's gonna let that happen. You know that."
"They're racist, so I'm going to just let them?"
"it's not like I don't want to go ..."
"I don't know how dangerous it'll be. It's better to let someone more experienced go."
"We can't let this chance slip away! It might be the best way to achieve peace –" He is cut off by a strong pull on his wrist towards a warm hug.
"Goodnight." The older says hastily, squeezing him briefly before letting him go. Baekhyun stutters, trying to continue what he was saying, but the older opens the door, pushes him in gently, and then closes it.
Baekhyun sighs.
I can't do it. He tells Luhan. He's not convinced at all.
I guess we can't really do anything then.
We still can! We'll just do it.
Nothing is going to happen without his permission.
Defeated, Baekhyun closes his eyes. It makes sense, since everyone holds Chanyeol to such a high level of respect. Even Baekhyun should be doing the same thing, really.
Yet, he's never been so confident and sure of his decision before. For the first time, he believes he can hold himself responsible for all the consequences that come along with making this decision, because that's how damn sure he is.
And Chanyeol's not letting him do it because he doesn't trust Baekhyun to be hard enough.
Doesn't he realise that's not something that I need for this?! Baekhyun thinks, frustrated. Even if they do need it, it doesn't change anything. I'm old and mature enough to be able to handle things anyway. Why are they treating me like a kid?
Even if he thinks that, he knows very well that he's not mature enough. After all, he's not even mature enough for love.
Baekhyun starts thinking about how to get there himself, and how to do things himself. If he can do this ... this one thing that he can do for everyone else, then he won't let anyone stop him.
Jongin-ssi ... Baekhyun realises, and immediately pushes himself off the bed, bounding over to the door. When he tries to open it, however, he can't.
Baekhyun groans in realisation that they had locked his door in case anyone tried to enter while he's sleeping. Defeated once more, Baekhyun drags himself back to the bed, while trying to think things through. Even though it's all for his protection, it's suffocating, especially now that Baekhyun actually wants to do something.
He stands up again hastily, an idea in his mind, but suddenly his nose is brushing against the cloth of someone's shirt.
Looking up, he finds Jongin blinking down at him in surprise.
"Ah." Baekhyun gasps, stumbling backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed and he falls backwards. In the process, his legs accidentally hit Jongin, who stumbles a bit and then begins falling on him ... down down down until his face is inches away from Baekhyun's, lips millimetres away from Baekhyun's lips ...
Just before he lands on top of Baekhyun, he disappears.
Then he re-appears standing right where he was before, looking shocked.
"Sorry." Baekhyun mumbles, pushing himself off the bed, cheeks turning red.
"M-Mm ..." Jongin replies, looking a little awkward as he looks away. "So, uh ... why are you still awake?"
"Huh? Oh, I'm, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"M-Me?" Those violet eyes widen in surprise.
"Yes." Baekhyun nods, standing up again, and then he explains his situation to Jongin.
At the end, Jongin is frowning.
"No. I won't do anything unless I get Leader's direct permission."
Why is everyone doing this? Baekhyun thinks, frustrated.
"You should probably stay here as Leader wants. He's a very careful man, and if there's one chance of you being in danger, he won't have it."
"But it's not about me, it's about peace!"
"You should try and convince him then."
Awkward silence.
"So ... why are you here?" Baekhyun asks this time.
"Leader asks me to check on you every once in a while." Jongin says, flushing a little. "It's not like ... I came here to stalk you or anything ..."
"Ah ... thank you." Baekhyun replies, blushing again.
"I'm not a stalker ..." The older huffs, as if trying really hard to convince Baekhyun. Jongin shuffles his feet a little, looking downwards, then he looks up a little. "Do you believe me?" He mumbles.
"... Yes." Baekhyun replies truthfully and carefully. The older huffs again.
"... See you." He mutters, then disappears.
Baekhyun sits on his bed, feeling a little ... calm.
Contrary to my first impression, he's actually a shy person in real life. He thinks to himself, smiling.
In the end, no one can help him.
