I stopped Levin as he approached the door. "How are you feeling?" I asked the small boy.
His face was pale and had bags under his eyes. He didn't look too well. "I'm fine." Levin said with a slightly hoarse. I frowned slightly and got down to Levin's level of height. I pressed my forehead to his and my frowned deepened.
"Nope, you still have a fever. You go get back in your jammies and go back to sleep." I said as I gave Levin a slight nudge back towards his room.
"Whaaat!? Levin gets to stay? I wanna stay too!" Malachi whined.
I stood back up off the ground and patted Malachi's brown hair. "You need to go to school Malachi."
"But I'm sick too!" Malachi lied.
"Really? Weeell, I guess I'll have to take you to the doctors."
"What....why?" Malachi asked in a weary voice.
"Why? To get a shot of course. You're sick aren't you?"
Malachi's eyes widened a he shook his head quickly, "No no! I am okay now! I'm not sick at all!"
I smirked and put on my shoes. Levin stayed home as I took Malachi to school. I was worried about him being in the house alone, what if someone decided to break in?...I bit my lip and parked in the parking lot of the school.
"Be good now Malachi." I said with a smile.
He gave a quick smile before getting out of my car and ran to the playground. I followed shortly after.
"Hello Ms. Kiki." I said as I walked up to the red haired lady.
"(Y/N)! Great to see you again. What did you need?" She asked adding a little 'kikik' at the end.
"Actually, Levin is sick so he was going to be staying home with me." I asked.
Kiki gave a curt nod, "Oh no! Little Levin is sick? Well, I hope he gets better."
We finished our conversation and I went back to Aaron's apartment. I unlocked the apartment door and as soon as I opened the door, Levin was clinging to me.
"L-Levin? What's wrong?" I asked as I picked him up.
Levin was shaking as he buried his head into my shoulder, "I thought you weren't coming back."
My heart was pained at his words. "Why would I just leave you all alone like this? Of course I'm coming back."
Levin looked me in the eyes, "Really? You promise?" He asked.
I nodded, "Yes, I promise. I will never leave you alone as long as you need me."
Levin smiled and the tears in his eyes disappeared and he hugged my once more. I went inside, Levin still in my arms and slipped off my shoes. I went and sat down on the couch and pressed my palm against Levin's forehead. He still has a fever but not as bad as last night. He clung to me until he fell asleep. Levin had the shoulder of my shirt mostly bunched up in his fist and was hanging on for dear life.
He was scared to be alone so much to make him cry....I held Levin tighter in my arms and realization came to me..They need a mother, one that will be home when they wake up until they go to bed, that's what they're missing in their life. I'm just a babysitter...one that's easily replaceable..
"What's that supposed to mean?" A familiar voice spoke behind me.
I jumped and turned to look at the tall figure. "Aaron? What are you doing home?"
"I got off early because Kiki called and said Levin was home sick. I thought he'd be over his fever today but I guess not...anyway! What do you mean you're easily replaceable?" A small frown formed on his lips.
"What?....Can you read my thoughts?"
Aaron shook his head, "No, you were thinking out loud."
I bit my lip and stood up, Levin still asleep in my arms. "Well, it's true isn't it? Heh, when you get a wife I'll need to leave...which really doesn't bother me."
That was a lie...my heart hurt so much just saying these words. Ugg shut up dummy just quit talking!
"It bothers me...I don't think we'd be able to return to our normal life if you weren't here...You being here feels so natural." Aaron said with a warming voice.
My heart skipped a beat at his words, I looked to the ground speechless. "Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"It's fine...I'm not trying to pressure you into staying. I'm just trying to say that we really enjoy your company and it would be lonely without you here."
I looked to Aaron again and smiled, a small laugh escaping my lips, "I'm glad I became someone important in your guys' life."
Aaron smiled back and approached me, "I'm glad too."
I handed Levin over to Aaron and Aaron brought him to his room. I then started to clean. It got somewhat messy in here the past few days due to Aaron being too busy with work. I gathered up the files on the coffee table and went into Aaron's office, putting them away.
"(Y/N), tomorrow when the kids are at school I want to take you to lunch. As thanks." Aaron said as he came into the office.
"What? Aaron, you gave me $40,000...that's enough thanks and anyways, won't you at least take some of the money back?"
Aaron sighed slightly, "Fine, I'll take a few hundred back."
I groaned, there is no way to compromise with this man. I pouted slightly, "I give up...."
I dropped the subject and Aaron spoke again, "So, about lunch. Tomorrow I have half the day off so would you join me?"
This...almost sounds like- no! It's just two friends going to get lunch! "I'm not sure I'm allowed to refuse. BUT, only if Levin is better by then." I said with a smile.
We both smiled and Aaron helped me clean the office up a bit more. I was looking forward to being able to go out to lunch with Aaron, hopefully Levin will be better by then.
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