The madness stopped. The spinning chair, the flashing lights, the creepy laughter- all of it. As soon as I was able to wrap my head around what had just happened, I looked over to see one, lifeless body on the floor.
More tears began to invade my sad eyes. Just seeing one of the people I've been closest too, lying dead on the ground broke my heart. He didn't deserve this.
"You monster." I screamed, trying to break loose from the ropes, "How could you do this to your own brother?"
"He made his choice a long time ago. He wasn't our brother." Kenny spoke up, him, Kade, and Volgo all standing before us now.
I slowly kept fidgeting with the ropes, until my hands, body, and feet were untied. I briefly glanced over at Will, who had an impassive expression on his face, as he stared down at the floor.
"You bastard! He was still an innocent person! Nobody had to die!" I yelled, filled with rage. This was no longer a time to mourn, it was a time to fight, and I was going to take them down.
"I know what you're planning." I spoke up again, "You're making a machine that will help you dominate the world. The jewels are the main power source."
Kade looked at me with curiosity, "How did you know that?"
"Saw the blueprints. I know you took everything and ran, but how do you expect a machine to help you control the world?" I asked.
"It's simple." He started, "I'm going to fly around the world, and shoot as many people as I can. With the jewels as the fuel, there will be enough power in one zap to control seven human minds. It's also so powerful, that if one who hasn't been infected looks into one who has's eyes, they too will become hypnotized. Then, I can control everyone's minds from a computer in my office, and make myself the King. Do you see how it all plays out?"
I stared at him, "That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard in my life."
Kade rolled his eyes. "We'll see if you'll be saying that once you're under control as well."
"You'll never get the chance, because there's no way in hell in going to let you get away with this." I flashed Will a special look, saying to attack. He got my drift and nodded, "Now!"
Will and I both jumped out of our seats, and ran towards all three of them. Kade and Kenny stared at us, as Volgo ran to find Britain.
"You have no weapons!" Kenny pointed out.
"We don't need any, shitface." Will spat, punching him directly in the face.
Will took on Kenny, and I took on Kade. Of course I got the harder component.
Kade through a punch towards my face, but I dodged it, and wailed him in the stomach. He grabbed his belly, and stumbled back, before turning, and making a run for the roof.
I glanced back at Will, who was fighting Kenny intensely. He was using his body, while Kenny had pulled out a knife. Will saw my situation, and flashed me a small smile.
"Go!" He yelled. I hesitantly nodded, before taking off after Kade.
I followed Kade's every footsteps, till we were both on the roof. He walked over, and pulled the sheet cover off of what looked like his special machine.
I looked around, and realized I was once in this type of situation with Kenny. The roof was where I let Kenny get away the first time, and another roof was where I almost fell to my death. Roof's and I don't have such a good history, obviously.
"Everything's ready." Kade smiled, revealing his set of perfect teeth. He picked up a small bag on the ground, and emptied it in his large palms.
"The jewels." I whispered. I said I'd bring them back safe and sound, so I couldn't let him use them as a power source. It could damage their worth.
"If I place these in the machine, and push this red button- it's all over. I can successfully start my little plague."
I looked around the edges of the building, and saw thousands of people walking just outside the palace gates. A few of them were watching us carefully.
You'd think that if they saw someone holding the jewels in his hand, on top of the crime scene's roof, they'd call the police.
It's like they need an invitation to help their country out.
"Put the jewels down, and step away from the machine." I demanded. Kade laughed at me, before turning around and beginning the place the jewels in the machine.
Bad mistake turning his back towards me.
As quietly as my feet would allow, I started to run towards him at my fastest pace. Just as he finished putting the last jewel inside, and turned to face me, I tackled him to the ground.
We both fell with a thud.
"Get off me!" He yelled, struggling underneath my body.
"Not a chan-" before I could finish my sentence, he kicked his feet up, and my body flew a few feet away from his. I landed on the roof again, this time without an cushioning.
"Damn." I cursed, rolling around as my body aches- but I couldn't feel any pain right now. I had to stop him from pushing that red button.
I stood up again, my knee's shaking. Just like before, I ran towards him. Instead of tackling his body, I grabbed his arm, and pulled him further away from the machine.
Kade's eyes turned cold. "Stop interfering!" He shouted.
"Stop trying to take over the world!" I snapped. Kade shook his head.