If Luhan and Jongin are going to reject him merely based on the fact that they don't have Chanyeol's permission, then everyone else will do that too. Yet, trying to convince Chanyeol seems hopeless because the older seems so set on his own decisions.
In the end, Baekhyun is so desperate that he decides to figure out how to leave this place himself. If there's anything he can do to achieve peace, he'll do anything.
"Say, Minseok-ssi ..." Baekhyun calls one day when Minseok had decided to stay up and train with them. Baekhyun had purposely taken a break while Minseok had been on a break, whereas Chanyeol and Yixing had continued training. "How did you enter or leave this ship?"
"We have boats." The older replies while taking a drink. "You have to activate them and they'll discharge from this ship. Why?"
"Just curious." The younger mumbles. "Whereabouts is it?"
"Uh –"
"Let's get some lunch." A new voice says, and Baekhyun immediately turns away, coughing awkwardly when his hyung enters the scene while wiping sweat from his neck, and then his professor appears.
As they're eating packed sandwiches for lunch, Baekhyun tries to make an excuse to leave.
"I'll be back." Baekhyun whispers to Minseok, while Yixing and Chanyeeol are discussing about something. Minseok nods absentmindedly, staring into space. Then he quickly sneaks away.
"Hey, where are you going?" Minseok calls, but he flies out of there.
Closing the door of the Training Grounds Room behind him, Baekhyun quickly lets out a breath and then runs.
"Ya, Byun Baekhyun!" He hears Yixing's voice shouting, but he flees.
They might think I'm trying to leave this place, but ... Baekhyun thinks, as he turns left instead of the usual right, where he thinks all the discharging of ships, or trash, or anything else, is. I don't even know where it is.
Instead, Baekhyun runs over to the meeting room, where the computer that Luhan used was. Strange though, because there is no door.
A little confused, Baekhyun steps inside, blinking in surprise when everything inside the room seems to be burned.
Where's the computer thing then? Baekhyun thinks, a little stressed as he runs over to the front to search for that technological thing, but then thankfully he finds it in the drawer that is not burnt to a crisp, and finding that it's portable, quickly holds it in his arm before slipping away once again.
This time, he decides to go to the place that will be the hardest for them to find, out of all the places that he's comfortable going to. He can't go to his room, or the meeting room, or the Garden or Refrigerator or Animal Room, or the Training Grounds and not Zitao's room, because those are the places that Chanyeol or Yixing knows he frequents.
Instead, he returns to the place that had been his home before the Garden or the Animal Room, when he was all by himself, training hard for revenge.
That little room that no one goes to, that's where Baekhyun goes.
In the darkness, the screen lights up and Baekhyun slowly navigates his way through.
Ah, I don't know how to use this ... Baekhyun thinks to himself, frustrated, but he continues to navigate through anyway. Eventually, he finds a button that reads 'Hologram' and clicks on it excitedly.
Many options come up, such as 'View previous Holograms', 'Deleted Holograms', ' Sent Holograms', but one button catches his eye.
He clicks on 'Make a Hologram'.
He takes a deep shaky breath, running some of the things that he wants to say through his mind because he doesn't know how much time he'll have before they find him.
Then, he presses 'Record'.
"Hello, Freqse-ssi." Baekhyun bows as he speaks. "My name is Byun Baekhyun and I am the half-blood that you were talking about.
"I was born during the wars and therefore have never really truly gotten to experience the pain and grief and terror of it, however finding peace and a way to end this hostility is my passion. I have been inspired by you, Freqse-ssi, immensely inspired, a-and I can't wait to meet you to discuss about what we can do to help bring both our races together!
"I'm so very keen to meet you, however at the moment I'm not sure how to get there. If you can teach me how to get through the bubble I will find my own way back to SQUAOII. I will be coming by myself and I will be representing the Monsters here, who are very keen to create peace with you as well. As it seems that most, if not all, greatly desire for world peace, I think it is very possible to achieve and I believe that our meeting will be a very lovely one. I hope to see you soon, and ... thank you for being my role model."
Baekhyun ends it there, staring at the bright screen with concentrated eyes as he navigates the mouse over to 'Send Hologram', but then a box pops up with a blank.
