"Mad you made me stay back." I whined, leaning back on the couch, watching Nadia, Britain, Will, and Kory walk towards the factory through a screen.
"You'll thanks us eventually." Kory replied.
"Can't have any distractions, can we?" Nadia snickered.
Words can not describe how badly I want her to get captured.
"Put a sock in it, will ya?" Kory said to her.
"Hey, don't talk to her like that. You shouldn't even be here to be honest." Will stated.
Why is he sticking up for her? He said he hated her, so why is he all of a sudden her puppet?
I felt my heart crack just a bit more. Seeing him this way towards another girl made me furious. Especially since it's Nadia.
That stupid, fucking, whore.
"Okay, you're about to come across the door. According to Britain, two guards are inside. Kory, you hide behind the pillar closest to the hose, and Will- hide behind the door." I instructed.
I hated having to say his name, knowing that it only brings a memory of hate to it. I used to love his name, but now I can't tolerate it, just like I can't tolerate him.
"Ok, we're all in positions." Kory reported.
"Knock on the door, and when they step outside, knock them out." I said.
"Are you sure this will work?" Nadia said in the background.
"Yes, I'm sure this will work." I answered in a snappy tone.
"Alright, geez." She shook her head from the other side of the screen.
Yea, shake your head.
"Just, let's do this." I sat back and waited for them to make the first move.
Britain walked up to the door, placing a nice, firm knock on it's metal, before running behind the nearest bush.
"Get ready." I whispered.
Two guards came outside, stomping around on their boots. They both had high quality guns, and probably aren't afraid to use them either.
"Now!" Nadia shouted, causing Will and Kory to jump out from their spots, and hit both of them in the head with their two guns.
Both men fell to the ground with a small thud. Will ran towards the opened door, and looked inside it.
"We're all clear." He reported.
"Give Britain and Nadia a gun, and drag the bodies behind that small shed. If someone came across those, we'd be figured out."
Britain and Will dragged the sleepy men across the grass, until they were secretly behind the blue shed.
"Great, now let's go in. Be alert everyone. Who knows what could be behind that door." I watched as they all started for the door. Nadia stopped Will right before he took a step closer.
"Just in case." She said, before leaning in and rubbing her lips all over his.
Kory quickly turned his head around, so I couldn't see them, but Will's camera was still on, and I could see Nadia's eyes filled with amusement.
A few tears fell from both eyes. How am I supposed to continue living when my ex-boyfriend, the guy I still love, is making out with his ex?
Once Nadia backed away, she walked into the building first. Kory turned his cam back around to show Will will his eyes closed, looking like he messed up.
He did mess up. Big time.
"I'm sorry." Kory muttered, before following the others into the cold place.
I didn't reply to him. Instead, I tried to hold in my tears, so nobody could heard me cry.
"Which way should we go, Ella?" Britain asked. I looked at the monitor he set up.
"There's a set of guards down the left hallway, so take the right one until you get to the 7th door on the left side." I explained.
"Roger." Britain replied.
All four of them carefully made their ways through the rundown place. All guns were armed, and ready to shoot if neededz
"Guys, I can't stress this enough. Stay alert." I said for the second time.
"We heard you the first time." Nadia said.
I really want to strangle her right now.
"Is this it?" Kory asked, stopping in front of where I told him to go.
"Yes. Inside is the main section. Everybody should be in there. Just sneak inside, and stay upstairs on the railing." I instructed.
"Alright, we can do this, right guys?" Kory asked. They all replied with a boring 'yea'.
Kory slowly opened the door. He quietly popped out with his gun, just in case anybody was there. When he saw that they were all downstairs, he waved everyone else in.
"We should split up." Nadia started, "Two go left, two go right."
I rolled my eyes. Who does she think she is trying to direct this mission. That's my job.
"N-" I began to say before Britain cut me off.
"She has a point. Maybe we should split up." He stated.
I quietly punched the pillow next to over a million times.
"Fine, split up." I muttered.
"Great!" Nadia cheered, "Britain and Kory can go left, while me and Will go right!"
I watched as she yanked Will into her direction.
"She's only doing this to get to you." Kory whispered, shaking his head.