"Kenny said you were a tough one. If you knew what was best for you, you'd step away. Here, I'll even spare your mind."
"I'd rather give up my mind in exchange for everyone else's freedom. I'm not backing down."
"Face it Ella, you're too weak to face me yourself." His smile widened.
That's when the roof access door swung open, and Will rolled in.
"Good thing she isn't going too." Will's eyes locked with Kade's. A smile appeared on my face once Will arrived. He always came to my rescue, no matter what.
"It's over, Kade. Just hand yourself over." I tried to reason with him, but he's relentless.
"Never." He said, right before extended his hand to push the red button.
"No!" I yelled, beginning to run forward. He was so close to hitting the red button, when a loud noise filled the air, and a bullet went straight through his hand.
Kade screamed, and fell back down to the ground, holding his hand. I turned my head around, to see Will holding the pointed gun.
He walked over to Kade, and forced his hands into a set of handcuffs. I walked over, and helped him pick Kade up off the ground.
"This isn't over!" He yelled, right before is smacked a piece of tape over his mouth.
"Oh, but it is." I patted his head, with a small, fake pout. Will reached in the machine, and carefully placed the jewels back in the bag.
Handing them to me, he said "I'm glad it's all over." I nodded in response, looking at his beautiful face. The fact that he survived instead of Kory, made me feel somewhat relieved. I loved him, and if I lost my love, Kade would most likely be halfway done with controlling the world.
That's when I thought of Kory again. I widened my eyes, and ran back down into the room where Kory was shot. As soon as I re-entered, Kenny and Volgo were all tied up, and Britain kneeled directly next to Kory's dead body.
I slowly walked over there, and fell to my knee's. Tears began to re-appear, as they fell out of my eyes. Britain had a few tears in his eyes as well. We both lost a great friend today.
Britain embraced me in a tight hug as I cried. Millions of pictures of Kory filled my head. He was all I could think about right now.
"It should've been me." I shook my head.
"No, Ella. The world needs you." Britain rubbed my shoulder, "It's not your fault."
But i couldn't help but think that it was. If it weren't for me dragging him into this mess in the first place, things wouldn't be this way, and Kory could still be alive.
He was the closest thing I had to a best friend right now. I trusted him with everything, and now he's gone.
He's what got me through what happened between Will and I. If it weren't for him, I'd still be a mess most likely.
Every time I felt down, he was always the one who made me feel happy again. He lifted me up off of my butt, and on to my feet.
Kory meant a lot to me, and will always be part of my heart. I know my feelings for him weren't as strong as the ones I have for Will, but I will forever love Kory. Just in more of a friendly way.
"Police! Everyone stay back!" Britain continued to comfort me, as the police began to swarm the area.
Agent Wisp and the agency had arrived too. They were the ones who would hold Kade, Volgo, and Kenny in our new- and improved, cellar.
Once the officers saw Kory's body, they immediately called a doctor in here. The doctor checked his non-existing pulse, and pronounced him dead.
As they started to cover his body, they told Britain to take me away. Agent Wisp said to take me back to the hotel to grab my things, for we were heading out as soon as we could.
Britain nodded, but I refused. I screamed, cried, and created a big scene. I didn't want to leave Kory behind- I wasn't ready too.
I broke through Britain's hold, and did something I should have done long before. I uncovered his body, and wrapped my arms around him. I hugged him tightly, sobbing crazily.
Words could not describe how upset I was. I didn't want to believe he was dead, but I knew that his soul had left his cold, blood-stained body.
The officers, and Britain began to pull me off of his body. I grabbed on even harder, and put up a good fight, but they were too strong for me. Eventually, my arms gave in, and I was pulled away from his lifeless body.
I stood there with Britain holding me back, as they rolled Kory's corpse out of the building on a stretcher.
"Goodbye." I whispered.
I'm sorry to all you Kory and Ella shippers out there. I had to kill him off, because it's always been Will and Ella, and has to remain that way- even if those two don't get together in the end.
I hope you'll see it from my point of view, and don't get too upset.
But again, let's take time to respect, and mourn Kory- just like everyone else in the next chapter.
(Note, there's only one or two more chapters left!)
Let's all honor Kory as if we knew him personally.
Vote for this chapter, and comment a small goodbye message dedicated to him. Let Kory know how much you'll miss him ):
*R.I.P Kory*
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