"... Select any of the following contacts to send the hologram to." Baekhyun reads aloud slowly with squinting eyes, then moves away from the screen and blinks. "There's none ..."
"Good job, and good try." A new voice sounds in the room so suddenly that Baekhyun jumps, quickly holding the laptop close to him. Yixing stands there, looking unimpressed.
"No ..." Baekhyun whispers, quickly turning around and trying to find a contact to send to. He finds a button 'Other contacts' and quickly moves the mouse to click on it, but just as he's about to click on it, someone grabs him and moves him away. "No!"
"Little rebel." Yixing mutters, grip on his fingers firm and strong as he pulls Baekhyun away from the laptop.
"Let go!" Baekhyun resists desperately, turning back to stare at the laptop that's slowly distancing away from him. "No!"
He resists, but Yixing would tug at him again, pulling him back.
"Hyung!" Baekhyun almost whines, but then Yixing stops.
"I'll let you go if you don't run away."
"I won't."
"I can't trust you."
"I won't."
"They would have dealt with your hologram anyway." Yixing replies simply, and Baekhyun recalls his memory with horror, because he remembers seeing some figures slip inside the room while being dragged out of the room.
"No ..." Yixing lets go, but Baekhyun stays where he is, feeling defeated.
"Let us handle this." Yixing says softly, as if trying to comfort him.
"This is the only thing I can do for everyone but ... but you're not letting me."
This time, Yixing doesn't answer him, but takes his hand again, as if wanting to take him back to his room.
This time, Baekhyun doesn't resist.
In the meantime, Luhan takes the laptop to inspect it.
"Thank goodness it wasn't sent." Luhan sighs, turning up to meet Chanyeol's eye. "Man, that boy really is something. Look at what lengths he would go to just to get what he wants."
"Delete it before something dumb happens ..." Luhan mutters to himself, but a warm hand touches his shoulder.
"Wait." Chanyeol says, and Luhan stands so Chanyeol can take his place in front of the laptop.
On the screen is the face of Baekhyun, the hologram still in place where Baekhyun had last left it. Chanyeol moves the mouse over and clicks on 'Watch Hologram'.
The space in front of him lights up and Chanyeol looks up, watching the hologram that Baekhyun had recorded.
The boy looks nervous and impatient, continuously overlooking his shoulder as if someone was going to come and get him.
"I have been inspired by you, Freqse-ssi, immensely inspired ..." The boy says it with such brightness in his eyes. "I'm so very keen to meet you ..."
"I will be coming by myself and I will be representing the Monsters here, who are very keen to create peace with you as well. As it seems that most, if not all, greatly desire for world peace, I think it is very possible to achieve and I believe that our meeting will be a very lovely one. I hope to see you soon, and ... thank you for being my role model."
He watches the boy look so ... alight, and Chanyeol has rarely seen this side of Baekhyun, especially since he left SQUAOII.
It's a light that Chanyeol fears will be extinguished.
Having been frustrated ever since, Baekhyun pulls the blankets over himself as he curls into himself, body turned to one side. Even though he hears the door opening and closing, he doesn't say a word.
"I know. I give up." Baekhyun mutters, wishing to be left alone.
"I watched your hologram." A voice that he doesn't expect floats in the air above him. Surprised, Baekhyun immediately sits up and turns around, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
"Did you ..." He voices out slowly, not sure how to word this.
"We deleted it."
"Oh ..." Even more humiliated now, Baekhyun just wants to hide under his blankets forever. What does Chaneyol want, for him to apologise?
"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Baekhyun mumbles, looking away.
"Get yourself ready to go back." Chanyeol says instead. Confused, Baekhyun stares at him blankly.
"I'll let you go back."
"But I'm coming with you."
"So you're finally allowing Baekhyun to go." Luhan says slowly. "But you're going with him."
"No." Everyone else in the room says. Baekhyun sighs internally, knowing this would happen.
"Everyone needs you here, Leader." Jongin argues. "You can't just leave them. Again."
"If I don't go, then he's not going."
"Aish, so stubborn ..." Luhan mumbles. "We'll make sure that the strongest of us will go with him."
