Hey! Sorry for making you all wait so long, i suffered from writers block. But anyways, here's another chapter, and I'd like it if you'd vote for it for me :) thanks!
Btw, sorry for the foul language. I thought it was necessary.
It was awfully silent in there. They've been working for hours....
Britain told me that when he tried to get in earlier, Nadia locked the doors, and Will started yelling at her, which caused them to argue for over 37 minutes.
Yea, no thanks.
"We can't just sit out here. That's my room. I should be able to get into it if I want too." I said.
"You're right, you should." Britain added.
"I know, I want too."
"Then what's stopping you?" My eyes widened at the sound of his voice- that same voice I heard 2 hours earlier.
"Kory!" I exclaimed, turning my body around to see him leaning up against one of the hotel walls.
"You came!?" I beamed at him.
"It does get pretty lonely where I'm at." He shrugged.
"Ella, is this-"
"Yes, this is 'K2'." I interrupted, "Britain, this is Kory, Kory, this is Britain."
They both have each other that manly 'sup' nod.
"Listen, Will may be a little upset that you're hear at first, but I promise I'll try to get him to calm down." I explained.
"Don't worry about it. I didn't expect him to be 100% happy in the first place."
"Sorry." I sighed, flashing him an apologetic smile.
"Ella it's ok." He chuckled.
"Why won't this door open!" Britain shouted, trying to pull the door off its hinges.
"Don't break the thing!" I shouted, trying to detach his arms from the handle.
"Hey hey hey hey." Kory said, removing us both from the door, "I know how to get into any door, let me try."
We both stood back, and watched him work his magic.
"Ella, do you have like a clip, of Bobby pin?" He asked.
"Yea, of course." I took the pin out of my hair, and handed it to him.
"!" And with that, the door swung open.
"You're a hero." I teased, walking into our presidential suite.
One I got into the living room, it was empty. Almost like nobody was here. I walked around a bit, and-
"Oh my god." I dramatically said, feeling my eyes start to water.
Tell me this isn't real. Tell me that I don't actually see a pink, rhinestoned bra, and Nadia's white blouse on my floor.
"What is it- holy shit." Britain whispered.
"Wha- oh god." Kory said.
I raised my gaze to the crack in our bedroom door. I slowly started to walk over to it, picking up Nadia's things a so passed them.
"Ella, you don't have to-"
But it was too late. I pushed the door wide open, and saw Will thrusting into her like he did to me last night.
I dropped her things, and stumbled backwards a little, as tears filled my eyes.
"I thought you loved me." I said, beginning to sniffle. Will jumped off of Nadia, and widened his eyes at the sight of me.
"Ella, I can explai-"
"Don't." I cut him off, "Don't even try."
I shook my head as the warm droplets spilled down my cheeks. I kicked the nearest table with my foot, knocking over a lamp, and breaking it.
I looked back towards them, and noticed Nadia's smirking face.
"You little bitch." I yelled. I started walking towards her, but Kory and Britain pulled me back.
"Ella you don't want to do this." Kory stated.
"How could you!" I screamed, "How fucking could you!"
"Ella, I'm so-"
"I loved you Will, and you said you loved me back. Was that a lie? Was it all just one, big, fucking, lie?"
"Ella, listen-"
"Was it!?" I yelled, trying to break free from Britain and Kory's grip."
Will started to cry, and looked down at his feet.
"I trusted you! And as soon as I leave, you're shaking the goddamn bed with someone else." The tears kept coming, and coming.
I've never been so hurt before, and I didn't think Will would be the type to have hurt me in the first place.
But I guess I was wrong, just like I was wrong about letting them work together.
"Don't ever talk to me again. As soon as this mission's over, and we return home, I'm leaving the agency, and this time, I don't want you to come after me." I shook my head, and started to run out of the room.
I felt so betrayed. I felt heartbroken.
I gave him everything.
I ran downstairs to the lobby, and over to the front desk.
Slamming my hands down on the counter I said, "I need another room, preferably the farthest one away from the presidential suite."
The lady looked alarmed at me, but nodded in sympathy as she saw my sad eyes.
"Ella?" Someone called out. I turned around to see Kory looking around for me.
"Ella." He sighed, seeing my face and coming over towards me.
"Leave me alone." I said, sniffling.
"What are you doing, huh?" He asked.
"Getting a separate room." I replied.
"Come on, what are you doing? You don't have the money for this." He pointed out.
"Well, im not staying in the same room as him!" I wiped a couple years away.
"Just come stay with me El. I have that huge ass house, and your room still in it." He proposed.
"You wouldn't mind?" I looked at him.
"No no, not at all. It'd be great to have some company to be honest. My staff only comes once a week."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Now you stay here, and I'll get your bags for you." He sat me down in the lobby, and ran into the elevator.
As soon as it shut, I started to cry again.
Why did this happen to me?
"Come in." I muttered.
Kory opened the door, and walked in with a silver tray.
"What's this?" I asked, sitting up in my mess of wet blankets, and may tissues.
"It's what every girl needs during a breakup." He took the top off, and set it down beside me.
I smiled at the sight of it.
"Cookie dough, ice cream, hot chocolate, chips, magazines, and of course, some of the best movies ever made." He shook his head at his work with a sly smile.
"You didn't have to do this you know? Letting me stay here's enough." I browsed the movie selection.
He has great taste.
"Don't worry about it! I can't believe you had to walk in on something like that, and I feel awful. Just enjoy your time here, and honestly, stay as long as you want." He picked up 'The breakfast club" and began to set it up on my tv.
"I'll leave you to it." He said, beginning to leave as soon as it started to play.
"No." I stopped him, "Can you watch them with me?"
He looked at me with a shocked expression.
"Y-yea, sure. Didn't think you wanted me too." He awkwardly sat down in the chair by the door.
"You can sit on the bed." I pointed out.
"Thank god. This chair is super uncomfortable."
"I know, it really is." I added.
Kory walked over, and sat next to me on the bed. He leaned against the backboard, and turned his eyes towards the screen.
I watched his face for a while.
He was really into the movie.
"Is this one of your favorites?" I asked.
"It is my favorite." He smiled a little.
"I love this movie a lot, but my favorite has to be Jaws."
"Great movie." He shook his head, "Great great great movie."
"Yea, yea." I smiled, before leaning back as well, and actually paying attention to it.
As the hours passed, we shared many laughs, tears, and smiles because the movie selections were great.
Kory's actually a great guy.
A really, great guy.
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