Chapter 1
It was quite ironic, actually. How I told the world I hated kids, yet decided to get a job- watching kids.
I found myself frequently asking what the hell I was doing with my life. I always took the harder way, making my life a thousand times more complicated than it already was. And then I would go and complain about it- pretending I didn't understand why everything sucked to the point of my demise.
I worked at a local gym now. They had an after school program where entitled rich parents would drop their annoying brats off for my coworkers and I to run around frantically trying to control. It worked only five percent of the time. The remaining ninety five consisted of me screaming till my throat gave in.
Although I dreaded going, lately I've been working a lot more. Maybe it was because the extra money was good, or the lack of friends I now have. Senior year was about to end, yet now I'm friendless because of unnecessary drama that I never asked for!
The whole year had been fine up until now- one month away from my graduation. Carol- my ex best friend- thought her man- my other ORIGINAL best friend- was flirting with me, when in reality, we were talking about how he was going to surprise her at prom this weekend.
Long story short, nobody is going to prom anymore. And so, I'm working Saturday day care all day!
Truth be told there is a fine connection between your social life and your work life. The less friends you have, the more you tend to work.
"Change my mind." I muttered to myself, continuing to sweep up the nasty floor left behind from today's work. All the kids had finally left by now, as it was six forty-five, and the sun was preparing itself to set.
Nancy- who we called Giggles, for we had to create nicknames to replace our real ones- walked into my usual classroom, placing the spray bottle of bleach down onto one of the tiny tables the kids usually sat at.
"Look outside real quick." She whispered, running in a stealthy tip toe towards the large windows in front of us.
I set my broom down, and walked over to wear she was standing. Giggles peered outside the window to the far right. When I mirrored her actions, I saw several men dressed in black suits scouring the back parking lot- the same lot I always parked my car in.
I squinted both eyes, "What the f-"
"Fiddle sticks!" Giggles corrected me, "Remember where we still are."
I rolled my eyes. There weren't any kids around, so why did it really matter?
I studied their suspicious actions. They all appeared to be looking for something important, if I were to guess.
The men all wore the same thing. Tightly tailored black suits, with a matching pair of dark shades. Kind of cliche, if you asked me. Not one could smile, or change their impassive faces for anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure one got stung by a bee and still didn't flinch.
"Maybe I should go let Mustang know." Giggles suggested, referring to the only guy that happened to work with us. It was shocking, for Mustang- or James- was actually very manly, and attractive. The two of us even had a small thing going on, but it's really just been mild flirting.
I nodded, Giggles departing shortly after. I turned to look outside again, noticing a different character coming into play. He was an old man, walking slowly with a cane and a limp. The men watched him carefully- as if an old man could do anything harmful.
Just let him pass, I thought to myself. But the men swarmed quickly around him. One even made the effort to shove the old man.
I watched in fury as they picked on him. What kind of senseless human beings would do such a thing?
And once again, I took the hard way. My butt decided to run outside, and interfere where her nose didn't belong.
"Back off!" I screamed, running towards them. All of the men turned towards me, the old man included, "He's just an old man! Can't you just leave him alone?"
I attempted to push the one who shoved the old man back, however, it felt like pushing a giant rock and the man didn't budge.
I turned to look at the old man, who seems quite pissed that I went out of my way to help him. How about thanks? Is thanks so hard to say?
"This is no old man." The one I tried to shove spoke, "It's just a disguise."
He definitely looked like an old man to me. I think I would know if he were real or not.
"Are you mad?" I scoffed, "Or just mental?"
The man shook his head with a pleased grin, "Little girl- just stay out of it!"
And with that, he gave me a shove- that somehow sent me flying back. I stumbled backwards, soon tripping over the older mans foot and grabbing onto him in order to keep myself from falling down. I grabbed the cane he was leaning on by accident, and the two of us both toppled to the ground.
When I opened my eyes, I was now lying on top of this old man- who shockingly had a muscular, fit body, and his bald cap and wig lying ways away from him on the parking lot ground.
I stared in awe as the old man, was definitely not an old man. He was tan, buff- HOT. His hair was long, flow-y, and brown, and his eyes were a comforting milk chocolate color- that were glaring at me as if I had just wronged him in the worst possible way.
"I knew it!" The man who shoved me exclaimed, stomping his foot, "That's Will! Get him!"
"Boss!" A different one spoke up, "What about the girl?"
The 'boss' looked me up and down, ending his evaluation with a shrug, "Grab her too."
"What!?" I exclaimed, jumping off of the so called 'Will' and backing up a bit. Will jumped up as well, shaking his head.
"Just run." Will snapped underneath his breath, taking off towards the woods behind the parking lot.
I should have followed him, but, yet again, I took the hard way! I went back inside my classroom!!
I didn't even have the keys to lock any of the doors, either. The best thing I could do was simply close them. Yea, Ella, that will keep you safe!
I watched the door intently, grabbing the broom I had used nearly minutes ago in order to sweep the floor. My heart beat intensified with each sound that was made.