"Think about it this way." Luhan continues. "If you go, what are they going to think of Baekhyun? You'll just make them hate him more, and he's already getting enough of that."
"Yeah." Baekhyun cuts in, even though he's a little flustered that they brought him up like this at all. "Don't ... give them another reason to hate me."
Chanyeol's red eyes glance over at him, and immediately Baekhyun knows that Chanyeol can tell he's not really affected at all, just that he wants to get rid of Chanyeol in this mission.
"I can do this myself." Baekhyun says softly, and without realising he holds onto Chanyeol's arm loosely, tugging a little with the smallest smile on his face. "Trust me."
"If only we could use that move ..." Luhan mutters again, loud enough for Baekhyun to hear in such a way that he flushes and almost pulls away. But he doesn't, because he, too, wants Chanyeol to stay here.
When Chanyeol doesn't reply for a long time, he knows he's won.
All of them agree not to tell Yixing, because if anything, Yixing can be more stubborn than anyone else.
Even though Chanyeol had agreed, Baekhyun can tell that he's not entirely comfortable with the idea, because from then on, he began acting more distracted, staring hard into nothing.
"I'll be fine, I promise." Baekhyun says softly the day before, fingers catching the older's sleeve to stop him from pacing on the spot.
"You are to listen to all instructions. After you speak to him, you will return here no matter what he says or requests from you."
"Yes." Baekhyun nods. "Trust me, Professor."
Red eyes gaze at him, and even though he's supposed to reassure Chanyeol, somehow he's the one that's feeling comforted.
"Thank you for believing in me." He whispers with a small smile. "I won't let you down."
"When have you ever?" The older pats his head, and Baekhyun's heart is fluttering as he follows Chanyeol to his bedroom.
"You sleep after your meeting. I'll see you off tomorrow." Strong arms reach around him into a short, tight hug, and then the older disappears inside his bedroom. Sighing as if to relieve the burdens piling up just because of this mission, Baekhyun takes in a huge breath of fresh air before leaving to meet Luhan.
Just before he enters the room, though, he hears voices inside.
"No one wants to go tomorrow." Jongin announces to Luhan. "They said it's 'cause, you know, he's a halfie and all."
"I knew it." Luhan sighs. "I'm surprised none of them are actually boycotting this."
"I know they don't trust him, but they think that we have nothing to hide, so it's fine for the halfie to go. They just want him gone, really."
"If we don't find someone that will protect him, Leader really won't let this go through."
"Why don't I just go now?" Baekhyun cuts in, interrupting their conversations. From the way the other two widen their eyes and look away, Baekhyun can tell he wasn't supposed to hear the conversation.
"Look, Baekhyun. The others just need a little time getting used to you." Luhan explains weakly.
"I don't blame them." Baekhyun replies quickly. "Nothing matters more to me right now than putting all that hatred behind.
"If I go now, I'm sure it won't take long. I'm sure I'll be back before professor wakes up."
"I'm not too sure –"
"I'll be back before you know it!"
Maybe it's the desperation talking, but it's the desperation that convinces a just as desperate Luhan.
"All right. Jongin, you can take Baekhyun there when he's ready." Luhan turns to Baekhyun. "Make sure to follow what we talked through and nothing more. Return immediately after your mission is over. There is no need for extra courtesies or any bullshit like that. Once it's over, you let me know and I'll send Jongin over."
Nodding, Baekhyun leaves, but then comes back.
"Can you give me 5 minutes?" He asks, and Luhan waves him off. Running, Baekhyun quickly enters Chanyeol's room, finding the older sleeping soundly on his bed. He assumes it's because the older hasn't been sleeping well after coming to terms with the fact that Baekhyun will be going back.
Knowing this would happen, Baekhyun enters the bathroom, closes the door and switches on the light. With the paper in his hand, he writes something briefly and then returns to the bed, placing the paper by the table.
Even though he'll probably be back before his professor even wake up, he still wants to write something, in case the older wakes up in the middle of his sleep and finds that he's gone.
