Boring or Not?
People would have thought that with the United Nations and other organizations, World War III wouldn't happen. Well, it is because of some reason that politicians and presidents can't agree. Many of humanity would be absolutely terrified and think that this is the worst thing that is happening. For me, I think not. You want to know why? Because I am actually contributing to my side. By the way, I am with the good guys, don't stress.
It all started one October morning, I woke up with a load of problems immediately piled on my head. It wasn't a normal day, I had a job interview with one of the most boring companies in the world: ' Rennie Renterprise'. I know, the second word is not even spelled correctly. The CEO was one of the most unintelligent people in my school. Yes, he, was one of my colleagues. The dumbest person I have ever known. And his name was Rennie. You can guess now, why he named his own company after him.
Anyway, back to the point, my parents and Rennie's parents always were friends, so when they asked if I could come work for their son's company. Of course, I got no say in the matter, so here I am. Two hours later I am at their headquarters, if you looked at it you wouldn't even be able to see it because it is so covered by forest around it. But then I think the forest helps in a way because then, the building won't get shamed. It is just the plainest, greyest building I have ever seen. And I have seen plenty.
The interview was the weirdest one I have been to. There was a guy wearing a 1990's, black trench coat, wasn't it like 48 degrees outside? I was wearing my most formal shorts and t-shirt. He, I think it was a he, the trench coat covered most of his face, kept on staring at me. Also, I thought that some manager in the company would interview me. But no, I got Mr. President himself.
At least one good thing came, the interview lasted the whole day, which I didn't expect it to. And of course, a woman has to eat, right? Unless you are some sort of alien species. I get ravenous every 60 minutes, don't blame me! The oddest thing about it is that I never get any fatter. Though my secret would be because I have not eaten anything like Mc Donalds for years. Anyway, they went out of business a long time ago, did you know that they put bones in the best burgers of all time? Someone found out about that and sued them. Back to the point, the food was great. I sneaked chunks of it into my plastic goodie bag.
After the interview, the guy in the trench coat finally spoke up, it seems he is a guy and a baritone one too. "I am a sales agent working for a phone company, I have come to look for good recruits," he said. Then the evident question was, why allow him to recruit me when Rennie was already trying? Then I saw Rennie's hopeful face, I guess the feeling was mutual. I never did want to work for him and it seems neither did he.
The trench coat guy took me through a market place where I got shoved, pushed, shouted at, and pulled. Jim, the trench coat guy, told me to keep to the right that way I wouldn't be squashed to death before I got a good job. Suddenly, I felt Jim pull me into an alleyway, being stronger than me, he dragged me toward a dingy street with barely enough doors to fill it. Jim and I went through the second to last one and I got thrust in.
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