{Chapter One}
"Happy Birthday, Amelia!"
I groaned upon his loud words. Could he be any louder? Marco may be my best friend, but boy did he know how to set me off.
Yes, it was my birthday- but the last thing I wanted, was for anyone to know. I hated my birthday, because I hated unnecessary attention. What did a birthday bring along? Unnecessary attention.
With a queasy smile, I slammed my locker door shut- revealing the familiar face of Marco Azzopardi. "Thanks."
Marco and I go way back. Supposedly, my parents and his dad used to work together a long time ago. Since they're best friends, we're best friends too. Lucky me.
Marco chuckled, "I never understood why you hate attention so much. It's weird."
"It's normal."
"It's unhealthy."
I shot daggers in his direction, turning around and beginning to walk towards first period. Marco soon appeared next to me again, staying by my side the whole entire way to Mr. Hal's class.
"What did your parents get you?" He asked, attempting to make conversation.
I shrugged, "They won't give it to me till after dinner."
He slowly nodded, "Maybe it's something big?"
"It's probably another lock for my bedroom door." The both of us laughed at my little reminder of how over protective my two parents are.
Marco agrees with me when I say my parents need to chill. Ever since I was old enough to go anywhere, they've been way too over protective. I'm talking several tracking apps on my phone, parental restrictions on the internet, linked phones so they can see who I text or call, multiple locks on my bedroom door, security cameras throughout our house, bodyguards to take me too and from wherever, a whole damn swat team surrounding our house, and then Marco, who usually keeps tabs on me as well. There's a whole lot more, but I'll spare my brain capacity. It can't hold this much information.
"Do you think they'll let you come out tonight?" Marco asked me, right as we took our normal seats in the very back corner of the classroom.
I unpacked my things, "If I convince them enough."
He nodded, "See if they'll let Omar have the night off- he's always with you."
Marco was referring to the personal bodyguard my parents had assigned me. Omar's supposed to take me to and from school, follow me around whenever I'm not home, and basically babysit me because apparently I'm not old enough to handle myself. Omar's a cool guy, but I just want some freedom. Living this way can get old very easily.
"That I have my doubts about."
Marco shrugged his shoulders, right as- who we though was Mr. Hal- a figure walked into our room, and placed his briefcase on the desk.
Everyone in the classroom turned to watch this mysterious man- as he diligently unpacked his things, and wrote the words 'Mr. Damer' on the board.
The man turned around, sending a cold chill throughout my body. Somehow I felt like I recognized him- like I've met or seen him somewhere before.
But I couldn't pin point it in my mind. His pale, sharp features and dark, ominous eyes scanned the room. It almost felt like he was looking for someone in particular.
"I'll call role now." His harsh, piercing voice rang. "Ansel Aero?"
Ansel responded "Here", before turning around to look at Marco and I. "Who is this?" He mouthed, as if we would know.
"Marco... Azzopardi?" Mr. Damer was quick to scan the room again. After saying Marco's name weirdly, it got me thinking.
Marco squinted his eyes, "Uhh... here?"
Mr. Damer stared at Marco for a while, examining him fully with his eyes. With a sly nod, and quiet grunt, he returned to calling out more names.
"That was weird." He whispered, Ansel turning his head back around to nod in agreement.
Bethany Gijsen, another friend of ours, sneakily moved back a seat so she could whisper with us.
"Am I the only one who felt that cold breeze when he came in?" She asked, flickering her bright blue eyes back to Mr. Damer.
I shook my head no, "I felt it too."
"Same here." Ansel added, Marco agreeing with him.
"Creepy." Bethany mouthed.
"Something's not right about him." Marco added, shaking his head. Then he turned to me, whispering quietly so only I could hear him. "When he calls your name, don't say here- alright?"
I narrowed my eyes, "Why not?"
"Just listen to me." He snapped, taking me by surprise. I didn't know how to respond, so I just nodded slowly.
"Amelia-" he paused, "Amelia Collins?"
I did what Marco asked, and remained silent. Ansel and Bethany both looked back at me, questioning my actions. Mr. Damer had said my name oddly, too. I don't know why he's being like that just towards Marco and I, but something's definitely off here. Marco may be on to something.
"Is Amelia Collins here?" I watched closely as his jaw tightened.
Marco turned and looked at me, slowly beginning to shake his head. "Don't say here."
"Have any of you seen her today?" He asked the class. A few students turned to look at me. Mr. Damer followed their stare with his own eyes. Once they landed on me, they stopped dead. There was no movement in his body whatsoever.
"Happy Birthday- Amelia." He snarled, checking my name off the attendance list without even looking back down at it. It took him a moment afterwards, but he eventually went back to taking the attendance normally.
Marco leaned over again, "If you ever see him again, whatever you do- don't approach him. Don't talk to him, look at him, or be alone with him. Okay?"
"Why- why are you being like this?" I asked.
"I need you to just say yes, and listen to me." He closed his eyes, "Can you do that? Just this once?"
I questioned his words with everything inside of me. This was odd behavior coming from him. I've gotten used to his protectiveness, but this was extreme. It's like he knew this man, and somehow knew he was trying to hurt me.
But that's ridiculous. Mr. Damer is just one of those classic, creepy subs. Every school must have one.
So why was Marco being so weird? Why was Mr. Damer saying our two names oddly? Is all of this somehow connected?
Hello Everybody! Just want to give a quick thank you to everyone who's read the Spy-Mantic series since the beginning! It truly means a lot that you all love the books so much.
The activity and love on The Spy-Mantic series has been beyond amazing. You guys truly rock, and I'm so thankful for all of you.
I'm officially releasing Spy-Mantic 3, and updates will be from 1-2 a week. Most likely the weekends, but since school is over now, maybe even more. It'll probably change, but do stay tuned.
I will be busy this summer with working and a bunch of trips, so there will be a few weeks I won't be able to update at all. Plus, sometimes all writers receive writers block, and that usually takes a bit to get around.
I do hope you'll VOTE & COMMENT on this chapter, and all of the chapters for me! I would much appreciate it!
Thank you all again, and cheers for the official last book in The Spy-Mantic Series!
QOTC: What are your thoughts on Mr. Damer.... any possible connections??
Answer in the comments!
While you Wait:
You should check out these three stories! Available on my profile under 'My Works'.
1. Sweet Creature
2. Couple Undercover
3. Skylark
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