'I've decided to go early. But I'll be back before you know it =^.^='
After tucking the blankets properly, Baekhyun leaves silently back to where Luhan and Jongin are, and then he takes a breath before them and lets it out.
"I'm ready." Baekhyun says a little shakily, and Luhan waves his hand again in dismissal.
"All right. Jongin."
Jongin blinks and then takes Baekhyun's hand, but before Baekhyun can even say bye, he's transported.
He reappears, but this is not the place that he recognises. In the darkness, Baekhyun blinks at Jongin. He must've looked very confused, because Jongin begins to explains to him.
"They could be surveying every open space out there. Doing this so I don't get caught. Or, in the future, if we ever need to come here secretly, we won't get caught."
Baekhyun nods slowly with a silent 'Ah'.
"I'll ... see you later." Jongin mutters, and Baekhyun nods before watching the boy disappear.
Baekhyun takes a long time to walk out of wherever he had appeared, but then the moment he does, someone tackles him to the ground.
"Found an intruder!" One of them says as they roughly press him towards the rough concrete, and he feels pain burst along one side of his face. Someone pulls his arms back and ties them, then pulls him back up again.
His face is stinging, probably because the roughness of the concrete had peeled the skin of his face, and his bones are hurting from being pushed so roughly on the floor, but he doesn't resist as he lets them pull him to wherever they're going.
These officers are the ones that caught Monsters, and Baekhyun remembers this from his childhood of catching glimpses of them running around, and that time when he watched them catch Sehun with his own eyes. Never would he have ever imagined that one day he would be in their hands like this too.
Still, he keeps himself calm as his eyes scan up the EX'ACT Laboratory tower above them, and he takes a deep breath when he enters through the doors that remind him of the very first time he entered. Everything has changed, but everything's still the same.
They push him into the elevator, and Baekhyun watches absentmindedly as one of them scans their watch on the wall and then new buttons appear. That's when his eyes widen in surprise.
What ... I've never seen this... Baekhyun stares as new buttons appear above even the highest floor that he had been to. There are more floors?
Before he can think about it, though, the elevator zooms up and the pressure of it pushes him down and up and all around until he realises that it's all just within himself, and then he's being pushed outside.
He gasps, but doesn't even have time to recover because the officers are pushing him again until he's back onto the floor.
"Untie him and pull him up. I didn't ask for you to treat him this way." A foreign yet familiar voice sounds, and the men follow his orders exactly. Baekhyun opens his eyes that he didn't know he closed, and a face appears in his vision.
It's the one and only Freqse.
Baekhyun immediately stands, bowing deeply, and from his action alone, he can tell that some of his bones have somehow been hurt from being pushed down onto the hard floor.
"Freqse-ssi." He greets, feeling his heart racing from meeting his idol. The man holds onto him gently and guides him to a seat.
"Baekhyun, I've been meaning to meet with you." The older man responds kindly, and a rough hand lifts his chin up. "Your face is bleeding. Did my men hurt you?"
"It's okay – " He starts.
"Sorry. I will teach them how to treat people humanely from now on." Those gentle brown eyes smile apologetically at him, then look up at the men behind him. "You may leave."
Brown eyes looking back down, Freqse pulls something out of his pocket and gives it to Baekhyun, and Baekhyun accepts the cloth with a slight bow and both hands before wiping his face absentmindedly.
"So ..." The older man sits down on a seat opposite Baekhyun, leaning in enthusiastically and making Baekhyun feel close to him. "Now that Monsters have revealed themselves, I believe that we finally have a chance to come to terms with each other and make peace."
"Yes." Baekhyun replies, his own enthusiasm mirroring the older's. "I ... I've met with them and lived with them for months. I know that they, too, seek peace. We contemplated returning here to make peace with you." He leaves out the fact that they wanted to destroy all the research at EX'ACT.
"Really? Tell me all about it. Your plans, about them ... everything."
"I know they're called Monsters ..." Baekhyun begins straight away. "But they aren't. They're just like Lucky Ones, living their life as freely and happily as they can. Um ..."
"It's okay, take your time." The older man chuckles, leaning back a little to show his patience, as if he doesn't want to stress Baekhyun out.