I knew that, I did. But Will looks like he enjoys it, and I still hate the fact he's all over another girl.
I slowly turned my head to watch Will's camera. I squinted my eyes once I saw Nadia playing with it.
"Wait, why are you touching his camera?" I snapped, "it's fine the way it is!"
"Because." She began, starting to smirk a little, "We don't need you seeing any of this."
She ripped the camera off his headband, and dropped it in the floor, causing the screen to crack, and the monitor to go off.
"Are you crazy!" I yelled through the mic.
"We won't be needing these either." She said, right before Will's and her line went dead.
"Will!? Will!?" I called out.
There was no response.
"What just happened?" Kory asked.
"Nadia broke Will's cam, and got rid of both of their microphones." I said.
"What the hell." He said.
"Will!" I shouted, slamming some keys down as I tried to find a way to hear him again.
"Kory, how do we know if he's ok?" I started to freak out.
"Britain, you stay here." Kory ran towards Nadia and Will's direction.
"Will?" He called out, "Nadi-"
There was a loud scream-
Will's loud scream.
"Will!" I cried, terrified for my life.
Kory ran as fast as he could, until he came across a small puddle of blood on the floor.
"Oh my god, oh my god." I tugged at my hair.
Kory crouched down to examine it.
"W-well that could be anybody's blood, r-right?" I asked, beginning to breath heavily.
Kory's arm reached out of the camera's view, and came back with a shattered camera, and two broken mic's.
I felt my stomach drop, before shrieking.
"Ella calm down! We'll look for him right now." Kory stood up, and began to turn around, when he jumped back in an alarmed way.
Four armed men stood right in front of him.
"You are supposed to be watching the monitor." He whispered.
"I-I'm sorry, I was but then this happened and- we have to find him right now Kory! What if he's hurt, or worse- dead! I- I can't-"
"Ella!" He shouted, "I can't exactly look for him right now!" The men made weird faces at him. Obviously they were too stupid to realize he was talking into a mic.
"But I- I can't. I don't know what to think!" I started to break down in tears again. I couldn't think straight. What if they hurt him! What if they KILL him?
"Ella! I need you to focus right now. Help us get past these guys, and then we can go look for Will, ok?" He proposed.
I didn't reply at first, "Ok?" He asked, re-confirming it.
I shook my head with a small 'mhm'.
"Britain, go help Kory out." I demanded, wiping the tears off my face.
"I'm way of head of you." He said, before jumping down into the view of Kory's camera.
Britain hit two men in the face with the butt of his gun. Kory grabbed his sniper quickly, before pulling the trigger, and sending a bullet into one of the men's left thigh. The guy fell over screaming like a little baby.
"What's going on up there?" All the men downstairs looked up to see what was happening.
"Sound the alarms! Don't let them get away!" One yelled.
Eventually, a whole bunch of them began to run around like crazy, grabbing guns, knives and whatever they could find.
Kory shoved the fourth man off the railing. I watched as he fell two stories down.
Thank god I won't see him land....
"We have to get out of here." Kory yelled. Britain nodded, and they began to run out the way they came.
"What! You said you'd look for Will! We have to find him, he could be in trouble!" I felt more tears forming.
"Ella, If I went looking for him, everybody would end up dead. I'm sorry, ok, but it's not worth it right now. We'll come back for him later."
My world turned upside down at those words. I ripped my mic off before breaking down into tears.
What If he dies because I couldn't get to him fast enough? I could never live with myself. It would be my fault. All my fault. And then I would be left here to live a life full of guilt and misery.
I kicked, I screamed, I cried.
I was in so much pain.
Maybe too much pain.
Will could be dead.
Please read!!!
Ok guys.
So, Will and Ella are obviously not in a good spot right now. Who knows, they might not even be able to recover.
But is recovering their relationship even a choice anymore? Will might be dead!!!
In this chapter you saw different sides of Ella. One that made her seem really bitchy, one that made her look like and over dramatic girl, and one that showed her love for the guy who broke her heart.
Which side did you like the most, and how do you feel about this chapter!!
Please leave your answers in the comments. I love hearing from you guys!
Stay tuned for chapter ten!
Hint: Ella gets into a heated argument with someone.....
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