{Chapter Two}
"Mom? Dad? I'm home." I announced, opening our bungalow doors and strolling into the living room. I set my backpack down in its usual spot, and waited for my family to come in on cue.
Just as I had expected, my mother hurried into the room with my dad slowly behind her. She of course had a bright smile, and cheerful look- while my father, on the other hand, had his same, usual, glare. Talk about major RBF.
"There's our birthday baby!" Mom cooed, opening her arms wide for me. I awkwardly hugged her back, fed up with how she did something like this everyday.
Let it go, mother. Today I turn 18! I'm not a little girl anymore!!
"Ella." My father coughed, breaking her away from me. "Give the girl some room."
I silently thanked my dad, mentally rolling my eyes at the tears that slowly began to form in my mother's eyes. Here we go...
She wiped a few droplets away, "I'm sorry- it's just, she's so old now! Soon she'll be out of our reach."
Dad rolled his eyes- physically. "She still has a year left, calm down."
"You know what, Will? Why do you always have to be so negative." She crossed her arms, shooting daggers in his direction.
He rolled his eyes again. "Why do you always have to be a drama queen?"
"Weren't you the drama queen back then?" She asked, cocking one eyebrow. "If I can remember correctly, you overreacted to what happened the day we met."
My fathers eyes turned cold. "Oh- you mean when you fell on me? Well sorry, Ella- but if you're going to topple over everyone, don't expect them to be happy about it."
"I didn't fall on you." She narrowed her eyes.
"Yes you did." He responded.
"No- you ran into me!"
"Well, I wouldn't have if you didn't fall on me!"
"I only fell on you, because you weren't watching where you walked!"
"I was fine until a random body forced me to the ground."
The sound of their bickering drove me wild. They did this ALL THE TIME- fighting over how they met, or something. I don't even get why it's a big deal- who's fault it was. They're together now, and If whatever happened didn't happen, where would the two be?
There was a knock on our front door, and since nobody else was rushing to get It- I did. Kind of relieved though, because if I hear one of them whine about who fell on who, or who ran into who one more time- I'm going to scream.
When I opened the front door, my parents' best friend and his wife stood there together. In one of their hands, stood a small box wrapped neatly in blue wrapping paper- with a green bow.
Thank god they didn't use pink- I would have slapped that box out of their hands.
"Hiya, kiddo." Britain Azzopardi greeted me, his wife, Gina, giving me a small wave and a big smile. Gina handed me the box.
"It's nothing grand-" she began, but Marco said you'd like it. He helped us pick it out!"
Oh yea, did I mention that Marco was Gina and Britains brilliant son? Well, he is- and since my parents are close with them, I'm close with Marco.
Not that I mind it really, Marco's my best friend.
"Thanks, guys." I smiled at the two, moving out of the way and letting them inside.
"Where your parents?" He asked, looking around.
I shrugged, "Last I checked, they were fighting again."
Britain just laughed, "Classic- you know, they've been doing that since I can remember."
I raised both of my eyebrows, "What a surprise."
Britain flashed me a friendly wink, before disappearing into my home with his wife. As soon as they turned the corner, I ripped open their gift. I didn't want to be rude and do it in front of them.
Inside the small box was a beautiful sterling silver necklace. Hanging of the chain, a small, silver key dangled from side to side. I was speechless- and flattered that they had thought of me like that.
Also a bit confused, because who knew Marco had such great taste in jewelry.
I strolled over this the little mirror in our foyer, studying the key as I gently fastened the necklace around my neck. I wonder if it was just for decoration, or if it was the key to something grand.
My phone lightly buzzed in my pocket, causing me to react by taking it out and seeing who my text was from. Speaking of the one with great taste, the text was from Marco.
What did your parents say?
I haven't asked them yet.
Ask them now! You know my dad will back you up.
How come you didn't come?
Oh, I was just in the middle of a nap when they left. They probs didn't want to wake me.
But ask them now!
Fine, give me a second.
Putting my phone away, I joined the adults in the kitchen. My mother had already gotten out her wine, and her and Gina sipped it together off in the corner while admiring her new glasses. Britain and my father looked to be having a serious conversation at our island.
I stood in front of all of them, clearing my throat. "I have something to ask you all."
Nobody gave me their attention. Not that I expected them too, they always got carried away with their own things.
"Guys!" I whined, stamping my foot and yes, now getting their attention. "I need to ask you something."
Everybody stared at me- and I immediately regretted standing in front of them. The attention I hated was now being delivered. My mother had told me she was the same way back then, only it wouldn't allow her to function properly. For me, I just didn't like it- but it didn't limit my abilities.
"Since I'm now eighteen, how would you feel about letting me go out tonight?" I asked, smiling widely.
My dad looked to my mom and they both shrugged. "Go ahead." My dad approved, reaching for his phone, "I'll text Omar."
"No-" I quickly shouted, "Without him."
This clearly bothered them. One thing my parents hated was giving me my freedom and space.
"With Marco?" I added, hoping it'd loosen them up.
My mother sighed, "We want to let you, sweetheart- but we have Omar with you because of how dangerous this world is today."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a kid anymore."
"Until you leave this house you are." My dad added, following his words with a sip of his beer.
"Dad, come on. Think of it as another birthday gift!" I pleaded, glancing to Britain who awkwardly took sips of his beer behind him.
Britain sighed, "Will, Marco will protect her if the rare occasion of something happening popped up. I think you should let her celebrate with her friends."
My mother and father both gave each other an uneasy look. As much as I didn't understand it, I still knew how big of a deal this was. It wasn't that they didn't trust me, but everybody else in the world.
I just wish they would loosen up a bit. I know bad things happen all the time, but the chance of something happening to me is pretty slim.
"Home by Eleven." My father said.
"Twelve." I tried to bargain.
"Ten thirty." He raised one of his eyebrows.
"Eleven's great." I smiled, "Thank you guys!"
I wasted no more time in that kitchen. The first thing I did was text Marco the news. The next thing, was finally leave my house behind without anyone tailing behind me.
This is what I've wanted since forever.
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