"Yes ..." Baekhyun nods obediently as he strives to think what else he needs to say. After all, he's talking with his idol right now about his dream and ... it's just too good to be true. He calms his heart and takes a shaky breath before continuing. "They were anticipating war to happen again, and they were training for it. We were training for it. You see, Monsters need to balance everything – their diet, their sleep, their training, their meditation, their exercise ... for them not to have internal injuries, they must balance all of this ..." Okay, he's rambling now, but he had always felt spiritually close to Freqse and right now it's as if he's telling a parent how his school day went.
Even though he's rambling, Freqse listens patiently, nodding with a small smile on his face.
"Monsters eat so much because it's insufficient energy for them. They eat meat in adequate amounts. I think if Lucky Ones were to eat meat they would probably have to eat a lot too ..." Baekhyun continues. "They also have greater strength but slower reaction times, and all of us have little unique powers that we can use to help each other live a more convenient life!
"For example, someone has the power of strength, another has the power of ice ..." Baekhyun continues on. "Our plans ... oh yes, our plans.
"We planned to come in terms with you and then try to live a life above the sea - on the land once again. Even though I'm not sure what the state of the land was when all of us last left it, I'm sure we'll find a way ... I'm done." Baekhyun mutters finally, blushing in embarrassment when he realises how much he had talked.
"Thank you for telling me the situation." Freqse replies with a gentle smile. "But before anything, we should talk about your plans first.
"Unfortunately, Baekhyun, the last time I saw the land, it was in ruins ..."
Immediately, the nervous smile on Baekhyun's face slips off into shock.
"I don't think that it's ... a liveable area for you." Sighing, the older man straightens his back a little, staring at the ceiling as if picturing the land. "But ... I have an idea. How about we all come to terms with each other and work together on rebuilding the land again, but in the meantime, you're all able to come and live in SQUAOII ... If you want to, of course."
"Really?" Baekhyun asks, heart beating hopefully. After all, this is where he came from.
"Yes, but ... how many of you are there? I need to make sure that they all fit here."
"Um!" Baekhyun says quickly. "I don't really know actually. A few hundred? I just know there are a lot of us ..."
"Ah, I see. Well ..." The old man takes in a breath. "Guess it's time for me to talk to you about our plans now."
"Ever since finding out that there are many more Monsters out there, I decided it was best to communicate with all of you first. I'm well aware that land right now is un-occupiable, and I wanted to make sure that you were aware of that in case something happened to you out there."
Baekhyun nods, totally understanding.
"But now I see that you, too, would like to make peace, and that makes it easier for all of us, I think. Because land is so important to us as living beings, I think that our goal from now on would be to put our past behind and work together to restore the land to a liveable place, don't you think?" Once again, Baekhyun nods, and Freqse smiles.
"You're very understanding for a young man." He says. "Twenty-four years old?"
"Um ... I'm not sure, actually." Baekhyun chuckles softly. "Monsters age differently. If my age is according to the Monsters' calendar, I should be around eighteen ... or in between eighteen and twenty-four? I'm not sure."
"Ah, you're even younger then." The old man stands up, and Baekhyun follows. "Well, do you have any questions before we move on?"
"Yes." Baekhyun replies immediately, following the man to the windows where the beautiful view overlooks the entire village. "I know there are many of us here in SQUAOII that was alive during the war, and lived on land, and interacted with Monsters. But how come none of them remembered how Monsters were? None of them remembered what it felt like to be on land?"
"Interesting question." Freqse replies, sighing as he stares out towards the little houses, then turns back to Baekhyun, brown eyes dark compared to all the colours he had seen for the past few months. "I'm not sure. Can it be post-traumatic stress?"
The man stretches out his hand and Baekhyun inches closer until that hand moves towards his back and pushes him forward towards the window.
"Either way, that's something we'll have time to work out, since now it seems both races have agreed to make peace with each other. I can relay the message to them, tell them that they may return here and live with us for the time being while we think up of plans to fix the land and Mother Earth. In the meantime, you can stay here and wait for them to return, since you must be really tired." The man turns to him. "We must fix your injuries."