My classroom door swung open shortly, and there the three of them were. Of course the one in front was the man who shoved me down with a mere flick.
"It's game over, sweet pea." He snickered, slowly approaching me.
I raised the broom in my hands, deciding I might as well fight since it was my last option. I couldn't be taken away? This was reality, and not a movie. If I left, I would have to worry about my family, grades, attendance, and graduation. And work!! It's harder to get out of that, than anything else.
He started to run, and I swung my broom as hard as I could towards his face. The man grabbed it in his hands, and snapped it in half like it were no problem.
I gulped as he threw the broken broom off towards the side of the room. He came after me once again, but I thought of this move I've seen in the movies and figured I'd give it a try. How cool would it be if I actually pulled it off, though.
When he was close to my face, I jumped on the closest table, and leaped onto to the back of his rock stiff body. I used all of my might and wrapped my legs around his neck, sending the two of us in a twirling struggle.
His buddies watched us with confused looks, questioning what the hell was going on. Right as we came around for a fourth circle, the door swung open again revealing a shocked Giggles and Mustang.
The man and I stopped, looking at them carefully. How were they going to react?
"What the hell is going on." Mustang asked, not receiving a bad word correction from Giggles. She was too shocked.
Everybody in the room shrugged their shoulders. "Help me fight!" I yelled, the other two bad guys moving in on Giggles and Mustang. The two snapped out of their trans, and did what they could too.
It was time for me to attempt what I learned in the movies. I tightened my leg grip around his neck, using all of my body weight to lean backwards towards the floor.
What was supposed to happen, was I flip him over that way and crawl through his legs before he hit the ground.
However, as soon as I leaned back, he slung me back forward, grasping my throat as he yanked me off of his back and slammed me down onto the kids table. The table fell, with me grasping for air with it.
"Too inexperienced!" I cried in a breathy whisper, crawling to get off of the table as I gasped in order to regain air, "Too inexperienced!!"
I don't know why I thought I could ever pull that off. This wasn't a movie like the ones I've seen that move from.
I rolled back over to my back, groaning in absolute agony. I watched as the man stood over me, chuckling obnoxiously.
"Shit." I spat, closing my eyes out of fear. It wasn't necessarily him I feared, but the pain he was probably planning on inflicting on me next.
He sighed with pleasure, "Did you honestly think that was going to work?"
I shook my head, "No," beginning to hope that my last resort attack would work, "But I hope this will."
Before he could comprehend my response, I swung my foot up as hard as I could until it landed right in his crotch. He grasped his area in pain, and fell weak to his knees. I took this as my last opportunity to run. Grabbing Giggles and Mustang, the three of us ran towards the opened door- but just as we got there, so did the rest of the men.
I didn't see the mysterious Will from earlier, however- wondering if he got away, or if they had him somewhere else.
Regardless, my coworkers and I were trapped. There definitely was no way out of this one. Even if we did try to fight again, they would easily out number us.
I threw both of my hands up in the air, "Fine! We surrender!"
Mustang and Giggles both looked at me in shock, "Seriously?" Mustang asked.
I nodded with an unsure shrug, "What other option do we have?"
The large windows suddenly shattered, sending glass particles flying across the room. Mustang turned in front of Giggles and I to protect our faces from the shards, but I was still able to make out the faint figure of a man swinging through.
When the mess died down, Mustang moved away to reveal the fierce stance of the Will I had encountered earlier. Somehow him being here brought a sense of relief to my tense body.
Mustang leaned over, "Hopefully he's that option."
Will glared directly at the man who I went head to head with, "Just let them go, Bruno. They don't have any part in this."
'Bruno' snickered, "With what they've seen, it would be a mistake to let them go."
"We wont tell anyone!" Giggles squeaked, "We promise?"
"I'm the one you want. Just let them go, and I'll let you try to capture me." Will smirked, sending Bruno's face into a fiery glare. Will's sarcasm clearly did not sit well with the Wreck It Ralph clone.
"Try?" Bruno sneered, advancing towards Will slowly, "This is it, boy. We're going to catch you for real this time."
Will grinned, "Come and get me then."
The three large men shoved us out of the way, and ran towards Will. Mustang, Giggles and I made a beeline out the door in order to get away. The three of us ran towards Mustang's soccer mom minivan as fast as we could. Our priority was to get the hell away from here before we encountered anymore of those vicious men. With Will taking on three on his own, there wouldn't be another safe goat.
Giggles and Mustang jumped into the minivan, but for some reason, I stopped.
"Ella! What are you doing?" Giggles yelled, anxiously waving me into the backseat of the van.
"Get in the car, El." Mustang demanded.
But I slowly shook my head. For some reason I felt guilty for leaving Will on his own. He risked everything to help us once again. Who would I be if I just left- especially without saying thank you. Even though he was the one at fault for this problem. Come to think of it, why the hell would they come to a gym parking lot?
"Shit guys," I spat, shaking my head at the really stupid and risky decision I was about to make, "I can't just leave him behind. You guys get out of here! I'm going back to help Will."
As the two called out after me, I ran back towards the after school unit of the gym. Maybe I was making a terrible decision, but I did owe it to him for allowing us to escape first. Once I approached the classroom door, I grabbed the metal baseball bat that the kids and I used earlier to play baseball for their activity. But when I ran back inside, everybody was gone.
I stared quietly at the mess we had made. The window was broken, glass was everywhere, the tables were damaged, and everything else was sprawled out across the room. My boss was going to kill me the next time I came into work. How do you even explain to someone that you were attacked by a bunch of men in black suits?
As I scoured over the damage, I caught a glimpse in the distance as Will continued to fight Bruno down by the lake. The other two were nowhere to be found. I knew that I should have stayed back in order to ensure my safety, but of course, that's exactly what I didn't do. I thought that if I sneaked up behind them I could knock Bruno out with the bat, and help Will escape too.
And so I ran. All the way down to the lake access where I quietly hid behind a large tree at first. I observed the two fighting for a minute until I found the perfect time to strike. Bruno had just knocked Will down into the water that reached the shoreline. He was bent over him snickering, about to throw another punch, but that was when I jumped in.
I quickly emerged from behind the tree, and swung the bat as hard as I could against his head. Bruno stumbled forwards, and Will kicked his legs out from underneath him. Bruno fell into the water as well, and Will bolted towards the parking lot.
But he forget about ME.
Bruno glared at me from in the water, striking fear throughout my body. As I shook, I dropped the metal bat and yelled, "W-Wait for me!"
I sprinted to try and catch up with Will, but he was fast, and already a good distance ahead of me. I have to say I regret helping him now, when he A, didn't even say thank you, and B, LEFT ME THERE?
I was close enough to Will that I could yell at him, but right as my mouth opened, bullets came flying towards us. I mirrored Will, and threw myself down on to the parking lot pavement.
"He has a gun!?" I yelled.
"You didn't know that?" Will shouted back.
As the bullets continued to come flying, Will grabbed my hand and pulled me behind somebody's car.
"Why is he trying to kill you?" I cried, dusting the dirt off of my scraped up knees, "And why is it in the middle of a gym parking lot!?"
Will shook his head as he pulled out ANOTHER gun, and began to load it. "I think we should worry about getting you out of here alive first. Why did you come back?"
"Well I was going to repay you from saving us, but you left me there!"
"Who doesn't think to run after that?" He scoffed, quickly standing up to fire a few shots back.
The sound of the gun right next to me left me terrified, "I just want to get out of here!"
Will continued to fire back, "What did you expect to happen after getting involved in a mission?"
"A- mission?" I asked, my eyes widening.
Will stopped firing just to glare at me, "Now really isn't the time."
"I didn't mean for this to happen! It just kind of-did?" I said, tilting my head.
Will met my eyes, "Next time, watch where you're going. If you didn't fall on me, none of this would have happened."
I was appalled. "If anything, this was your fault. You're the one who pissed them off beforehand."
"You blew my cover."
"They already knew it was you!" I scoffed.
"Shut up." Will sneered, on the count of three, run to that black Mercedes in the back over there." He pointed to a small, black sports car at the very back of the parking lot.
"How can I trust that you wont leave me hanging again?"
"If I wanted you dead, you would be dead." Will snapped, "Now listen to my counts! 1....2....3!"
Will emerged from behind the car, and began unloading a heavy load of bullets on Bruno. I sprinted for the car Will told me to, keeping my head down, and not daring to look behind me. Will ceased fire, and began to sprint as well. We were just near the car, when all of a sudden, the two others from earlier began to fire on the car. Before we could reach it, all the tires had been popped, and the windshield was shattered.
"My car!" Will whined.
"My life!" I cried, "We're going to die!"
I began to think of all the things I never got to do. Like one, kiss a boy, and two, hug a boy, and literally three, BE WITH A BOY. I'm going to die alone.
Bruno and his men gained on us, and Will pulled his gun back out in case he needed to defend us.
"Stay behind me, and stay quiet." Will commanded, shoving me behind him.
Usually I would find this attractive, but since he's such an asshole, It pissed me off.
"It's over!" Bruno yelled, "Surrender yourselves."
Will didn't budge. I was about to agree for the both of us, but right before I opened my mouth, a very familiar minivan came rushing back in.
Mustang whipped the car in front of Will and I, and we jumped in as fast as we could. We all took off as the bullets ricocheted off the back of Mustang's van.
"You guys came back!" I cheered, my heartbeat finally starting to slow down.
"We couldn't leave you behind." Giggles smiled.
"Is there anyway we can open this back window?" Will asked, "Just in case they follow us, and I need to fire at them?"
Will held up his gun, and Mustang nearly ran us off the road upon seeing it.
Hey guys!
So happy to finally release the re-written version of Spy-Mantic. This one is going to be more mature, and dangerous. And even more hot!
It will also be drastically different, but I felt like adding in more elements that weren't in the original book before.
Hopefully you guys will enjoy!
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