"I believe that too!" Baekhyun blurts. "But ... they're a bit hesitant and not willing to trust that easily. That's ... part of why I'm here, really. It's because no one else except me would be willing to come here and talk ... to you." Baekhyun's voice fades away a little, hoping the other doesn't take offence.
"Is that so?" The older asks. "Hm, I know that's a problem with Lucky Ones too ... What will make them trust us?"
"I'm not sure, but I can relay the message ... I'm sure I can get their Leader to convince them ..."
"Leader? Who?"
"Park ... Chanyeol."
"Park Chanyeol ... Your professor?"
"You two seem very close."
"Oh ..." The younger blushes and tries to laugh it off. "Well, he didn't want me to come here at first, because he didn't want me in danger. I guess ... he's a Leader for a reason."
"I see." The old man seems to be contemplating something, and then he meets Baekhyun's eyes. "Mm. "
"And thank you for offering me a place to stay, but I should go back." Baekhyun says awkwardly. "I said I would."
"All right, I understand." Freqse smiles lightly as he approaches the door.
"I'll relay the message, and make sure to get in touch, if possible." Baekhyun adds as he stands at the other side of the door. Freqse nods with a smile as he calls for his guards to show Baekhyun out.
"Thank you for seeing me today, Baekhyun. I'm sure it has helped me heaps." The older says and then closes the door. Letting out his breath, Baekhyun follows the men down the elevator and then out the doors of EX'ACT.
"Baekhyun!" He hears someone call just as he steps outside EX'ACT, and turns around, eyes widening in surprise.
"Baekhyun!" That person calls again, running up to him, and Baekhyun turns his body around immediately, arms outstretched to receive the person in his arms.
"Baekhyun ..." The smaller whispers, hugging him tightly, and Baekhyun squeezes the body in his arms, would squeeze tighter if he could to show her how much he had missed her.
"Noona." He says softly, almost wanting to cry because of how much he had missed his friend, especially during the past few months when he had been alienated so easily. After a long while, they pull away and Dara grabs his hand.
"Come with me." She says firmly and starts pulling him inside the Lab. At first, a stunned Baekhyun doesn't react and lets her, but then in the end he tugs a bit.
"No, I have to go." He says, remembering that was what he had promised everyone. "I'll come back soon –"
"I haven't seen you in so long, come." She insists as she drags him inside the elevator once more. Baekhyun pulls away finally, even though he had no heart to before.
"I really ... have to go." He says softly. "But I'll see you later. I promise." He turns around with the intention of leaving, but then the guards tower over him as they, too, file inside the elevator. The doors are closing.
"Wait –" He starts, but the doors close and they start moving.
"... This reminds me of the last time I was here with you, noona." Baekhyun says absentmindedly. "When we were travelling around the floors together, and –"
"And I took you accidentally to the top floor, right?" She finishes. Baekhyun smiles lightly.
"I'm sorry for that." Dara says as the doors open and they step out, but this time, Baekhyun stays near the elevator, because he knows he'll have to wrap up their conversation and then leave as soon as possible. There is no way he's going to worry those that trusted him to take care of himself, even if Baekhyun trusts them himself.
Everything okay? He hears Luhan ask him, and immediately closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, knowing that this distance is difficult for Luhan to handle. Luhan may have sent him several messages that he hadn't received, because at this distance it's harder for Luhan to connect with someone.
I'm fine. It's taking longer than usual. Baekhyun replies. Find me in a few hours?
"You have nothing to be sorry for." Baekhyun says softly as he opens his eyes and watches the numbers go up on the screen, indicating that the elevator is moving upwards. He presses the button to go down.
"I have so many things to be sorry for, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to make up to you for it ... Sorry, Baekhyun-ah."
"What do you mean?" The doors click open but Baekhyun turns around in an attempt to meet his best friend's eyes. Strangely, though, something sharp pricks his neck, and the world begins to spin and darken.
He sees the doors closing slowly before the darkness blinds him.
With the pandemic around, I will try and upload more often as most people may be stuck at home. I hope everyone takes care of themselves and those around them! Thank you for the support as always.
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